Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hello! It's been a while!
i've been busy at work the past few days.... a bit crazy actually. It's been a great week so far.. kind of! I have lots to share with you ... so let's get started!

We have Raccoons in our shed! HELP! Steve found a mother raccoon in there yesterday with her newborn babies.... oh my. We were told NOT to touch or try to move them as she might attack us... like i will go anywhere near her! Yikes... but Eddie our cat LOVES the outdoors and we can't let him out cause we love him dearly. So.. we called Animal Control and they will get them out for us
Third... I got to chat with an old friend of mine yesterday. She is a travel agent and called our call centre and I answered! what a coincidence cause i was thinking of her just a few days ago! She is into selling Epicure Selections Products which are really popular in Canada and loved by many who love to cook, drink, or just enjoy good food in general. These are spices and mixes... etc... yes, she's convinced me to join her group! SO yes, i will be selling EPICURE products! I don't know if i will be going door to door to sell stuff... or home parties, but i will certainly have a catalog with me and of course can mail you one if you want one!
this is the main website...

YOUPEEEEEEEE ... Steve loves to cook ... so i tought this would be a great way for him to get even more into it !!! and cook more for me!!! HEE!!!!

what else is new.. um.... well i am planning on having a class in the next few weeks. It will be an album.. but i can't say yet. Products are being ordered this weekend and I will post a sneak peak for you shortly. I assume the first class will be on .... WOW it's May 1st Tomorrow .... hee... anyway.. first class to be the last week of May ... 27-28-29 .. one of those days... So if you are interested in attending send me a quick email!
don't worry .. more info will follow shortly!

I will chat with you again soon!


Monday, April 28, 2008

Tax Time and Fun Time!

Blah... yes, it's Tax Time! I just finished doing steve's and my taxes tonight. How fun! I think I have been trying to submit my file online for the past 20 minutes. This site is soooooo busy right now. Everyone meeting deadlines. I don't like tax time... maybe if we had kids or put in a gazillion dollars in RRSPs we would get huge refunds... but We dont!
So busy at work today. People are waiting about 15 minutes to get thru to an agent at our call centre. Talking for 8 hours a day certainly doesn't do any good to someone with TMJ! Blah... but it certainly makes the time go by fast!

I got MAIL today! WOO HOO!! yup.. my goodie box from 2 peas in a bucket arrived today. I got the new papers from Pink Paislee ... OMG! Scrapgasm indeed! It's beautiful! It's amazing ... it's WONDERFUL! LOL!!!! yes. i am excited! It's single sided but the colors are so beautiful and the texture... yes... like basic grey! I can't wait to scrap some pages with these papers.... probably Wednesday night!

aren't these yummy? Visit Pink Paislee !!!

Well, I finally finished my layout for the PageMaps Newsletter to go out on Thursday! Yes.. I will be featured in the May issue of Page Maps. Very exciting! I used some yummy Crate Papers and some fun Scenic Route Butterfly Chipboards! Did you know you can email Becky and let her know that you'd love to participate in her newsletter? Yup... check out her site at and search under contact us for more info!

well, yes... can you tell that I love to change my banner !??!? YES i do!!!! I love it.. i am enjoying creating these banners from they are so easy to do! They are already premade and all you need to do is open up your file in some photo editing software and add your name! FUN FUN FUN!

that's all for now!


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Good Sunday Morning to you !

What a beautiful sunny day it is again today!
Steve and I got a new vehicle! WOOOHOOOO.... so excited and so overdue. So hopefully today we can go for a nice little ride and I am so craving Dairy Queen Ice Cream! HAHAH What surprise!

So i am getting pretty excited about this new venture for Creative Scrappers blog. It certainly looks promising with quite a few interested scrapbookers. Please, if you would love to join us for even a guest spot... don't be shy to email me!

I haven't done a scrap layout at all this weekend .. yet. I had to work yesterday and it was really busy at the call centre so no mojo for me last night. Hopefully tonight a little bit but Big Brother Finale is on ... GO RYAN !!!! i hope he wins... he's been a great player. Also Desperate Housewives is on tonight... but i am getting really bored with this show are you? do you watch? I hope things pick up a bit cause it might be a show that i no longer watch.

