Monday, April 30, 2012

I say Thank you

Thank you, Thank you, Thank You to everyone who purchased my book of sketches! I'm overwhelmed by your emails and comments and so thrilled you love it as much as i do! Would you believe me if i said over 400 copies have been sold.. ( including printed and digital versions)

Yes, I will be working on volume 2 and will have a questionnaire sent out to people who have made a purchase from me -- hopefully October will be my release date! YOUPEEEE!!!!

That being said -- I just got another delivery of books!!!

Let's do a giveaway!
Leave a Comment at the bottom of this post
and you might be the lucky winner of a Printed Copy!
Deadline is Wednesday Night at 10pm (May 2)
(if your name is selected and you bought a copy -- I will REFUND you!)

Here is a sample of a sketch currently in the book;

This is a layout created by Jocelyne who purchased my sketchbook back in March! She's done several pages using the sketches included and shared this one with me last weekend ;-) Thank you Jocelyne! xx You can visit Jocelyne's Blog here --

You can order the digital version --- HEREfor your iphone, ipad, ipod and also Nook for 8.95$

Thank you soooo much everyone for your continued support!
Thank you !!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012


yup, that's not about me for sure ! Especially this morning ;-))

Last night i created a page using Creative Scrappers Sketch 205 and new Amy Tangerine papers I got a few weeks ago. I love love love the bright bold colors, and fun patterns.

I chose this title ---- I'm Sexy and I know it ---- cause all day yesterday I kept signing this song ---- so i thought why not create a page with that title... and this picture of my niece was perfect! I had to steal it from her facebook page but i'm sure she's ok with that ;-))

and if you don't know what song i'm referring to
... here is a video for you!

Have a great day!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Cookie? Yes Please

Good Morning!

i'm happy to share another layout with you today ;-) This is layout 2 that I completed over the weekend. I am really in love with this paper collection from Simple Stories - it's called FABULOUS and for a reason -- it is!

Look at these fabulous stickers? Yup I actually used 2 of these. I have some left and a few scraps so for sure I'll have another page coming. It's one collection that I could use over and over again. For me, that's RARE!

this is my layout... of my niece enjoying a cookie on the front steps last summer. She's just too cute and often times does enjoy having her picture taken ;-) I called it Cookie! Sweet as a Sugar Cookie !!

So, i was scrappin with the girls over the weekend and Stephanie clearly pointed out that when i'm done with a layout - and have added my title... I SING MY TITLE! Too funny, but it's TRUE! When i've added all my little details, finishing touches and thickers stuck to my page .... i'll sing --- Sweet as a Sugar Cookie ------ She was Sweeeeeet as a Sugar Cookie! oh My... too funny ;-) Thanks Stephanie for pointing that out !

That's about it for today - i am currently working on a travel mini with Amy Tangerine goodies - hopefully i'll be able to share soon ;-)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Snap Shots

After a few days of attending a Crop & Create Event in Moncton NB, I am finally getting some energy! Why is it that scrapbook crops make me so tired... like drained -- probably all the laughing? the scrapbooking? the chatting?! Dunno, but man it's like a 2 day hang over after such weekend ;-)) worth every minute!

I'll have more details on that when I get pictures emailed to me from a certainly someone in St. George NB! Yup.... Giggles.. hurry up! ;-)

In the mean time I will share 1 of 2 pages I completed on the weekend. This layout was for a sketch challenge - sketch designed by Becky Fleck / Page Maps

The theme of the contest is “Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something COOL” and your entry should feature a product or technique from each of those four categories. you can read more about our CC challenges HERE!

My Something old is my Glimmer Mist, My something new is the Paper Collection from jillibean Soup, Something borrowed is my twine and cardstock and my Cool is the little MLBOW ladybug Pin!

What a Blast!
I can't wait to share some pics with you... this is one of them

Talk soon!

Monday, April 23, 2012

CS Sketch 205

Creative Scrappers Sketch 205 is revealed! The sketch was created by me!
I hope you have a chance to play this week! I think I might get out some new papers, cut up some corrugated stars and get at it today... ;-)

If you complete a page using this sketch, don't forget to share it with us at!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Page Kits Revealed

Hello Readers!

It's Sunday, the day after an amazing weekend in Moncton NB for Crop & Create. I am tired, yet still full of energy for scrapbooking and organizing my supplies.
Last friday i mentioned that i had page kits for sale at LCOM, I am pretty sure the kits sold out so I can now post my pages for you - a total of 5 pages were created .. using lilybee designs and also Cosmo Cricket.

here they are!


I pretty much just used paper to create these layouts a few pieces of twine, and some embellies i had at home. Visit LCOM to find what you need !

Creating these pages made me thing about creating page kits regularly ... if you love my layouts and might be interested in page kits on a monthly ... no membership ... basis email me! I'd love your feedback ;-) (

That's all i have to post for today, i promise i will return with a few pics from this past weekend!
I really had the time of my life... and glad i was able to share it with so many great gals!

