what a busy week, oh my! This working 40 hours a week is really hard on my scrap time! HAHA!
Well, no scrappy news for me this week other than
- i'm searching for a few guest designers for Creative Scrappers
- and enjoying seeing everyones mini albums! Have you visited my new blog / site ?
it's quite fun actually.. if you enjoy scrappin and mini albums then there's a new blog for you to follow-
www.CreativeMiniAlbums.blogspot.com .. come visit!
In other news,
- It's been 2 weeks since i've gone to weight watchers.... i kind of let myself go...
the ice cream and Coronas have been too good ... but I am going back this tuesday ... yup
i have to!!
Are you watching
BIG BROTHER??!! Hubby and I love watching this ... for some reason we don't miss an episode and we watch every season... ( we missed s8 ) but we saw all others. This year a few of them are driving me crazy.. JESSY .. grrrr.. RUSSELL .. grrrrr .... i can't wait to see those boys OUT! ...
also watching
SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE! Oh ... i really am enjoying this season. These guys and gals can DANCE! ... I like them all really and every week it's sad to see someone go home. If you aren't watching ... you should watch alteast 1 episode... you;ll enjoy!
Hubby even said he'd take me to a show when they are on tour in the fall ! WOOP WOOP!
I got some scrappy goodies this week.... new October Afternoon - Road Trip / some Basic Grey Lemonade .. YUMMY ... and the My Little Yellow Bicycle Traveller Collection... these are all amazing and I can't wait to play. Hopefully Sat night... ?? maybe ?? just a bit ... it's raining and foggy here on the coast so it probably won't be sunny until Monday .. hopefully we get some HEAT soon cause right now I have SOCKS and a long sleeve shirt and pants on! It's JULY!
have you seen the new CHA scrap releases ?? oh ... i am so in love with the new
Cosmo Cricket

and patiently waiting for October Afternoon, Basic Grey and ..... Lilybee Designs...
to view pics of all the new CHA releases visit
www.thescrapreview.comwell... i must head to bed, I work at 7am tomorrow morning LMAO! That will be funny... yup i'll have my baseball hat on and half my eyes closed... certainly a day in sweat pants!
hopefully i'll have a few layouts / mini to share with you next week!
Have a fabulous weekend