I am on vacation this week.. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOO Off for 2 1/2 weeks. I can't wait. Steve and I will be doing some gardening and cleaning up in the house. We are planning a yard sale sometime in May. I think the 17th right now.. I will post for you in case you are in the area! But i have tons of clothes, tv, steve's stuff, and a few misc household things... time to clean up in here!

That's all I really have to report right now!
Talk again Soon!
ps.. yes I love exclamation points! ! ! ! ! LOL!

Friday, April 25, 2008

a New blog!

Yes, I have finally started a new site! It's a blog where we will be able to have some great sketches posted and get some creative juices flowing!!!

I am searching for a Design Team and of course if you are able to produce sketches that will be a bonus for you!
take a peak and tell me what you think!

I look forward to working with you and hope you will join me!

also on facebook under Creative Scrappers
(the blog will have more than the facebook page )

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Digi Scrappin

Oh My... I am addicted to purchasing digital scrapbooking kits!!!
Thank goodness they are less than 5$ each! But I love the colors, the flowers, and the 3d effects they have. I have no idea what to do with them but seem to enjoy collecting them!

I have a beautiful kit that i just got tonight from the shabby shoppe.
Do you digi scrap?
I am trying to make a banner, and blinkie... and really need help!

I have a website on blogger of course, brewing for some fun. I can't wait to get things going... but i really want a nice banner first... Can you help?

I was a bit lazy today. What else is new ? LOL - I watched America's Next Top Model, ran some errands and waited for phone calls from the car dealership. I played online and visited Pencil Lines. What amazing sketches and artists they have on this site. Have you visited lately?

I started a group on facebook called Creative Scrappers ... come join us!
It's just for fun!

Hope all is well... Tomorrow is Friday! WOOHOO!!!

Talk Soon!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wacky Wednesday!


My back is much better today... although I still walk around funny atleast I can now bend over! It's all good.. part of growing older right LOL!!?

It was a beautiful day today, I had a nice visit with my friend Princess Pamela! We went for a nice walk with the dog and had a great chat session. She's such a sweetie, and with such a big heart! ( hugs Pammy!)

I also got an email from
Basic Grey that my layout was chosen for there online gallery ! WOOHOO!!! that's the one of steve and I just a few posts ago... called Soul Mates. That was a nice email today! Things like that are always exciting.

We are in the final stages of a new vehicle! Youpee... I really can't wait. It will be so nice to drive around in something a bit more realiable and finally we can do a few road trips! YOUPEE!!!!

what else do i have to share...

well i did get a message yesterday from a fellow scrap friend. She didn't seem to happy about me posting that i was done with my local scrapbook store and shopping elsewhere and posting on my blog.

First I would like to say that I decided to leave my LSS for personal reasons and needed time to do other things. Second of all... i think i should be able able to shop at another scrap store and post on my blog that i did. Regardless of where I purchase my scrap supplies and post here doesn't mean i am 'nasty'. I hope you understand that i have blog readers from everywhere and not only from saint john ... and posting that i shop elsewhere really shouldn't be an issue. As Scrappers we have soooo many wonderful stores to chose from... and i don't think i did anything wrong! My opinion....
I am still a scrapbooker and since i am not employed at this present time with anyone, i am allowed to post where i shop and what is a Great deal to Me.
Hope this clarifies a few things! I need my paper fix you know ! LOL!!!

I just received a message from my scrap friend Gabrielle and Daisy D has a blog contest on right now click here for info!

talk soon!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Addicted to Scrapbooking ...

You Know You're Addicted to Scrapbooking If...

-When you reach into your purse, your family scatters - they think you are reaching for that dreaded camera!
-You see something metal in a parking lot or on the floor and you go back to pick it up. It turns out to be some sort of buckle/pop tab type of thing, so you pop it in your pocket, and think - yeah, I can put some ribbon through that.
-You purchase every scrap magazine that hits the shelf, even though more than half the layouts in some are NOT your style.
-You dream about layouts or crops.
-You buy scrapbook "stuff" and have no idea how you are going to use it but think, "I will use it someday."
-When you start scanning kids clothes because they would make great inspiration for a scrapbook page.
-When you spend all day at work/school sketching layouts instead of working/studying.
-You know you're addicted when you find an awesome piece of paper and actually DRESS your child up for pictures in clothes to MATCH THE PAPER.
-You know you're addicted when your husband runs into the local eatery yelling "I need truck's on fire!" And your first response is, "WAIT! I have the camera!"
-You plan vacations around scrapbook stores or drive 175 miles to a scrapbook store

from Scrapbook Funnies

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Sunny Day...

