Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hello Today | Layout

oh My dear Nieces ... I'm happy they give me the opportunity to take pictures of them to Scrapbook... otherwise you'd be seeing my cat way more than you do now!

This layout was created using the April Kit from Cocoa Daisy - I used pieces from the main Kit and the Day in the Life kit.  I pretty much cut up journal cards, papers, and added my own twist to this page.

Have a great week!

Monday, April 29, 2013

A Toronto Experience

I hope you're weekend was fabulous!

Hubby and I decided on a last minute trip to Toronto and managed to get tickets to an NHL Hockey Game for Saturday Night! We saw Toronto play Montreal ... and well it was a great 10 minutes then kind of went downhill, sadly the Maple Leafs didn't win but it was still an awesome time.

We got to enjoy the Keg Restaurant which we love, we walked to the Marche Restaurant / Brookfeild Place - on Saturday and ate some YUMMY pad thai, walked again to the Eaton Centre and I did a little LUSH Shopping while hubby enjoyed browsing his favorite stores.

Saturday we went to the game with our matching jersey's we cheered for our favorite NHL team. The crows was electrifying until the Montreal Canadiens scored the second goal... and third and fourth. ;-(

We then started walking back to our hotel and realized we were going in the wrong direction ... yup I do that a lot -- we walked so much this past weekend I have blisters on my feet and my legs are sooo sore!  After the game we eneded up in this ' cheezy ' little place to order Greek food for take out and WOW it was awesome! I think it was called Alexandro's next to the Westin.

Anyhoo, it was a great time ;-)

Friday, April 26, 2013

Hello Friend | Layout

Nothing makes me happier than spending some quality time with my dear friend Stephanie. We laugh, we cry, we laugh some more and i'm so grateful to be able to call her my bestie!

I used the Simple Stories Collection called 24/7 for this page and I must admit I LOVE the colors, and the patterns in this collection.

Thanks for peeking!
Have a great Weekend ;-)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Paper Issues Celebration

Cassie's Birthday Bash: A Paper Issues Celebration

The Paper Issues creative team is celebrating Cassie's birthday in a big way this week.
(Caissie is the owner of Paper Issues)

This is not just a one day celebration, but a whole 5 days — 5 days full of fun and fabulous giveaways.

Usually the birthday girl would be getting the gifts, but instead the creative team is giving our blog readers the chance to win some wonderful gifts.

One of my lucky followers will receive a PRINTED and DIGITAL version of my latest Sketchbook - Creating with Sketches 2. 

I will randomly draw a winner April 29th 
__________ MARIA ____________

and announce it here, will it be you?

There will be plenty of giveaways on the Paper Issues Facebook page this week so be sure to "like" us. Keep checking in so you don't miss a chance to win some great prizes. 

Good luck!

Monday, April 22, 2013

I've Got Issues

Good Morning Friends!

Yes! I have Issues ;-) .. Paper Issues!

I am happy to announce that I've been selected as one of the new design team members for Paper Issues :-) !! I am looking forward to this creative journey and hopefully you'll come along with me !! 
Paper Issues has monthly challenges and great prizes!!
Want to participate in the latest Issue -- CLICK HERE!

I also have a great deal for you!! Paper Issues has a great online store hosted on Etsy. If you are searching for great products, fast shipping and super service .... Use my personal promotion code to save 20% on your purchase!! ...... The promo code is KRISTINE This code is valid for everyone including my International friends :-)

Thanks for sharing this moment with me and I look forward to creating with you! Visit the Paper Issues blog to see who else made the team.

It's also Caissie's birthday Week --- She'll be doing giveaways all week on the PI facebook page --- you should go LIKE their page today ... just saying! 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

1,2,3 Smile | Layout

What happens when 8 ladies get together at a scrapbook event? TONS of SMILES!

Although, It's hard to SMILE sometimes cause we're LAUGHING so hard! Usually in hysterical tears, snorting!  It's can be a great time!

