Monday, December 31, 2007
New Years Eve
What a year this has been ...
a new wonderful little niece,
a broken window in the kitchen,
major weight gain,
car trouble,
my grand mother passing away,
my love for the hammock this summer,
sharing a beach day with Marissa
a New camera
Paws being published
and many more .....
overall it's been a good year. I can't say a great year, but it's been good. I hope to make 2008 a better year... a Year of
Weight Loss
No major car trouble
More time in the garden
More cooking for my husband
scrapbooking me and my life
and of course a bit more...
health and happiness for me and my family
have you made new years resolutions?
Steve and i have no major plans for tonight. We were invited to a few socials, but have decided to stay home, shovel the ton of snow we got today, and watch movies together with a nice plate of nachos.
I have set up 2 challenges on the Paws Bulletin Board tonight, if you are bored come and participate! It only needs to be done by tomorrow night... the challenges will be posted at 7pm AST ( 6pm EST)
I wish everyone a SAFE New Years Eve!
Please Don't Drink and Drive!
{{ Hugs to you ! }}
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Saturday ... Saturday!
Well a lovely snow storm here today... messy in the morning then rain in the afternoon. It really made the roads nasty for driving. Slippery in some spots too. My parents .. god love them .. drove home today ... usually 3 hours north.. yup.. took them 5 hours !!!! Yuck.. I can imagine how frustrated my dad was. Alteast they got home safely and probably went for a good nap after getting home!
My mom cooked a wonderful turkey last night and today I boiled the left over bones to get some chicken broth and made a TURKEY STEW! you would be so proud mom.. Steve Loved it! WOOHOOO 1 point for me!
I think that's the first time I cook him a Turkey Stew! and it was soooo easy !
Tomorrow we have Turkey Dinner number 3 at the inlaws. I can never get tired of mashed potatoes and stuffing !!!
SO... YUP... today my wonderful husband contacted FUTURE SHOP and spoke to the manager... and guess what ?!?!?! WE GOT OUR CAMERA! Not the one we were going to buy .. but we got an upgrade to a CANON REBEL XTI 10megapixels... the one that i dreamed of for the same price of 399$ WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That's a savings of about 500 bucks.. or so! Imagine .... so some good things do happend. It was pretty bad in the beginning of December but it turned out to be pretty good. Now If i could just win a new car ..... and visit my nieces I would be in heaven!
I am trying to organize a full day of photos with Kathy Thompson Laffoley.... learning a few tips and tricks - even learning a bit of photoshop elements.... We have to finalize a few details but this should be a great day! I have about 7-8 names right now and would love to get a few more.. you don't have to confirm .. simply let me know if you are interested in learning Photography for Scrapbookers!
you can email me directly ... no date or time has been set, this is to show interest only if you are in the Southern New Brunswick area.
you can visit Kathy's blog and amazing pics by clicking here!
talk to you soon! I am off to scrapbook!!!
Friday, December 28, 2007
thoughts for today...
It's Friday Night, after another crazy day of shopping, I am sitting at my computer in my new " PINK FLEECE " jammies!!!
Yesterday my parents arrived for a short visit with me and of course to hand out gifts. They've always been generous this time of year.
I got some awesome pink jammies, sweet smelling Bath and Body works lotions, a fleece blanket, gift cards ... and more... It was a good night and a great day shopping with my mom. Dad went to see a movie, and we had a good spagetti dinner.
Today, we of course went shopping again.... but not so pleasant! Did I Forget to tell you Steve and I were at Future Shop at 4am ? Yes, Dec 27th ... 4am outside waiting for the doors to open at Future Shop... We stood in line for about 2hours, I really wanted that camera. So when we got in, they told me ..... sorry we don't have them here yet... BLAH! What ???? me freezing my butt off and you don't have these cameras in yet? They are supposedly on some delivery truck in transit !!!! ya... exactly what i said WTH! ... so I have been going back to see what the deal is and NOONE can give me a straight answer. I feel like I am being given the run around... they keep telling me ... no not here yet but we will call you when it arrives. Well it was on sale yesterday ... intransit for delivery and noone has tracking info? mmmm.. I just want the dam camera!!! well today, I still don't have my CAMERA!!!!!!!!! And I am getting impatient with this whole FUTURE SHOP thing! I wouldn't fuss If I didn't stand in line for 2 hours, but I DID!!!! It's on a delivery truck... again today.. and some invoice stated 19 arrived, but none came off the truck!! Does that make sense? Anyway, I hope this situation is resolved soon... un needed stress!!