It's Sunday!
What a beautiful day it is ... again. I love sunny mornings don't you?!
Eddie is out playing around, Steve is still in bed... late night watching the UFC Fight and I am getting ready for work. Yes... Work on a Sunday!
I hope it's not busy and I can finish a bit early. It's sooo nice that it's hard to be sitting in an office but Sunday's are pretty easy going at work so either way... It's a good day!

I finished a layout last night .. playing around with some new Basic Grey. I really love these colors ... now one complaint - Basic Grey really needs to make there papers double sided. So many companies have double sided papers and it's like 2 sheets for the same price and so versitile. So please Basic Grey ... consider double sided?!

It's time for some new photos... but i still love this picture of Steve and I.

Did I tell you I got a Shout Out for a layout at Scrap Fan?! WOOHOO! Thanks girls !!!!
I also got Layout of the Day on Thursday at Grace's!

Well, I am off to work. Have a Great Sunny Day!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

It's SPRING !!!!

Oh my... what a beautiful sunny day here in Southern New Brunswick.

Steve and I enjoyed the day sitting in our chairs in the backyard. I can close my eyes and listen to the sound of ... nothing.
For hours, I can just sit there and watch the clouds go by.. how nice and relaxing that is. I love spring... no humidity, no hot sticky weather ... the perennials are peaking thru the dirt and ready to grow for another season. mmmm......

I went shopping online today for some scrap supplies... oh my please stop me now!
Pink Paisley.. I think this is going to be one of my fav lines... .... oh my .... i really need help!

Scrap goodies are sooooo fun.

I finished a few layouts today....

One is of Miss Megan and the other of Eddie!
Miss Megan was so sick on this picture, an ear infection, a runny nose, lack of sleep for about 7 days, 2 doses of antibiotics and a black eye from falling down. oh poor thing... and yet she's still so sweet and smiling!
this is Eddie... my pretty kitty!

I might have to retake these pictures cause they aren't showcasing well. the colors are really not good.

I also wanted to send out a { thank you } to the wonderful ladies that emailed me this week... words of encouragement and also kind words of support. I won't forget that!

that's all for tonight!
oh ... just fyi.. my etsy shop asn't been opened yet. If you are checking to see what i have listed.. it's not up yet!!!! Maybe tomorrow or next week... I will keep you posted and thanks for asking!


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

2 Peas Gallery

I finally finished uploading " ALL " my layouts and altered projects in my 2 peas gallery! YOUPEE!!! I can't believe all the little albums that i've made over the past 2 years. My gallery is open for public viewing if you wish to take a peak!

I also completed this little calendar today... so cute! Easy to make and cost less than 3$! Great to use up those scraps ... try it!

My brother in Law and my dad went to the Montreal vs Boston Hockey Game on Saturday night... this is my brother in law posing so happily!

I did some gardening today, cleaned up some of the perennials that are growing such as the bleeding heart and some day lilies. I can't wait to start taking some garden pictures with our new camera and of course sitting in the backyard with a corona enjoying the sunshine with Steve. It's hard to believe that Northern New Brunswick still has snow... it's certainly Spring here and loving every minute of it ...except when Steve and I have to start spring cleaning in this house... yuck I hate cleaning!
Maybe if i open the windows and the patio doors the dust will fly away !??!?! LOL!!!

Chow for now!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Super Sunday!

It was a good day today. I got to sleep in till .. um I am not even gonna write it down here... but it was close to lunch time. I went to bed late last night cause i was scrappin my heart out and well this morning I woke up late!
I went to a Stampin Up Party today with Kim- such fun. We actually made a piece of pattern paper with ink and shaving cream. Really easy and fun.
>Simply get yourself a piece of glossy paper ( photo paper would work )
>Put shaving cream in paper plate
>Add drops of Ink
>place glossy side of paper in shaving cream
>wipe off with paper towel...
( Natalie i can totally see you do this ! )

In January I joined a group of 12 ladies and each month we take turns to host a Stampin Up party. My party will be taking place on May 18th!
If you'd like to join us please email me! We'd love to have you!
We will be making an altered candle!
This is the album I finished last night:
Rusty Pickle Album and Basic Grey papers
It is sooooo much fun to play with acrylic albums... Have you tried these yet? if not you should... don't be scared! Just do it!!!

