Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sketch 62 Reveal

It's Reveal day today!
OH my.. i had such a busy week at work and I created this page yesterday morning. I am so not a morning scrapper, but i must admit the page was fun to create. I am addicted to my Edge Distresser ... from Close To My Heart. It's Fabulous and so easy to use ... A must have!!!

This picture is a self portrait of Hubby and I goofing around with the camera. I told him I needed a few New pics and this is one of them.
The papers I used were from the new Basic Grey Lemonade Collection. Great colors and so fun to use...

CLICK HERE TO View our DT Reveal and feel free to use our sketch for your next layout!
We are having a 2 hour AD Challenge on Tuesday .... hope you can come play with us!

Have a Scrappy Sunday!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mon Scrapbook GDT

WOOHOOO!!! i have some exciting news to share.
Caroline and Melanie from Mon Scrapbook emailed me last week and invited me to be a guest on their site for the month of August ... Of course I didn't deny! :-)

I got my yummy kit yesterday filled with My Little Shoebox papers in vibrant orange colors. I'll have a picture of the kit for you when it's posted on the site. I can't wait to play... i'll for sure need a few pics to scrap with these yummy papers. If you are interested in scrappin some pages with me using the same kit ... this kit will be avail in August for you.

I also couldn't help myself and i ordered some YUMMY ... yes YUMMY papers from their online store .. a new collection from Sultane ( A French Based Co. )and also this yummy collection, i love the clouds! These will be fun Eddie papers ... maybe!

Aren't these awesome!? I like different.. and these are for sure gonna send me in Scrap Mode!
You can check our the papers in the Mon Scrapbook Store.
They also have an amazing blog ... If you are looking for some inspriation or ideas for your pages - you should add yourself as a follower. I check out their blog daily and it seems that every day i get something new for a technique or idea..

So, I thank Caroline and Melanie for inviting me to be a guest and guess what??! They are gonna be Sponsors for Creative Scrappers next month too!! WOOOHOOOO.. complete your layouts using our sketches for August and you could win a 25$ gift card to the store.

That's all for tonight, I am working and realllllly wish I was home scrappin!
Chow for Now!

Friday, July 17, 2009


what a busy week, oh my! This working 40 hours a week is really hard on my scrap time! HAHA!

Well, no scrappy news for me this week other than
- i'm searching for a few guest designers for Creative Scrappers
- and enjoying seeing everyones mini albums! Have you visited my new blog / site ?
it's quite fun actually.. if you enjoy scrappin and mini albums then there's a new blog for you to follow- .. come visit!

In other news,
- It's been 2 weeks since i've gone to weight watchers.... i kind of let myself go...
the ice cream and Coronas have been too good ... but I am going back this tuesday ... yup
i have to!!

Are you watching BIG BROTHER??!!
Hubby and I love watching this ... for some reason we don't miss an episode and we watch every season... ( we missed s8 ) but we saw all others. This year a few of them are driving me crazy.. JESSY .. grrrr.. RUSSELL .. grrrrr .... i can't wait to see those boys OUT! ...

also watching SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE! Oh ... i really am enjoying this season. These guys and gals can DANCE! ... I like them all really and every week it's sad to see someone go home. If you aren't watching ... you should watch alteast 1 episode... you;ll enjoy!
Hubby even said he'd take me to a show when they are on tour in the fall ! WOOP WOOP!

I got some scrappy goodies this week.... new October Afternoon - Road Trip / some Basic Grey Lemonade .. YUMMY ... and the My Little Yellow Bicycle Traveller Collection... these are all amazing and I can't wait to play. Hopefully Sat night... ?? maybe ?? just a bit ... it's raining and foggy here on the coast so it probably won't be sunny until Monday .. hopefully we get some HEAT soon cause right now I have SOCKS and a long sleeve shirt and pants on! It's JULY!

have you seen the new CHA scrap releases ?? oh ... i am so in love with the new Cosmo Cricket

and patiently waiting for October Afternoon, Basic Grey and ..... Lilybee Designs...
to view pics of all the new CHA releases visit

well... i must head to bed, I work at 7am tomorrow morning LMAO! That will be funny... yup i'll have my baseball hat on and half my eyes closed... certainly a day in sweat pants!

hopefully i'll have a few layouts / mini to share with you next week!
Have a fabulous weekend


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Grown up Girl & In Love!