I got a hair cut today... yes after a few months I decided it was time!!! I usually get a haircut every 6 weeks, but since my hair dresser has retired, it's been hard! Today, I went... and I don't like it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's a lot shorter than what i anticipated.... and cut straight. If anyone with blonde hair or dirty blonde hair knows, when you get a hair cut it cannot be cut with straight scissors.. alteast mine can't. So It looks like a 4 year old attacked the sides of my head! LOL.... oh well.... nothing LOTS of hairspray can't hide, and hopefully they grow fast!!
Mom cooked a delicious turkey dinner for us today. Steve was working so it was a meal specially made for me. YUM YUM! I love my mom's cooking. I didn't have the lemon square for desert but it was still a fantastic meal. Tons of left overs and another Turkey Dinner on Sunday! I think I will be turkey'd out by the new year!
All is well,
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Boxing Day
We enjoyed a turkey dinner last night at the in laws. It was very yummy! It makes it even better when I don't have to cook or do dishes!
Today, i also did a few layouts ... of course!
Can't be a day without a layout right?
I am currently enjoying a nice cup of Apple Cider. That seems to be my favorite drink this winter. Heated in the microwave for 2 min, sip and enjoy! Steve and I are actually getting up at 4am to go stand in line at FutureShop for the Boxing Day sale! Imagine... me in line at 4am! I am really wanting to get a new camera... the Canon is on sale and reduced by 250$ So that's a sale i don't want to miss!
This is the camera...
Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT 8.0MP SLR Digital Camera
Wish me luck, cause i don't want to be standing in line for nothing!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas !
We went to my in laws last night. It was a good time. The ladies did some drinking of wine.... and a good hour of chatting about life. We had some great conversation and really good wine!
The kids were excited about santa coming and of course I took some pictures.
I was unable to spend time with Marissa and Megan this Christmas but will certainly see them soon.
I did these 2 layouts for Sabrina and Gillian for Christmas ...
Have a great day and don't eat too much Turkey!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
A little kid again
2 more sleeps and it's christmas day. I can just imagine how the little ones are excited!
Remember those great christmas mornings waking up at 3am to see what santa had for us?
I remember one Christmas waking up early, probably 4am or so... and tip toeing to the living room to see what Santa had brought us. Then waking up my sister to let her know Santa was here... yelling Santa was here! I miss those Christms mornings... why can't Santa come to our house anymore? I really was a good girl this year. Could he not leave me something like a new camera, or new garden tools? Why doesn't santa come by my house? Those were The good old days!
The only thing i think i am looking forward to this Christmas is the Sale at Future shop after boxing day !!! Maybe if i am there early enough... I can get that Camera!!!
Why couldn't I be a little kid again, for just one day!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Negative and Positive!
I feel aweful today. My head is spinning and I feel like I am about to fall of the face of the earth! A headache happening, and I have ZITS like I am 13 years old!!!!! What's up with that!?
I don't even know where to start with today's blog... So I might as well just jump right in! I will try to make this positive ... with a few negatives hidden in here and there LOL!!!
We had our snowblower serviced last week because the wheels weren't turning to grab the snow, so the guys came to pick it up - changed a belt, oil change etc... and said there you go it's fixed! Thank you very much after 264.00$. So last night Steve tested it .... and STILL NOT working! Still not turning ... and still not moving any snow! So... we called the guys to come get it again, and hopefully this won't cost us a fortune to get fixed. This snowblower is older than I am... ! Yes, it's an older one maybe 20 years old actually. But it's a great little snowblower... built to last and putting a few dollars in it is really no big issue.... but 264$ and it's not working.. mmmmmm.....
one a positive... the tires my dad sold to us... for 100 bucks that did not fit our car.. yes did they did not fit... next time... Daddy sweetheart - we will check the size to make sure it fits!!! We sold the 4 tires. We got 280$ for them... so that pays for the snowblower repairs.. a good thing.