I also finished this round Scenic Route Album using Grafton Papers.
The Album is called " Sun, Sand, Surf " A wonderful little book for those beach pictures!

These altered albums are so much fun. Don't be afraid to give it a go!

I also opened my own Etsy Shop today. Have you seen the stuff on this site? wow some people have talent! >> I have a few projects that I am willing to part with and try to sell on here. Since I don't have kids and my nieces have more than there fair share of layouts and altered albums... i must part with a few projects.

Big Brother will be on soon. Hubby is taking a nap and relaxing. I am just browsing site and enjoying some quiet time. I can even hear Eddie and Steve snoring! HAHAHH!

On that note... That's all for tonight,

Friday, April 11, 2008

Fun Fridays!

I had the day off today and enjoyed some sunshine. Eddie went outside to play twice today and I did a bit of cleaning around the house. I can't believe how much dust is flying around here... YUCK!
So the hardwood stairs have been shined... a bit slippery but they look nice! The laundry is done, the dishes are done... wowzers!

I didn't do any scrappin today, I actually tried to organize my layout gallery at ... i had no idea how many layouts I had.. Oh My!
Next I will be uploading some altered items that haven't been posted yet. I just like to have a gallery where all my layouts are posted in case my computer decides to crash someday I will have a backup of my layouts.

Do you have an online gallery ? I hope so. It's a great way to store your stuff for safe keeping!

Tomorrow is Sat and I must work.. yuckie! Steve has the day off to enjoy and I must go to work. I hope it's not busy or maybe I will be lucky and finish early.... and did i hear SNOW is in the forecast???? I hope not.
I am so anxious to get out and play in the garden. The Perenials are calling my name. Steve and I have so much to do in the garden this year... but it's quality time we enjoy together, which is really nice and rewarding too. Are you a gardener?

Well.. time to run!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Day Before Payday!

I had no idea what to call this post so i called it the day before payday! my husband's payday .. but in a way it's my payday too !! HAHA!!

so .. today was a relaxing day - I watched America's Next Top Model.. do you watch? It's so crazy ... and fun to see these girls just digging into each other.
I must say that I am not happy that Mr. James is OUT of Big Brother.. BOOOOOOO... I liked him and really wanted him to stay last night.
now... Natalie needs to go! <<>

So I picked up a little round album at Micheals today... it's sooooo cute. They are coasters made of chipboard and 1$ <<<<>
my scrap friend Elodie has a few layouts with butterflies.... and I love them.

Oh my word! So last night I was driving around town.. at about 830pm running errands and my car lights ........ went off! I turned the high beams on and I HAVE NO LIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and my Reverse lights ... NOT WORKING! oh my.. We so need a new vehicle. SO now ... we have to find out what the heck is going wrong and put more money into it...
i keep hoping that I win that MATRIX car from Tim's HOrton's ROLL UP THE RIM contest !!! HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

on that note...
have a good night!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

My Life...

Oh no! This could be a serious post... or maybe not! I do have a layout to share that took me about 10 minutes to complete ! That's record time for me... and I even like it! HAA!

On another note,

Have you even sat down on your living room sofa and looked outside for minutes but what seemed for hours? Just thinking about life and what you are doing with your life right now? Well.. i had that opportunity.

I have decided, after some serious thinking, that it's time for me to let go of a few responsibilities at Paws On Scrapbooking.
I am in love with the company, Janique and everyone I have met over the past 2 years. Although I have neglected a few thing in the past few months, and year or so and most of all I have neglected myself.
It's time for me to sit back and maybe concentrate on my life for a little while until things get back to "normal" and my weight being one of them!!!
I am not sure which responsibilities I will let go at Paws as I still have some thinking to do. I hope the Pawsie girls will still love me !!!

It's the 1 hour sketch challenge at paws so I am off to play!

oh yes... I almost forgot ...

*¨¨*:•.•:*¨¨* HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SISTER!!! *¨¨*:•.•:*¨¨*


Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Spring is Here!

