Sunday, May 31, 2009

Creative Scrappers Reveal

It's our Creative Scrappers Reveal today!

A Fantastic Sketch by Lady Grace! Sketch 54 ...
I used the Bo Bunny Alyssa papers and pictures of my niece G.
It's for sure a simple page, and took me about 30 minutes to make ... but i do like it.Strike a Pose!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

10$ for YOU!

My wonderful hubby collects points from this online point system called
and he redeemed his points a few weeks ago to get me a 10$ gift card to Sears.
Unfortunatly the gift card they sent him is valid in the USA only. So to all my USA readers
this is an opportunity for you to get a FREE 10$ Sears Gift Card!

All you have to do is give me a link to something from the site
that YOU Would purchase for YOURSELF!

You have until June 5 to do so (Friday 10pm est)
After which I will select a winner!

Have fun Shopping!

If you want to sign up to
and get 250 BONUS points,
email me with your email address and i'll send you an invite!

Ice Cream, Any Flavour [anytime]

It's always nice to see a layout published in a magazine ! Especially mine! hahah!!! It doesn't happen very often, but when it does it's exciting!

This is published in the Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine ( Summer 2009 ) issue.
Page 31 in case you are searching for it!

This picture was taken the summer of 2007 ... it's Oreo ice cream which is one of my favorites!
The products i used for the layout are from Scenic Route.

thanks for letting me share!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ding, Ding. Weigh In!

It's Thursday so you know what that means!!!

Yes, I went in for weigh in today, and I am happy to announce that I am .2 from 10 pounds! Yes, I have lost another 3.2 pounds this week... i dont know how .. but i did ! I am down for a total of 9.8pounds. My 5% goal is 12 pounds so i am almost there! I am pretty happy about that actually. I have a lot more to go but this certainly is a step in the right direction.

Onto Scrappy Stuff...
I finished the June Kit for Creative Scrappers .. It's a sweet sheer album from Maya Road and some wonderful papers from Making Memories. This was a fun little mini album and great for those black and white pics..

I also started a new layout for our reveal on Sunday... so I DO have a bit of mojo happening! WOOPEEE!!!! ...

It's cloudy again today with a possiblity of rain... one positive about this crappy weather... the plants don't need watering! haa!!!

that's it for today... talk soon!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I've been Slack!

yes, I've been slack lately... no scrapbook pages, and a mini album waiting to be finished!
I have no urge to scrapbook, i have a pile of new photos waiting for me .. a few new papers but no mojo. It's summertime or alteast the calendar indicates it's close to summer time. The weather has been horrible on the weekends here in New Brunswick with only 8degrees celcius today .. that's freezing! That's like Winter!!! It's nice and warm during the work week but come Sundays it's freezing!!! I actually had a bit of heat on in the house today ... so not really feeling the mojo or urge to scrapbook.

What do you do when you are stuck in a rutt? or what do you do when you just don't feel like scrappin?! Share some ideas with me... cause i really need some!!!
and please don't tell me sketches ... i have one on my table waiting for me for next week's CS reveal!

I watched this movie last night.. it was cute. So many things were soooo true about this movie .. about how " he's Just Not That into you! " a great chick flick..

have a great week!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ding, Ding. Weigh In!

Another Week, Another Thursday and Another pound!
Yes, I went for Weigh In Today and I've lost another 1.2 pounds! WOOT WOOT!
What a week, I really didn't feel like i lost. I was away all weekend visiting family and really didn't eat enough fruit and veggies... i actually had a hot dog on Friday with no bread... and Sat, I had some of mom's yummy lazagna which was amazing.. i think I would of had 2 pieces on a regular day but yes, I had my " normal " piece with salad.

So, I am pretty happy about my 6.6 pounds lost so far in 4 weeks. Only 50 more to go!
Actually I am 1/2 way to my first goal of 5% weight loss.. so let's get a WOOT WOOT!!! hahah!!!

tks for all your support and reading about my weekly weigh ins! It's encouraging and keeps me on track. If i could just get going and walk before supper or on my lunch hour - i would be a step ahead of the game. .... soon .... real soon..

Happy Anniversary!

My parents are celebrating their anniversary today ... 38 years!
I consider them a wonderful example of what a marriage is about and thank them for
giving me a great example of what love is about!

Happy Anniversary!

Monday, May 18, 2009

A Quick Visit!

Yes, I went up North to visit my family this past weekend. What a quick visit that was.
So tough sometimes to visit 2 households and want to spend time with both my sister and kids as well as Mom and Dad. It was enjoyable seeing the girls, they are growing up so fast. I didn't even have time to snap a few pics of them... we were just so busy going all over the place.