Steve's dad got a call this morning while having his breakfast that surgery will be today... yes .... today! He's having an aneurysm removed from his abdomen. HOpefully things go well...
The car that we got fixed last week for 1500$ plus.. ya.. it needs something else!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.... I am assuming shocks... or struts... cause the noise coming from the trunk sounds like a big tool box in there!! that will be fixed a bit later... so in the mean time hopefully nobody needs a ride! LOL!!
I haven't mailed CHristmas Cards this year, so if you are on my nice list and you don't get one, please don't be mad! Our Tree is not up either. We do have a fig tree that has white lights and looks nice. OUr outside lights are on and they look good as well. I guess "I" just don't have that Christmas Glow this year. A bit in the dumps actually. HOpefully next year is a bit better for us... it's been a rough 2007.
Now for my acne! I thaught I was over that .... I even took medication for this when I was younger... and now I look like i am in my teen years again! HELP ME!!!!!
We have our men's night at Paws tonight.... I night out should help my mood a bit you think?!!
alright, enough of this crap! I am off to take some Migraine Advil and hope this headache goes away!!
thanks for listening!!!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The Weather man says:
Issued at 4:01 PM AST SUNDAY 16 DECEMBER 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
It's Friday!
I have about 50 handmade cards to do this weekend to complete a few Christmas gifts, and of course other projects...
We had 2 huge deer in the yard this morning. I tried to take a picture of them but they were behind our trees in the back yard. It would't have made a nice picture. Too Bad they didn't come closer. One of them was starring at Steve in the patio door. I think if we put some food out on our deck they would come up to say hi! Imagine that...
Hopefully I can get a bit of energy to do something today!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Sleepy Sunday!
I also slept in this Sunday morning. I was so tired for some reason. My head felt like I had 10 elves in there just running around causing havoc!!! So I slept on the couch a hour or so as Steve also took a nap. Looks like we were both exhausted from a hectic week.
Tonight I finished a scrapbook page of Steve and his funky hair ... remember those pics!? I love this layout.. it's him!!
My sister finally took some pictures of Marissa and Megan! YOUPEE! It was nice to see some pictures of them. They are growing up so fast. Little Megan has teeth in the front and little Miss Marissa is getting so tall. I miss them both very much. Unfortunately I don't get to see them very often, but I love them very much.
well, that's all for tonight!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Do Money Trees Exist?
Steve and I just had a great dinner of chinese food with some amazing Chicken balls -- mmm My favorite! Don't you just love great take out food? No cooking or cleaning the kitchen, no thinking about what ingredients to prepare... ? who am i kidding !?!?! I cook about once a week LOL~!! Steve actually does most of the cooking and well since it was my night to get supper ready ... it's TAKE OUT !! HA!!!Although he did enjoy it, and he suggested it.. so I am off the hook on this Sat night!
Well, we brought the car in for an estimate... actually 2 estimates.
The First one was on Thursday afternoon ... estimated cost to get fixed is 2100.00$ LOL.... and the second one was on Friday morning which ended up with a cost of 1440.00$ So Monday morning we bring our car in for 2 days of tender loving care to get fixed.
We have a list that needs to be done, and probably a bit more after the new year but for now, it's new brakes, new rotors and maybe a caliper replaced. Linkage in the front .. right and left, 2 holes in our floor that need to be fixed... right under the drivers side .. the size of about 3" x 3"
... um... new ball join and berrings i think on passenger side, and something else... can't think of it.. this doesnt even include new fuel filter, and diagnostic test for maybe another sensor.. this car has 289000 km and a FORD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUCKS UP ALL OUR SAVINGS! Maybe someday we can get something a little newer, but in the meantime it looks like we just keep fixing it.
This morning, the guys fixing our snowblower ( which we need ! ) gave us an estimate of 225-250$ to get repaired. It needs new belt, and something for the mechanism to turn.. with a tune up and oil change.