Youpeee!!!! Spring is here! Steve actually put our Adhirondak chairs in there " spots " yesterday. We sat outside for about 1 hour with our Coronas and sat out again today. The sun was shinning and it was soooo nice. Eddie went out to play and enjoyed himself sniffing our shrubs and finding his - Scratch post! Thank goodness cause i noticed tonight he's been beating the crap out of our sofa and love seat! GRRR!

Tonight, I hope to scrapbook a little bit, i have a class that I want to get ready for the month of May.. i think it will be a Mixed Media Memory Book. This will include tons of fun things and many chipboard shapes!
Stay tuned.. I also got a new Acrylic Album kit from the Button Farm and I hope to play with that this weekend. Included in this kit is some yummy Making Memories 5th Ave. Papers... YUMMY!!!

ok.... i have to ask you something funny - but yet embarassing ( HEE!! )
Have you even sneezed and farted at the same time?! I can tell you that I have! It's soooooooo funny and something you really can't share with anyone other than a close friend or family member when it does happen! But I just wanted to write this down for some reason! hahahah!!

I ordered Eddie's new pet tags today. He has one right now but I think a new one will be nicer on his collar! I got a little silver kitty with his name and address on it.. so cute! Visit for your pet tags! They are pretty reasonably priced and last forever! Eddie will also be going for his yearly vaccine and rabies shot on Friday. He won't be happy with me cause he HATES being in the car and a cage for that matter. He's been traumatized since his tail was removed. He hates the vet! Poor kitty!
But it's for his own well being and I have to do that for him.

Anyhow... here's a photo to share with you!

Have a good night! Big Brother is on tonight!!!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Super Sunday!

Why it's Super Sunday you ask? .. I don't know! Maybe cause the sun was out today and it felt soooo nice to drive around with the windows down!
I worked today.... I don't work many Sundays but I did work today, and i SURVIVED! yes... i have issues working on Sundays. I love sleeping in - scrapbooking a bit, enjoying the day with my hubby and relaxing.
Steve was able to enjoy the day and play with Eddie the cat going in and out of the house.

Well today i was taking calls at work and I had the opportunity to talk to the father of an Olympic Athlete! How exciting... I can't say the name for security reasons... but it was really nice!

OH MY! ... Tonight around 7pm I was in my scrapbook room and just out the corner of my eye I looked out my window and My Friends were outside... yes... they were standing in our garden trying to have a bit of our greenery! I yelled to Steve to come and take a look and grabbed my camera so fast... this is a pic ...

It was nice to see them but then again both Steve and I were a little scared they would eat our perennials and dappled willow. They saw me clicking like crazy in the window and left.... to the neighbors! Now... on my wish list is a new ZOOM lens... yes 300mm would be nice! ( grin )

I have no projects to share today... I did finish my little altered album using Cosmo Cricket's blackboard... I made this album for my hubby... the big kid! I will be able to show you on the 15th of April! Our Paws Reveal day.
I do have some good news <<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Becky Fleck from emailed me today to see if i would be interested in a doing a layout for one of her sketches and to be posted on her site and monthly newsletter! YOUPEE!!! I had put my name in a few months ago and totally forgot about this... but my turn has come! YOUPEE! that's exciting!

I also sold 5 Scrap Kits this weekend... WOOHOOO thanks to some wonderful ladies who love a good bargain and love to scrap! I have a few paper packs left if you want some.. hurry!!!

It's Big Brother tonight... we are recording it right now so we can fast forward thru the commercials ahahah!!! Anyhow... that's it for today
- i hope you have a wonderful week and thanks for stopping by!


Friday, April 04, 2008

It's the weekend!

yes, it's the weekend!
I am actually working this Sat and Sun 9-530pm on both days. I haven't worked a Sunday is quite some time. I am trying to keep a " positive " attitude about it and get it over with too!

Well today, i got the 'let's go somewhere ' bug. I called Steve at work today and asked him to take a week's vacation in May! YOUPEEE!!!
So both of us are off work and maybe..just maybe we can get to go on some little vacation in the south. At this time --- Oasis Cancun where we went on our honeymoon .. the only reason why we'd love to go back.. the beach, the drinks and the price! ALL Inclusive .. 850$ for the week! WOOHOO!!
I have 2 tickets from Air Canada that I have to use before August 31 of this year.. so we might as well use them.

