Friday, January 31, 2014

Ice Cream | Paper Camellia

Good Day Friends,

Well after almost a week in bed with the Seasonal Flu --- today I think I'm alive! It's been a rough couple of days so hopefully this is the end of this miserable week ;-)
Although after having the flu for the past week - i look at this picture of Stephanie and i at Disneyland in California - enjoying the biggest ice cream bowl EVER ... and it makes me smile !

I used the February Paper Camellia Scrapbook Kit to complete this page

Thursday, January 30, 2014

February Kit | Paper Camellia

Hello Friends!

The Paper Camellia February Kit is reveal today!

We are thrilled to bring you our Main Scrapbook and Add-on kits filled with the latest from Crate Paper, Fancy pants Designs, Echo Park, and much more.

The Add-on kit will be available to our subscribers today, and  any remaining Main Scrapbook and Add-on kits will  be available for purchase to everyone on Saturday, February 1st.

February 2014 Main Scrapbook Kit
The Main Scrapbook kit is a lovely mix of shades of mint, pinks, and grey. There are full packs of wood veneer words, flair, and die cuts, as well as two alphabets, twine and fun clips.  This kit is full of options from layouts, pocket pages and cards!

February 2014 Add-On Kit 
The Add-on this month has heart vellum, a great cut apart paper,  beautiful layered dimensional elements and sparkle infused enamel dots!  If you are thinking of creating stunning Valentine's Day cards, this is the kit for you.

I loved the colors in the kits this month, it was LOVEY for Valentine's Day but also tons of mint green that can be matched with any occasion.  I created 2 layouts and 2 cards for this months release - here is a sneak peek!

 Not a subscriber yet? It's easy to join.  Simply use the "Subscribe" button and start your subscription with the January kit!  As a subscriber you will be assured to receive the main kit every month at a savings, enjoy  special subscriber shopping days to purchase add-ons, and receive special subscriber promotions.

Come visit  our Design Team Gallery  for creative inspiration.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I've got the FLU ..

Hello friends, 

Sorry to all those of your waiting for blog makeovers and reply to emails. i'm sick. It's been since Saturday Night that hubby and I are both in bed coughing up a storm - fever - chills - all that fun stuff .. with that said i'll be back soon!

Thank you 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cover Page 2014 | Project Life

Hello Friends, 

Have you started your Project Life album yet ? Finishing off 2013 ? or debating on starting ? Well maybe this will encourage you to start. 

In 2013 when I first started documenting - project life style - i really wasn't sure what to expect. I knew it would be somewhat time consuming, lots of photo printing, and sitting down journaling.. all those things were somewhat intimidating .. but i got myself organized and joined a few kit clubs that offer the project life kits.  

I scheduled myself atleast an hour or so to document on Saturday nights when hubby was busy watching hockey or his COPS shows. It gave me time to sit and start journaling about my week. I used the iPhone app called Project 365 and every day it reminds me to take a picture. This was perfect and is perfect for me to take a picture of what the day was like or an event that happen that day. When i sit down to do my spread i take a peek at my app and see what went on that week. SO EASY! I don't do notes, or post its or make it complicating for me - i just do it. 

As for journaling i write a few notes down about what we did or how i felt - nothing drastic. I print my pics from home on my huge printer HP 6500 and it works great. 
I use a program called Photosheet to make collages - such as multi photos on a 4x6 pics. Easy to add tons of pics and simple to save it and print. 

Some of my spreads are embellishment / sticker heavy when i want to spend more than an hour on my spread but sometimes i just have pics and journaling. whatever works for me at that time.  I dont stress about WEEK numbers. I dont like that. I like to add my dates and this can be sunday to tuesday / sunday to saturday or even 10 days at a time if i've had a  slower/ quieter week. i have no rules.. no regulations and that for me makes DOCUMENTING FUN! 

I love to look back at my pages and remember those funny / crazy / difficult moments of 2013. I'm looking forward to documenting 2014 and i so encourage you to start... even if you don't finish or don't like the process atleast you tried! I'm 95% sure you'll enjoy this ! 

So grab your stuff and get to it!

This is my 2014 Cover Page. 
I used LilyBee Design Family Collection -

Have a fabulous week and please share your cover page with me!
 I'd love to see it ;-)

Monday, January 20, 2014

CHA Spread | Project Life

What a weekend it was heading to CHA. I took tons of pics and wanted to document lots of them but it really didn't want 2 pages of one weekend so i created collages on a 4x6 and added tons of pics. I used PHOTOSHEET  and this made the process so easy! I'll add a small pocket in between the two pages for my ticket stubs, memorabilia and extras.

( some pics might be blurry due to my green shirt ) i'll retake pics shortly! )

As you can see we did lots on our 4 day visit to California - 
from Flight delays, CHA, Rupert, meeting new friends, Disneyland, Warner Brothers Studios, Hollywood and so much more .. it was awesome!
  • Stephanie and I cancelling our hotel in Montreal for the night cause our flight was cancelled - got 3 hours sleep to get up for the first flight friday morning. 
  • Arriving at the Anaheim Convention Center with CHA posted on the front is really awesome
  • Meeting Rupert from Survivor and making a tiedye tshirt was SUPER FUN 
  • OH MY - enjoying the biggest Ice Cream Cone ever at Disneyland
  • Several pics of some awesome scrapbookers - Kelly Purkey, Heidi Sonboul, tim Holtz, Layle Koncar, Vicky Boutin, Elizabeth Kartchner, and Celine Navarro. 
  • The girls ( Stephanie, Nicole and myself having fun at the Amy Tangerine booth.