ALso, the new blizzak tires we got from my father don't fit our car! ToO BIG!
BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Happy Holidays!
It's a Homemade Christmas for us this year!
Keep it positive right? Am I suppose to be in a good mood after spending close to 2000$ on machinery!? When does it get better? When does Money Start falling out of trees? HOw does one save money when it keeps falling out of our pockets?
Anyhow, I'll just sit here an wait!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Car towed!
So i come upstairs and he says put your shoes on.... mmmm ok. I thought Deer were in our yard or our trees chewed or something. NOPE! Steve takes me to the car, and our back driver side is ........... LOW.... Our shocks or struts or something is .... not working! so.... steve calls a friend for a drive, and I call a tow truck.
So, tomorrow is the day the mechanics can look at our car and tell us how much it will cost to have the inspection done on our car. I am not looking forward to it! Could be scarry.... I am sure I will keep you posted!
So ... i change my mind about my Christmas Wish List. In case you want to get me something for the holidays... how about a Car.... doesn't have to be new... or maybe even a Car rental so we can drive up to my hometown safely and visit my family during the holidays! National Car Rental is about 250$ !!!! taxes included!!! LOL!
On a happy note, Steve wasn't in an accident and neither was I.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Let it snow!
I took this picture of our home last night...

This morning Steve and I were up at about 6am just to look outside! Well, Steve to shovel and me to look outside! The weather man says about 30cm or so which is pretty close to a foot of snow. Steve woke up early to use the snowblower but as he started it ... the front mechanism wouldn't turn. SO he had to shovel our entire driveway! YUCK! The driveway is about 150feet so you can imagine how much shoveling there is. It took him about 1 hour as he was motoring along quite well.
It was a nice day to stay inside for me today, getting in the winter mode. I did this layout of little Miss Marissa from last winter. I love the smile on her face! Hopefully her mother took some pictures of the girls in this snowy weather so i can scrapbook them!

This weather certainly gets you in the Christmas Mood! Let it snow!
I think as long as i don't have to shovel and there is NO ICE on the sidewalks i really don't mind winter!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Today's thoughts!
I created this layout last night of my nieces, I had fun with these autumn leaves stamps .. I am not a stamper but this was fun and easy to!
It's Called " Thankful " using Basic Grey paper and chipboard.

I was going to make a beef stew in the crockpot today, but realized I have no ingredients to do it with LOL!!! I need to get a few groceries and I think this will be tomorrow's super !
I have to teach a scrapbook class tonight ... my Barking Meow class. A 6x12 album dedicated to our Barking and Meow friends!
This should be a fun class, very simple and straight forward other than the binding, but we can work on that !
It's Oprah's Favorite things show today!!!! I love those. Although I would love to be part of the show... imagine sitting there and getting like oodles of new stuff! WOW!!! like winning the lottery.
Speaking of winning the lottery I have a Christmas Wish list! In case you ... yes you reading this may want to get me a Christmas Gift!! LOL
This is on my list this year ....
you can click here to purchase !!!
I would accept something of lesser value but similar!!!
then I could take a few Photography Classes and really ROCK my Scrapbook Layouts! .... Anyone... anyone interested in buying this for me? Please .... Pretty please !!!! ?
Well I listed a few of my scrapbook projects on ebay this morning. Only about 4 of them. Maybe you are interested? you can visit...
my sister's ebay store by clicking on the icon on the right.. Miss Marissa's Candle Shop....
Steve decided on Sunday to put up the Christmas Lights. He was very happy with the end result and has already turned on the timer for our lights! A little early for me, but he likes it.. so they are on !!!! I will have to take a pic and post a bit later. They are nice white lights and illuminate the home quite well.
I started reading Ali Edwards' new book... Life Artist last night. It is a good read. I enjoy the " real life " aspect of it. I think it's important to scrapbook those great moments ... but what about the not so nice side of life...? We all have skeletons and stories, some choose to hide them, and other choose to expose them. That would be a challenge wouldn't it? To Scrapbook the Not so nice moments ...... mmmm....
well, on that note..