I was on a roll today - I finished 2 layouts of the girls and 1 little mini album that i haven't taken pictures of yet. I am thinking of just mass producing some projects and selling them at some craft / flea market in May. I am not sure if the stuff would sell but certainly worth a try! I have wayyyyyy too many projects and supplies sitting here collecting dust .. so i have to use them!

Here are my layouts from today..

one is my sister Kim and Marissa - with lyrics from the song from Martina McBride-- In My Daughter's Eyes..

This next layout is of little Miss Marissa again.... can you tell I love my nieces!!!?

well, that's about it for today... time for bed...
I work in the am!
Have a great weekend!!!


Thursday, April 03, 2008

Megan Bday

I forgot to show you this layout of little Miss Megan!

Her 1st Birthday ( Feb 26 2008 )

A Chainsaw?!

Howdy readers!

Well it's Thursday ... it's been an ok week so far. I think i am drained from the winter weather.... SPRING .. PLEASE COME!!! and yes, we NEED A VACATION to some HOT Spot that serves drinks with fun umbrellas!

So, I gave up on Diet Pepsi about 8 weeks or so ago... and today... I bought a can !!!!!! WOW... now i am bloated again... so i really don't miss it. I guess I just had some craving for a fizzy drink! ( i did have one in Toronto but it was fountain pop.. that doesn't count! )

I bought a new bag from All My Memories Vituri Line in Toronto for my scrap stuff... or work stuff or laptop ..
The one i got is brown.. It's soooooo nice! I love it. That was one of my yummy purchases...
I wanted to tell you something else .. but i forgot! LOL!

Oh yeah...
today... i was sitting in my scrap room and heard this chainsaw... I was like what the heck.. who's cutting down trees... We have nice trees that surround our home and give us privacy from our neighbors - not that we dislike our neighbors ( wink! ) but just want some privacy.
Anyway, I look out the front window and these 2 guys are cutting down trees in our front yard. On our property with a chainsaw and axe... um..... hello!
So me.. in my jammies and no bra on.. put my winter jacket on and go outside... I say " hello boys! " what's going on here!
well the guy had maybe 1 tooth and looked at me and said.. " um.. cutting trees". It was for the power company cause some of our trees were close to the power lines. SO I said... it would have been nice to be notified such as a knock on the door or a letter in the mail.. telling us someone was going to trim trees in our front yard.
Anyway.. i wasn't happy.. they guys appologized and kept cutting. They only cut a few trees and lots of branches.
One good thing about that is ... when the sun goes down we have more sunlight in our bedroom and living room! LOL!!! I guess I am over it!
that's my excitment for today...
thanks for reading!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Felling Looooooo

Hello readers!

yes, it's been a few days since I last posted - so sorry. I got home Safe and Sound on Friday at about 5pm .. i relaxed with Steve on Sat and Sunday I Slept ALL day... I was pooped. Travelling, Scrappin, Meetings, classes... lack of sleep ... all came down on me on Sunday. I did manage to scrap 2 layouts on Saturday Night with the new Crate Papers -- that was so nice! I missed Crate.

My classes in Toronto were amazing ... I had so much fun in the Cosmo Cricket class with Julie Comstock and Lindsay - they laughed for 1 hr 30min and made it so fun... we talked about JON the warehouse guy... so funny!
Also had a great time learning in the Scenic Route Class with Layle Koncar. She is a real inspiration and a wealth of knowledge for the scrapbooking industry. A great person!
Also met Vicki Boutin at the warehouse, her work is amazing. She love people and loves this industry as well - a great personality! I would love for her to come and chat with us at Paws Online sometime soon...maybe sooner than later!

ON another note, I am still feeling a bit under the weather! This rain and crappy winter weather is really putting a damper on my psychiatric self! I need SUNSHINE!!!!!!!!
It doesn't help that the DR. has changed my Medication 2 weeks ago and my body is still trying to cope. So I am a little bitch at times ... poor Steve - i've been a bit hard on him but atleast he's being supportive about it while I wonder what the hell is going on with my brain! blahhhhhhhh!!!

Other than that... products galore have arrived at Paws, and Janique has been working like crazy trying to organize the store. I have been working online adding prices and quantites to items - so many nice things... it's hard to control spending ... but i have to! I already have way too much stuff. I still have papers for sale as previously posted so don't be shy if you want something!

that's pretty much it for now, I will write a bit later...
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