Monday, November 25, 2013

CS256 | Silhouette Shape

Having a hard time creating with CS Sketch 256
I created this freebie for you to use with your Silhouette Cameo.  

CLICK ON IMAGE to Download

If you have to cut individually triangles measure 5" all 3 sides. 

Have fun ;-)

Creative Scrappers Sketch 256 | Reveal

Good Morning!
It's Sunday and It's REVEAL day for Creative Scrappers ! We had a great time showcasing the Paper Issues gals this week and today it's our turn!

The Sketch once again, in case you missed it - one of my favorites! It's different, not complicating, and so out of my comfort zone. LOVE THOSE!

Supplies used for this layout : Elle's Studio - Day to Day Collection 
other misc diecuts from Elle's Studio

Thanks bunches for reading today, and hope you can play ;-)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Days In December 20-24 | Paper Camellia

hello Friends
Sharing more of my Days in December Mini Album with you today. As i get the album started with photos and more little extras I'll post pictures here on my blog ;-)

Day 20
i used a kraft card envelope
i sprayed color shine and added washi tape to the edge.
instead of punching holes in the envelope I added a 1" piece of cardstock behind
the envelope - this was sewed and it allowed me to keep my small envelope in tack in my mini.  So easy to do !

this can keep some receipts, or small gift tags or something else that i might want to hide ;-)

day 22 -
I cut out a word with my silhouette again
believe, this can be anything as well, such as peace, giving, gratitude, wishes,
whatever you like.

Kerri Bradford has some amazing words or you can find tons of free ones on pinterest.

Day 23 - I told you i love confetti pockets!
another one was added and in this pocket i put all my little mini left overs - i added little numbers from the Fancy Pants number sheet, I added cut up pieces of vellum from the diecuts i didn't use and lastly i added 2 enamel dots glued together for front and back ;-)

Day 24 -
i created the little tree with left overs again, i think these were flags maybe ? not sure but they were perfect for my tree, I added enamel dots and VOILA ;-)

Day 25 i left blank, i want to add to it on Christmas Day - probably a photo collage or large 6x8 photo of our tree in the morning or family photo.

i have tons of left over photo protectors so at any time if i want to add more pictures i can ;-)

Thank you SO Much for visiting and I hope you were inspired to create with your December Days kit from Paper Camellia 

Happy Holidays to you and your family

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Days In December 11-19 | Paper Camellia

 Hello Friends,

I'm sharing more of my mini album ( Days in December ) for you today.
I'll be sharing days 11-19.

Days 11-19
I added some detail with my sewing machine, i have grey thread but you can use gold, white, red, green any color to add details.
I also used Pop dots on my stars and a few diecuts just to give the album thickness

As you can see I used quite a few MME word stickers on my days as well, adding words such as JOY, Wonder, Peace etc..  i love those for every day reminders.

It's been a few years since my husband and I were able to enjoy Christmas with family. I usually work shift work and Christmas day was always  a day I was stuck working or we had other issues not allowing us to be available. This year, I have 2 weeks vacations and soo looking forward to spending time with my family. I am more than positive this will be a great Christmas, so i can add those under my favorite holiday memories.

Day 14- i created with a punch a small tag, you can cut up a rectangle piece of paper for this - just a few inches, I also added a white doily for detail.

Day 15 - I used the North Pole Express card and punched out the number 15
the JOY was cut up with my silhouette on gold glitter paper.
( you can add a star, an angel, anything you'd like or even add a large photo for this instead.

Day 17 -
I added one of my favorite recipes. My Mom makes this AMAZING lemon Dessert
from a Better Homes and Garden magazine i think,, but she adds a bit of herself to create it. It's AWESOME! so i added that in my mini.

The other side of this will be a 6x8 photo collage of something Christmas related during this time.

Day 18 - I love confetti! i created some with left over papers and a punch, added some larger stars and also
added 2 word stickers glued together so they show on the front and back of the page.

Grab your December kit and come create along with us!
More pages to follow ;-) 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Days In December 6-10 | Paper Camellia

Hello Readers!
I have more pages to show you today! These will be days 6 thru 10

Day 6 - I added a calendar to emphasize the date and what the week was like.
these are free printables i found at 

Day 7 I want to add a few more photos - hopefully some Christmas shopping or decorations - I have room for (2) 2x3" photos and perhaps a 4x3 or something similar in size.

Day 8 - I'll concentrate on a few favorite songs of the season. You know the ones by Micheal Buble, Kelly Clarkson and ya Justin Beiber!!!
Some might be around in 10 years or more right ? maybe ?! ;-)

another confetti pocket created with the wood veneer embellishments - I added gold color shine to my wood veneers Starbursts.
You can also see that i have added some gold color shine to most of my pages,
i love the effect this gives and a little shine looks so good on these pages. You can do red, green, gold or silver to add a bit of character.

i added another mini coin envelope and added the number 9

I wanted to add some of my favorite Christmas songs in my album but instead of adding several, i created one song and another on the reverse of this page.
For this i printed on white cardstock, and added some washi tape on the edges for added gold on the song page.

D'ont laugh at my Kenny Rogers song!! I've loved this song since 1981
My mother is Linda and grew up with 16 brothers and sisters, She was born in April and we have family in Kentucky and for some reason this song just makes me cry every time i sing it! It reminds me of Christmas at home. How so many years I've created and believe in a homemade Christmas. I wish it was like that again, it just meant a little bit more than gift cards, and gift receipts for something store bought that I can return if I don't like it.

You can hear that song here,  KENNY ROGERS - Kentucky Homemade Christmas.

Grab your December kit and come create along with us!
More pages to follow ;-)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Days in December 1- 5 | Paper Camellia

I am  thrilled to begin a series of posts featuring a beautiful holiday mini album using the December Days Kit from Paper Camellia -  I was going to call my mini - December Daily but instead i opted for Days in December. 

I used the Paper Camellia - December Days kit and a few basic supplies to create this fun project she called "Days in December." Follow along as we reveal a few pages each day.
For the album I will be using Studio Calico's 6x8" handbook  It is a plain chipboard cover and fits the 4x6 and 3x4 pictures nicely. I painted my cover red but i haven't decorated the front yet. I'll do that a bit later. This album is complete and it will be so easy to add photos and a few journaling notes - as well as extras such as wish lists, receipts, Christmas cards and so much more! 
This is my very first "Days in December" album and I can say I LOVE IT! The Kit from Paper Camellia was wonderful with so many little extras and a good amount of paper to completely finish my album.

I have added a few extra items and those are :
2 sheets of American Crafts POW - Gold Glitter
Silhouette Cuts
Gold Ribbon
6x8 Album
Heidi Swapp Gold Color Shine
My Sewing Machine
Paper Doily
included is an Ali Edwards Cameo cut on Glitter Paper 

I created a Christmas Tree with the Vellum Pieces in the Pink Paislee DieCut package
Added some enamel dots and sewing.

I added some embossing powder in a pocket, some vellum diecuts, and wood pieces to create a confetti pocket.  I love that this is see thru and you can see behind this pocket for more details of the album. 

Another Cameo Cut from Ali Edwards - December

Let me know what you think ! Are you creating a December Mini this month ? I'd love to see your pages if you're creating with a Paper Camellia Kit. Make sure you leave a comment on the Paper Camellia blog and i'll visit ;-)

Grab your December kit and come create along with us!
More pages to follow ;-) 
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