Saturday we enjoyed a trip to a little butterfly farm. These butterflies were HUGE. One of them was probably about 8 inches long. I did take a couple of pics ...

here is Dad with a butterfly on his head..

Here is one of mom and Megan...

Megan enjoyed watching the butterflies move all over the room... Marissa on the other hand enjoyed the first 3 minutes and then realized they could land on her and wanted out!
Yes, i always nag my sister about the pony tails she does to her kids... poor Megan, I am sure at the age of 13 she will ask her mom why ... why 2 side ponies mom??!! hahah!!!

The room was so warm and caused my lens to fog up! I took about 10 pics and that was about it for the weekend... maybe next time I'll be able to take more.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ding, Ding. Weigh In!

I am beginning to like Thursdays!
I got weighed this morning.... and yup, I am down another 2.0 pounds which gives me a total of 5.4 pounds lost.. WOOT WOOT! another 6.6 pounds to go before i get my 5% goal. It's going great so far ... my meals consist of lots of fruit with yogurt, tons of veggies with chicken and i have been eating salads with tons of goodies in them like strawberries or bacon bits!
No donuts, no cookies, no chocolate bars and imagine .............. NO ICE CREAM! But i did enjoy a treat on Mother's Day ( from Eddie! ) a DQ Blizzard... but i had the spare points so I could.

i found these great sites that has tons of Weight Watchers info, meals etc..

I worked about 7 days straight this week which I think is a record for me! Usually after 2 days at work I am ready for a day off... but i did it. Now I can enjoy 6 days off! I'll be heading North about 3 hours to visit my sister, mom , dad and of course my nieces. That means PHOTO TIME!!! I hope they don't mind if i take 300 pictures LOL!!! ahhaha... poor girls. But we can make it fun right???

I also will be listing my mini albums .... i have way tooo many! From Classes, To Projects, To Creating Mini albums i really need to get rid of some... I am sure someone could use them as class projects, store samples, or ideas.... either way I NEED to get rid of them!
So, I will be posted them in the online store
if you are interested.... please please purchase ! hahahah!!! Shipping Charges will be 5$ FLAT instead of 9$ .. the minis are ready for you to ADD photos and give as gifts or keep...

I hope you have a fabulous week and weekend.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sussies Sneak Peek!

Oh Dear, my internet connection tonight is slower than anything ... really driving me crazy! If it's one thing... i love high speed internet and this is really not high speed!!!!

The weather here on the east coast is really ..... dreary! I think the last time I saw sunshine and sat outside to enjoy the weather was about 8 weeks ago!!! Our spring has been horrible here. It's Overcast, foggy, rainy, drizzles ... you name it. I am really getting antsy and hope the sun decided to make an appearance SOON!

Scrapbook Sussies has a sneak peek posted for the June kit! I am getting anxious for some new papers to play with and can't wait to get my hands on some BELLA BLVD and that owl embellie is too cute!

Take a peek for yourself!
Have you added yourself to the list of followers yet!? I might have a little somethin' somethin' for you if you're a follower!!! Make sure you add yourself before May 31st!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Ding, Ding. Weigh In!

Yes, it's my first weigh in day today!

I've been feeling so much better since i've been eating healthier. More veggies, tons of fruit and no drive thru burgers! That's the hard part at times. I have this urge to just drive thru and get something quick to eat instead of cooking something home and bringing it to work. I am not sure why but i really dislike eating in the office cafeteria. I would rather just go out and drive around, walk around the grocery store or pharmacy and relax. So this i have to work on..

Good news this week, I lost 3.4 pounds! I was really hoping it was going to be more than that. I was actually disappointed today when I stepped on the scale. Why ? why would i be disappointed? I guess I want immediate results. I know this weight didn't just jump on my butt overnight so it will take more than 24 hours to come off... LOL!!!

Anyhow, things are going well so far!!
Let's hope for another 2 pounds next week!!!

Friday, May 01, 2009

Doing well!

Hey girlies!

Thank you all for your kind words of encouragment... it's nice to know I am not alone fighting the battle of the bulge!! I 've been doing very well since Thursday Morning... i've been keeping track of everything and really anxious to get things going. It feels good!

Things are a bit hectic tonight as Hubby and I get ready for the Creative Scrappers crop tomorrow. I have to go cut up some strawberries!! I've saved some " Points" for a small piece of cake tomorrow ... and i promise i'll be good!!!

Chat with you again soon...

Should i start another blog for my " updates " or should i keep them here?!! mm....
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