It's Sunday! That means I have a reveal for you !!!
This is a layout I did of my friend Stephie ... I used October Afternoon Cherry Hill papers, and a sketch by Allison Cope. ( Sketch 60) at Creative Scrappers.

(In Love)

I also finished a layout for the Creative Scrappers Layout Kits ... this was using Jenni Bowlin papers. So fun to play with! The papers are a bit flimsy but fantastic for distressing and easy to match. I didn't use any special embellies or bling etc... just papers. I cut out a flower and added a few pieces to make it more dimensional, so easy and i think it turned out pretty cute!

(Grown Up Girl)

It's a rainy Sunday here today... so I am off to play with paper and glue dots!
Chow for Now!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

NOT a Purple Lover!

Alright, I know most scrapbookers love color.. really any color right? Well I must admit i don't! I don't like PURPLE!!! For some reason, it just doesn't do it for me.

I had this beautiful picture of my sister just waiting to be scrapped (again!), and I had a few papers from Rose Moka and these Petaloo flowers that I wanted to use .. and well I started creating a layout and ... i just don't know what it was ... but i think it was the purple!

I am not one to scrap with bling flourishes, and i did enjoy them on this page.. i cut them up in 3 pieces and used them with the flower leaves.. i like that part!

( i can tell people don't really like it cause i only got a few comments at! hahahah!!! ) so i guess i am not the only one who Doesn't Like Purple! What is it about this color? is it because it's a mix between pink and blue ? or is it because we don't see enough of it?

the question today is .. Do yOu LIkE PUrPle?! ( see my poll above!)


Sunday, July 05, 2009


Today, yes Today is my last day of Vacation ... Sigh. I had such a fabulous week scrappin and just playing online. I did nothing really .... like seriously nothing! I did laundry, dishes, went to a crop, scrapbooked, .... scrapbooked .... and watched So You Think You Can Dance! That's pretty much it. It rained for atleast 5 days .. with fog and cold damp weather. So Monday I am back to work. Am I looking forward to it .. um NO! Really I would love to work from home.. someday maybe!

I played with some Lilybee Papers last night. The photo is of my niece again, and I have no problems finding a title for this one!


I am so enjoying my edge distresser lately. I think every page I've created in the last few weeks has some distressing and circle flowers ... I promise to try something new... soon! HAHAH! I also sprayed some Green Maya Mist on this entire page and used my pop dots for the flowers. I like!

Our Sketch 59 is posted this morning at Creative Scrappers - it's a simple sketch by Me!
Will you try it?

That's All for this morning!
Looks like the sun wants to make an appearance.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

a New Site...

Something New for inspiration!

Creative Mini Albums

If you love mini albums or would like to have a possibility of yours being posted on our blog ... email me!

Hope you'll join us!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

My Favorite Magazine!

I am certainly one to collect any type of Scrapbooking Magazine, for some reason I love them! Over time I have been a frequent buyer of Creating Keepsakes, Simple Scrapbooks, Scrapbook Etc, and Scrapbook Trends - add a few other single issues here and there. BUT ... over the past few months I haven't been purchasing as much of the US publications cause I felt a little ... non inspired with them. I browsed online to see what other magazines were available out there, and BINGO! I found a magazine that I am in TOTAL love with!!!

Histoires de Pages offers me something DIFFERENT. Published in France, tons of ideas, different pages with a style I am so in love with.. a FREESTYLE, or a KAWAII style maybe as Vanessa Colant would say. It has beautiful sketches, mini albums, fabulous pages and so much more. The magazine cost about 20$ CAD once it's shipped from France.

that's your inspiration for today!
I have a mini album finished with OA papers just waiting to be posted ....

HAPPY CANADA DAY! We are off to visit family today for a picnic and pictures!

Scraps of Deb!

.. oh my... Deb is so nice to me! She lets me scrapbook photos of her children and lets me decorate her blog! I had fun today playing with colors and redecorating for her ... i got an email from her saying she likes it!!! that's a bonus :-)

take a peek!

you can visit her entire blog decor at

I really like it's simplicity and Summer Flowers
-- Thanks DEB for letting me play! --
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