Chow for now!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sunday Night
Ask me what I did today?! NOTHING!!!! I did a load of laundry and it's still in the dryer waiting for me! I know... must be nice. Well I did sweep the floor and make the bed! I went to bed really late last night and was a bit lazy today.
Yesterday was our Paws On Scrapbooking Crop. What a great time I had! Thanks for Janique I didn't have to work ... I scrapbooked! I sat and chatted with my fellow friends Cindy, Amanda and Tina... we laughed and scrapped all day! I got home at about 830pm and scrapbooked till about 130am ! Yikes... yes.. I finished a little Christmas Wish book ... I can't post it until probably after the holidays! It's a gift ... the recipient might be reading my blog, so I cannot post it! I used Junkitz chipboard and papers and it is SOOOOO cute!
Tonight I have to start my Acrylic Ornaments for Open Page so I must get to it... tons to do! And yes, watch last weeks episode of Desperate Housewives and tonights episode!
Time to Create so chow for now!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
A Little Inspiration
I have tons of projects to finish before tomorrow night and Saturday's Workshop... so no real time to play! Play on the internet that is!
I did manage to go get my " Funky Photo Shoot" pictures developed. I am anxious to use those in a scrapbook page. We are expecting boxes today from our wholesaler.... I am anxious to see what comes in for products and my goodie box for my Design Team work for Open Page Wholesalers due next.... ( swallow...) Thursday! So a busy weekend ahead, and tons to do! I can't wait!!!
Also, tonight is our Design Team Reveal for Paws on Scrapbooking. That should be fun. I am anxious to see what everyone has created this month! Layouts and Projects should be posted in our gallery later tonight!
So I am now off to watch my recorded America's Next Top Model show... have some lunch !
Today's Inspiration ... if you need it!
I found this on Elsie's blog last night... I love it! Rachel did this and it looks fabulous! Probably done with a simple sheet of chipboard covered with yummy Elsie Papers!
Chow for now!
A funky photo shoot!
So he went and got a pair of my sunglasses and of course ... a photo opportunity for me! this is our photo shoot... can't you see a scrapbook page or what?! I need to get these pics developped!
too funny! Do you like the hair?!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
It's Raining Again!
Today is a bit of a busy day .... it's newsletter day for me! That means a few hours spent preparing our Paws On Scrapbooking newsletter for delivery tomorrow morning ! I do enjoy it and altough it takes a few hours, i should get getting the hang of it shortly!
For my scrapbooking chores today I have 2 altered books i need to finish, take pictures of 2 other altered books ! I have 4 completed project kits for the store - for our fundraiser this Friday night, and also our crop on Saturday! I am also trying to do less classes at the store and more altered project kits instead. This makes it easier for me and I can do more projects. How fun!!!
Also, I wanted to share with you that last week I received an email from Open Page Wholesalers in Toronto asking me to design for them!!! How exciting!!! I should be getting my goodie box from them this week. I can't wait to see the products I get to play with! I don't have much time to do so, they are requesting completed projects for there trade show on Nov 22nd! Yikes, but I do work well under pressure so it's shouldn't be a problem!
Last night we chatting with Kathy Thompson on our bulletin boards, It was great! Now i really would love SANTA to bring me a new SLR Camera! That's on my wish list... maybe I could start saving my loonies! LOL!!!
that's it for now!
Talk to you again soon
Monday, November 12, 2007
Little Miss Megan
" Little Miss Cutie Cute "
Here she was just finished drinking her milk and relaxing in her high chair. She laughed at almost anything and smiles constantly! Here she was full and ready for a nap!
" Little You "
Lazy Days
I finished 2 scrapbook project kits for this weekend and made some shortbread cookies. I watched Celine Dion on Oprah and now I am getting a new Blogger Account! This is the third time I have tried to keep up with blogging, so hopefully this will be my last time registering!
I do enjoy reading everyone elses blogs, so maybe I can start taking care of mine!
Tonight at Paws On Scrapbooking we have a guest chat! Yes, with Kathy Thompson Laffoley! DT For Frances Meyer and Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine. I am very excited to welcome her to Paws and hope you can join in to chat with us! (
I am off to play with my blogger account, and chat with you again soon!