Talk soon!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Crop for a Cause

Relax, create, and be pampered !

15 hours of scrapbooking: Friday 5pm - midnight, Saturday 9 - 5
May 25 at 5:00pm until May 26 at 5:00pm
Kings Valley Church Conference Center,
332 Hampton Road, Quispamsis
, NB

Delicious snacks and pizza on Friday night
Continental breakfast and yummy lunch on Saturday
Gifts, Prizes, Contests, Demo’s, Make n’Takes, and more
Let’s Capture Our Memories, Stampin Up and Close to My Heart onsite

Cost: $50
Proceeds go to the Saint John Youth House

Thursday, April 19, 2012


It's time for me to pack up my scrap supplies, get some new pictures printed and get ready for an awesome weekend with some scrappy chicks! It's CROP & CREATE Time!! Oh My goodness when this was first announced last year that CC was coming to New Brunswick I was so excited. The time is here!!! Joining the crew will be Jill from jillibean, Vicky Boutin, Leica Forrest, Beth from Xyron, Kathy Thompson, Kimber McGray, and Kelly Goree! Isn't that an awesome line up!
Want more info ... it's not too late to sign up ;-))


I was lucky enough to create 2 page kits for Let's Capture Our Memories
I played with some Cosmo Cricket and some Lilybee Design Papers
Here are a few sneak peeks of my layouts...
I didn't use anything fancy, just paper, diecut stickers, and twine!

if you are interested in the page kits, you can visit LCOM at the marketplace!

Time to go finish packing!
I'm a little excited, hopefully i don't get a speeding ticket tomorrow afternoon!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Yup! I've been inspired since the arrival of our new dining room table! Can you imagine .. i have a nice workplace with all my scrappy stuff within arms reach but I prefer to lug my stuff to the kitchen table and scrap!? The lighting is sooo much better, and I can watch tv and interact with Hubby while he's watching TV! Since last week i've completed quite a few pages.. which i am really happy about!

I have 5 layouts that I can't showcase yet -- they are for a Page kit for Let's Capture Our Memories that will be available for sale the Crop & Create in Moncton!

This is one of hubby and I that i finished last Friday Night ... a little late on the valentine theme but it's better late than never!

I was lucky enough to fly to Nova Scotia last weekend to visit my dear friend Stephanie. We had a great time shopping around on Saturday and Scrapbooking all night Sat and Sunday! I love visiting her and so enjoy the Kitty Kats. I think I have a secret crush on her little Gabe.. he's really too cute! He looks like a kitty that should be wearing a ripped jean jacket or a leather jacket you know !! heee!!!

i finished 3 layouts on the weekend
-- I'm really enjoying the latest Echo Park Collections and Simple Stories ;-)

Thanks for peeking! I hope you have a fabulous week and are able to enjoy a few hours of Scrappy Time! ;-)

Saturday, April 07, 2012

My Favorite Munchkin

Remember yesterday I told you I felt Inspired!? Yes this is the layout I created on Thursday Night.. Love this collection by Echo Park - This & That Charming. Love the Colors and they were just perfect for this layout of my little furry friend Eddie.

The journaling says :
My Little Munchkin Poo
I have so many names for you
no matter what i call you
know that you are loved!

isn't that cute LOL.... he's such a good poser!
Thanks for dropping by!

Friday, April 06, 2012

She Art Canvas x 2

Hello Blog Readers!

I've been busy the past few days getting my Craft On! We purchased a new dining rooLinkm table 2 nights ago and I haven't left my chair!! Seriously. I've created 2 canvas and a layout and for me that's huge!

I was inspired by Christy's CHA Video creating a She Art Canvas ...
CliCK Here to Watch it at ---

Ep. 733 – Christy Tomlinson shows us her process for Making her Art!

Once I saw this video I immediately grabbed my Pink Paislee She Art goodies and created!

This first canvas (measuring 10x10) took me about 2 hours or less. I loved it! I loved the rubons, the diecuts, and wowie i made a mess but sooooo liberating!

I was so inspired I want to create a set of 4 canvas' to display in my scrap room. Stay Tuned for more next week!

The next day I wanted to make more .... I just loved my first one so i wanted to try another style, and other papers.... wasn't so giddyup on the thought of creating my own but it turned out ok. I used this funky embossed paper and it didn;t settle well on Modge Podge, but i love the My Little Shoebox papers I used ( Thanks to ZoZo!)

This canvas is 11x14 - a bit larger, I tried to create some form of grass and sky ... um ya that didn't work so well but it still turned out ok. These are really so much fun.. if you haven't tried this yet ---- you should!

Want some ideas on how to create She Girls or Mixed Media canvas' .. visit Christy's Blog for more info and check out her demos! Love that she does videos to showcase her techniques and products ;-)

Thanks for dropping by!
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