This is a bad pic but i'll retake shortly -

  • 4x6 Collage of Hollywood - Hollywood Sign 
  • The Hollywood Bowl - this place is HUGE - really cool to see it ( pics )
  • Marilyn Monroe's Grave site 
  • the Biltmore Hotel - WOW is all i can say!
  • and of course Rodeo Drive 
  • GreyStone Manor
  • We got so close to the Hollywood Sign - almost underneath it
  • Dolby Theatre, Chinese Theatre,  and Stars Home.. pictured is Betty White's Front entrance!
  • We ate at Carney's which is inside a train ! 
we then visited Warner Brothers Studios for the afternoon and that was pretty cool! 
  • Replicated Friends Set, we visited Ellen's front door !, saw the spaceshuttle from the Big Bang Theory, we were actually on set of  the house  where the FOSTERS are filmed and so much more!
 What a great trip! It was nice to be away but also so nice to be HOME.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Creative Scrappers Reveal | Sketch 260

Hello Friends! 

It's reveal day at Creative Scrappers today. I must admit this sketch is awesome. After the week of rest from CHA and a sore back I created my layout last night in about an hour! My challenge was cutting triangles, i couldn't get my brain around it LOL!! 

Have fun with it and please share your work with us! Our Design Team is featuring their favorites on Wednesdays ... so add your layout with inlinkz found at the bottom of our CS reveals!

To Win a prize from My Creative Scrapbook all you need to do is create a layout and enter the challenges using our inlinkz widget at the end of the reveals for Sketch 259-260.

Deadline to submit your layout is January 31st at Midnight EST. 

Have a great week! 

Friday, January 17, 2014

February Sneak | Paper Camellia

Hi Everyone!

Yes I had a fabulous time at CHA and more on that shortly. Sadly I got home and hurt my back so i'm on bed rest for the next couple of days ;-( 

Paper Camellia sneak peeks for february kits have been posted! Certainly to brighten these winter days with a touch of spring and " love "

Our main scrapbook kit is filled with a  mix of the latest papers from Fancy Pants Designs, Crate Paper, and Echo Park. Lots of embellishments from flair, lovely die cuts, twine, clips and more will keep you creating all month long.

The Add-on kit is perfect for Valentine's Day inspired layouts and cards. Look for the full reveal and beautiful inspiration from our design team coming January 30th.

If you would like to join us as a subscriber simply visit Paper Camellia and  sign up. As a subscriber you won't ever miss out on the main Scrapbook kit and receive the member price.  Also, you will enjoy a member shopping day on all Add-on kits before they are made available to everyone.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Project Life | Paper Camellia

After completing 4 layouts with the Paper Camellia January kit,  I still had a few left over papers and embellishments. I decided to use my scraps and embellishments to create a Project Life spread.  I used some pieces to create flowers, journal cards, and it came together quite easily. The chipboard pieces I stamped with Gold Ink and used the Glitter Alphas for my title. 

So easy and so much fun!! This could also be used as a Project Life like layout!  Don't throw away those little pieces.. use them up! ;-) 

have a great day!

Monday, January 06, 2014

DIY Reveal | Simple Stories

I'm so excited for  Winter 2014 Release Reveal Week at Simple Stories!
The crew has been busy, busy, busy working on some amazing new products to share with you and now's the time when we can finally share!  Today is the first of six full days! of our reveal week, so be sure to check back each day for more goodies as well as a chance to win our new products before you can buy them!  You can also follow us on Instagram at simplestories_  for behind the scenes photos Simple Stories will be sharing as they prepare for the Craft and Hobby Association Mega Show later this week where they'll showcase all  new products to retailers.

Alrighty, hang on to your seats because here we go.....
  _diy ad_do contact info
Today we introduce you to DIY™  - Design It Yourself.   DIY gives you the freedom to create your own elements to suit your personal style.  Start with our basic 3x4 & 4x6 card, envelope, tag or pocket foundations, next add our kraft and/or office layers, then choose from our assortment of stickers, stamps and embellishments to create your own personal work of art!


123 graphic 
DIY Steps Headers1


DIY_5133 DIY_5134
DIY_5135 DIY_5136

DIY Steps Headers2



DIY Steps Headers3










How you doing so far?  Hanging in there?  I know, it's a lot of awesomeness to digest, right?!  But wait, there's more!  It's ok if you need to go grab a drink and come back, I'll wait....
Now I bet I know what some of you are thinking - 'what about the paper'?!  I know you guys LOVE your paper.  Have no fear, let me introduce DIY Boutique!  You may have noticed a reference or 2 to DIY Boutique in a few of the product names above :)  DIY Boutique is a collection of bright & fun paper, 3x4 & 4x6 cards and embellishments, designed to stand on their own as well as coordinate with all of the DIY goodness I just shared!
























So there you have it - DIY™ Design It Yourself! 
Here are just a few examples of the literally ENDLESS possibilites you can create with DIY & DIY Boutique  
Simple Stories DIY card samples
DIY begins shipping to retailers mid March, so it won't be long before you can get your hot little hands on it!  
How about a chance to win a DIY prize pack before you can buy it?!! 
 You have 2 chances to win!   See more at:

So what do you think?!!
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Blogger Template by The October Studio