Friday, February 28, 2014

March Kit | Paper Camellia

Good Morning Friends!

It's reveal day for Paper Camellia today! The March kit and Add Ons have been revealed and it's full of Crate Paper, New Gold paper from Chickaniddy ( you'll want 10 of these papers! ) and MME! Yummy ;-)

Also did you know Paper Camellia now has an EVERY DAY LIFE KIT!!! ?
Oh yes ;-) look at all those goodies!

Here are my layouts for this reveal and please make sure you visit the PC blog for more awesome DT projects!

My first layout is called Sweet You
My niece is growing up so fast, she'll be 11 this year. She's at that stage where she never wants her photo taken. She hides her face or runs away from me. I usually have my iphone ready and on camera mode when i'm with her cause after me begging her for 15 minutes she usually gives in to 1 pic! I take 50 to get a good one but she doesn't know that!
I just wanted to showcase the gold, this paper from Chickaniddy is awesome for silhouette cut files - really lovely to work with. I created the hearts and the you.
the You is from Jillibean soup silhouette store.

This next layout is called Darling
Again, this is the same picture of my niece just not cropped! 
I added more gold and some wood dots on this page. Love those! I also distressed my edges a bit, i have always loved that effect and well i did that on these 3 pages this time.  Don't you love that background paper? LOVE IT!

Alright, this is my 3rd page - it's called NOT SOLID GOLD SINGERS!  This is a picture of my friends - Stephanie and Nicole. We were in Los Angeles at the time and getting ready for a day trip to hollywood. I took 3 individual pics of the girls with their shades on. I think we all love our shades and yes i need a new pair! When i added these 3 pics together using - photosheet - i wasn't sure what to do with it. I got my kit and saw those records and started singing a song from ages ago that had
867-5309 in the song.. remember that ?! and then the numbers got me singing
4321 earth below us,  ( click to listen! ) not sure why but i just went with it!
so here we are --- Not Sold Gold Singers! ;-)

those are my pages for this month's reveal ! I will have more to show you next week with a new sketch challenge from Paper Camellia  ;-) 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

It's a Giveaway! Giveaway! Giveaway!

Hello Readers!

I just wanted to say that i'm almost at 500 blog followers! WOOP WOOP! Thank you all for being so awesome and letting me share my projects, some life stories, and for being supportive!

As a little thank you from me i'm hosting a GIVEAWAY! GIVEAWAY! GIVEAWAY!
It's a little assortment of Alpha stickers, chipboard pieces, a set of stamps, clips, and enamel dots. A few of my favorite things!

All you need to do is leave a comment - about anything, something funny or positive or maybe what your favorite scrap product is right now. I'll get my husband will pick a winner at random on Sunday Night ;-)

The deadline to enter is Sunday March 2nd at 9pm EST 
You must be one of my blog followers to win ;-)

Congratulations to LAURA TURCOTTE!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Creating With Sketches | ReStocked

Hello  !

Did you miss out on ordering your printed copy of Creating with Sketches V2?
Well i have some great news for you ;-) I received another box today and these book are ready to ship and provide you with hours of inspiration creating with new sketches.

Once these are sold out, they will NOT be reprinted, so if you've been wanting a copy today is the day !!! Don't Delay ;-)

Save 2$ by using coupon code Sketches2
thank you so much & Enjoy Creating with Sketches

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Design Team | Jillibean Soup

Sharing some good news today!  I am super excited and honored to have been selected to be part of this amazing company and wonderful group of designers!

Friday, February 21, 2014

It's Goodbye | My Fur Baby

Today I was suppose to blog about how excited I am to be joining the Jillibean Soup Design Team. How grateful i am for this opportunity and so much more but sadly I have other things to blog about. 

I have shared many photos and stories of our cat Eddie, here on my blog, my facebook page, and also on instagram. He's been in many of my scrap pages and a few more projects being posted shortly.  Today, we had to say goodbye to Eddie. He wasn't feeling well the past few days. He wasn't eating, socializing and quite frankly sending us messages he wasn't feeling well. He would only eat his Greenies and want some fresh air. Yes we left some windows slightly open for him - even in the middle of winter!

Thursday we made an appointment with the Vet, hoping to have him checked and it would be a sore tooth, or something a pill could fix.  Our vet took some xrays and saw a large mass of tissue in his stomach area.  We then scheduled an overnight IV for him to gain strength and surgery first thing this morning to see what was there.

At 11am  we got a call that surgery was impossible. This mass was about 3 Inches by 2 inches inside him and attached to other organs such as his pancreas / stomach and colon.  We sadly had to make the decision to have him put to rest.

As sad as we are today, as much as it hurts right now - we feel at peace. We feel relieved that we were able to say goodbye to him, to give him his favorite treats as his last meal, and to enjoy some cuddles and hugs just a few days prior to.  We were always worried when he went outside - even an hour a day - that something would happen but he LOVED going outside and being with his " friends! "

Eddie lived a great life - a super great kitty life! He was brought home at 8 weeks old, named Eddie after the first Big Brother winner named Eddy - at about 4 years old He had a little accident and had his tail amputated. Many cat fights, many abscesses, many scratched corneas, and even fighting through diabetes 3 years ago - he had 9 lives for sure.