Perhaps you have a friend you can smile and laugh with? Maybe give her a call today and tell her how much she means to you ! xx

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

CHA | Layout

Yes, it's April and I'm still scrapbooking pictures of CHA from January 2013.
I think this is the last one! ;-)

On this page i showcased a few pictures and some of you have been asking " how did you do that?"

I used an online photo editing software called Pic Monkey. You can use photoshop or any other software would work. I find PIC Monkey easy for me -- so that's what i use. 

Visit http://www.picmonkey.com/
Click on  Create Collage
Click on OPEN PHOTOS - add photos from your hard drive that you want on this collage.
Click on the 3 mini photo frames and edit your layout - I use SQUARE DEAL 9
I add my photos and save picture to my harddrive.
i then print my picture on a 5x7 sheet and cut off 2" to form a 5x5 square picture with 9 mini prints.

I hope this helps!
have fun with it, it's a great way to add multiple photos on a page ;-)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Crazy for You | Layout

I have such a love for Bella Blvd. I recently used up some of my left overs from the Kiss Me Collection. Love the colors in this collection and I still have a few pieces left for a card or two ;-)

Here is my latest - Crazy For You 

I hope all is well!
I am off for a few days and hopefully able to do 178 things on my list! You know like cleaning, traveling, scrapbooking, cooking, cleaning, traveling, visiting family, friends, cleaning, all that fun stuff! ;-)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

SCT | Guest Blogger

Hello Everyone!
I'm a guest blogger at Scrapbook & Cards today and I am back with you today to share some embellishment ideas for your Project Life pages. I usually enjoy my embellishments to be flat or non bulky so the items that I'm using today in my spread will be as such.

On my spread I used - Silhouette cut outs, Washi Tape, Stamps, DMC Floss for stitching, confetti and wood veneers. I feel like these embellishments are ME right now and I'm enjoying the simplicity of adding these to my journal cards.

For Close Up pictures of my journal cards |
Visit Scrapbook & Cards Today online. CLICK HERE!

Hopefully I've given you a few ideas and Thank you so much for joining me this week and enjoy creating your own Project Life album!

Monday, April 08, 2013

SCT | Guest Blogger

Scrapbook & Cards today asked me to be a Guest Blogger for SCT! On the SCT blog this week I'll be sharing a few of my Project Life details and perhaps you'll be inspired to start your album! 
Today I'll be sharing with you you my Project Life spread for the week of March 26-31 2013.  If you haven't started your Project life album yet, it's never too late. Last year I kept browsing galleries and wondered if this type of documenting would be for me. I have no children, a spoiled cat, I work full time and really didn't think my life was that fabulous. Once I started documenting my weeks, I realized it's not about the fabulous lifestyle, the perfect photos - it is for anyone who wants to document LIFE! 
This is MY last week of March. As you can see I didn't add a date. It's straight forward for me and I felt it wasn't that important for my spread.

 At the beginning of the week,  I took my weekly selfie, took a picture of my current Scrapbook project, a picture of hubby and I and then a few important moments.

The second part of my spread is usually the end of the week where I take a photo of something scenic - such as the Kennebacasis River on my way to work, the weather forecast, Eddie the cat and since this was the end of the month I included my monthly screen shot of Project 365. 
Here are a few detailed photos of my spread and perhaps I've  encouraged you to start your own version of Project Life 

Project Life is a system of documenting everyday memories by Becky Higgins. For more details about Project Life you can visit her website at BeckyHiggins.com

 I'll be back on Wednesday to share a little more of my Project Life with you!
 Visit Scrapbook & Cards Today blog
& follow them on Facebook

Monday, April 01, 2013

2 Days | Layout

Yes, Another page of my trip to Los Angeles... I promise I'll change my pics soon!

The Amy Tangerine collection YES PLEASE! is perfect for scrapbooking travel themed photos. I love the colors as well and her stitch template is AWE-SOME!

My title for this page is 2Days >>

 A close up of a few details  >>

Thanks for peeking!

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