Yes, I went up North to visit my family this past weekend. What a quick visit that was.
So tough sometimes to visit 2 households and want to spend time with both my sister and kids as well as Mom and Dad. It was enjoyable seeing the girls, they are growing up so fast. I didn't even have time to snap a few pics of them... we were just so busy going all over the place.
Saturday we enjoyed a trip to a little butterfly farm. These butterflies were HUGE. One of them was probably about 8 inches long. I did take a couple of pics ...

here is Dad with a butterfly on his head..

Here is one of mom and Megan...

Megan enjoyed watching the butterflies move all over the room... Marissa on the other hand enjoyed the first 3 minutes and then realized they could land on her and wanted out!
Yes, i always nag my sister about the pony tails she does to her kids... poor Megan, I am sure at the age of 13 she will ask her mom why ... why 2 side ponies mom??!! hahah!!!
The room was so warm and caused my lens to fog up! I took about 10 pics and that was about it for the weekend... maybe next time I'll be able to take more.