So today, we say goodbye - we are sad. He really was a little baby to us. We've learned a lot from him and thankful he was there for us when we needed a little love.

thank you all for posting on facebook, and sending private messages - that means a lot to both Steve and I.  We know things will be ok, but man this sucks!

thank you Mr. buzz buzz  - you'll be missed. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Capture This Moment | Simple Stories

I created this layout using the NEW Simple Stories - A Charmed Life collection. I love the navy and green in this collection - adding a yellow and white just makes things blend so well together.

more of this collection CLICK HERE -  Simple Stories - A Charmed Life Collection 
 Silhouette Cut Files - Capture This Moment / Love 

Monday, February 17, 2014

March Sneak Peak | Paper Camellia

I am thrilled to give you a sneak peak of the Paper Camellia March kits! 
March brings some new and exciting additions to Paper Camellia. We have added a Community Gallery for you to share your projects and be inspired by your fellow paper-crafters. We are bringing you more add-on kits and an "Everyday Life" pocket page kit. The "Everyday Life" kit will be offered in March as an Add-on and as a subscription option starting in April. More details on the subscription will be coming your way.
The March kits are filled with the latest from CHA. The colors are soft shades of corral, kraft, navy, mint and touches of gold. Gold is on trend this season...but it finds it's way into many of our kits lately, so we admit it...we love GOLD! Word  paper clips, darling burlap bows, chalk touches, cork and wood dots are just some of the many new goodies coming your way. 
Without further are peaks into Paper Camellia in March...
March Main Scrapbook Kit - Sneak Peak

March Add-On Kit - Sneak Peak 

March "Everyday Life" Pages Kit  Add-On - Sneak Peak
March "Chalk It Up" Add-On Kit - Sneak Peak

 If you would like to subscribe to the Paper Camellia Main Scrapbook kit, we have a limited amount of subscriptions available. Go HERE to subscribe. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sketch 262 | Creative Scrappers

Good Morning!

It's reveal day for Creative Scrappers today. Our sketch is #262 and created by Jenny Evans. I had a bit of a hard time with this sketch but I ended up creating a Silhouette Cut File for my background and that made things that much easier! If you want to download the cut file you can visit Creative Scrappers to do so ;-)

I created this layout using the Amy Tangerine PLUS ONE collection.
Hope you can participate with us this week! We have a great prize from Paper Camellia ;-)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Bella Buzz Newsletter | Bella Blvd

The new Bella Blvd newsletter is available for viewing today!

I have a layout in the newsletter this month featured in Bringin' Bella Back ...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Will You Be Mine | Paper Camellia

Hello Friends! 

I'm here to show you another layout using the Paper Camellia February Kits. I found this picture of my hubby and nieces and thought how cute would it be for them to be included in a Valentine/ Love Layout. I love them to pieces and of course I want them to  Be MINE ;-)

As you can tell by most of my pages I love layers. I love being able to take so many little pieces of papers and add them behind a page to create interest. 

Have you created something with our Paper Camellia February Kit? What about our February Sketch  Did you know if you create a layout using our Sketch you have a chance to win 10$ GC to the shop? A great way to grab a kit you know ;-)   Come Join us, i keep checking for entries! 

Also come like us on Facebook and Instagram 
we'd love to see your work and please use #PaperCamellia to tag us!

Thanks for reading today!

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Life Documented | Simple Stories

Hello Everyone!

I have my first post up today at Simple Stories!
It's a Life Documented post using  the NEW collection called A Charmed Life.

Hello January 15-31

a few close up pictures for you

I will be using the 12x12 Sn@p! Leather Album in black for all of my Life Documented pages. It's sturdiness, metal corner accents, and stitch details are fantastic. Since the album will be handled often - this album is perfect.

I used the 12x12 Sn@p! Pocket Pages, Design 3 . I love the use of 3x4" cards and also 4x6. It's something that works great for me and my Life Documented pages.

The Charmed Life Products Used :
Fundamental Cardstock Stickers #3702
Expression Cardstock Stickers #3703
6x6 Paper Pad #3722
Bits & Pieces #3729
Brads #3727
3x4 Journaling Card Elements #3710
4x6 Horizontal Journaling Card Elements #3711
SN@P! Cards #3723

The DIY Products Used:Card Foundations - Kraft #5124
Journaling Layers - Kraft #5120
Enamel Dots - Teal Red & Yellow #5129
Clear Photo Stickers | #5143

Hope you enjoyed my Life Documented pages and will be inspired to create your own using our new collections ;-) 

Monday, February 03, 2014

Sketch Challenge | Paper Camellia

Good Morning Friends !

It's time for a new sketch at Paper Camellia ;-)  This month we are starting a monthly sketch challenge to go along with our sketch of the month. For details on the challenge, read on.

This Month I created a sketch with 3 photos in mind, you can use one, two or of course  3 of your favorite photos.

I did something simple with my layout, adding 2 strips of paper and using the cardstock that came with the kit. The title was cut with my silhouette but you can use the stickers that came with the kit work great also.

Have fun creating this month and please share!

Challenge details..Leave us a comment on this Paper Camellia Blog Post with a link to your layout based on this month's sketch and be entered to win a $10 gift certificate toward your next Paper Camellia purchase. Challenge open till February 25th at 10pm PST. Winner will be drawn at random from all entries.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Creative Scrappers | Sketch 261

Good Morning Friends,

It's reveal day at Creative Scrappers today! Using a sketch I created - the ladies did a fabulous job ;-)

This is my page using the new Amy Tangerine Plus One Collection

This photo was taken in front of Amy Tangerine's booth at CHA! Why she's not in the picture? She was busy entertaining us with Jack ;-)

Come play along -- and take a peek at the other layouts on the CS Blog - 

Saturday, February 01, 2014

My Dear | Paper Camellia

Hello readers,
I'm sharing another layout created for Paper Camellia - Using the February Kit.
I used the circle cut file from the online Silhouette Store to create by background.

I also created 2 cards this month -- 

I have tons more paper and Alphas to create a few more pages.. Come visit on February 3rd for the Paper Camellia Sketch Challenge !

Have a great weekend!

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