Sunday, October 23, 2011


Don't you love summertime? the fresh air, the birds chirping, the cool evening breeze, ... oh my winter is fast approaching and I could really use a few more summer days.

I created this SUMMER page of my niece, the picture was taken last year and she's growing up so fast. She's such a joy, always happy and laughing away... this picture i had to ask her to smile for me and well this is what she gave me! Still sweet ;-)

It's sooooo awesome! I love the colors, the diecuts are just too cute, would you believe i got 2 sheets of diecuts and i plan on creating a mini album with the rest of the papers and journal tags.. That should be done in the next few days or weeks ;-) If you're interested in creating a mini album with me... i'll be posting pics of my finished project shortly. You can still get this collection at LCOM ... just CLICK HERE!

Thanks for peeking!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

10 Years Together

yes! I have another page to show you ;-) I am on a roll these days ... it feels kind of nice!

This is a self pic of hubby and i on our anniversary - August 25.
Nothing fancy just the two of us enjoying the day with drinks and sunshine. I used the new Studio Calico, and i love the papers but i just don't feel it's me right now... i am feeling more bright and vibrant these days and well... this wasn't my best but anyhoo...

it's 10 Years Together!

Thanks for peeking, I am sure i'll be back for me in the next few days!
I am on vacation starting Friday at 7pm and attending a great fundraising crop on Sat.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Modern Family

A layout using the latest Creative Scrappers sketch #177

Last Sunday night i decided i was going to set up my scrap table in the kitchen, and start creating in daylight instead of my dark, and lamped room!
It was nice .... full of sunlight, in the middle of the kitchen, and Eddie loves the new table!
and of course more Bella Blvd... Family Dynamix was used for this page..

I took about 50 pictures of this layout, and My Goodness it's hard to take a picture of a layout with a white background.. SHEESH! anyway, i placed this one on black cardstock and this is what i got... sorry if it's off in color but you get the idea ;-)

Thanks for PEEEEKing!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Beating Heart Crop

Join us for a great day full of creativity to show your support!
This is a wonderful opportunity to catch up or get started on preserving your photos and precious memories, while supporting Tanya and Family Members.
A recent health issue will prevent Tanya's husband to work for the next few months and funds are going to be limited for medication, and of course daily living expenses. This crop will be for raising funds for the family in this time of need.

Saturday Oct 15 starting at 9am until 9pm
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church
Rothesay NB

this is going to be a NO FRILLS Crop

a lunch will be available for 10$ from Arby's Restaurant
courtesy of Kelly Northrup
and 5$ donated to the family

( Oct 14-15 were the original dates for a CANDY CORN crop, but due

to recent events this will be replaced with a fundraising crop on Saturday ONLY )

Thank you for your support during this time of need!

Let's make this a fabulous crop for Roger and Tanya and show them our support for a beating heart!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Connected & Nate

I was entertained by my bestie Stephie last week. She's from Halifax and I from Quispamsis, and she was here on business. We managed to get together 3 nights last week and scrapbook from 8pm until Midnight each night. It was a blast!!! I wish we could do this more often, it seems that I scrapbook quite a bit with her by my side. I miss her, we have a great time together.

I finished 3 pages but 2 I will share with you tonight - the other wasn't photographed too well ...
I took pictures of my layouts outside today but it seems I had too much shadowing going on.. anyhoo these 2 aren't too bad.

The first is a picture of my nieces.. they are sisters and really best friends. I had a hard time finding a title but Stephie suggested Connected... and I used it ;-)

The papers used for this layout " Connected "
was Bella Blvd - Finally Fall Collection.

this next layout is my little nephew, Nate.
He's soooo cute! Look at those eyes... he's gonna be a charmer ;-)
he's approx 4 months old in this picture and of course
the Bella Blvd Oh Boy Papers were Just Perfect!!!

Yes, lately I've had a "Thing" for Bella Blvd. I am in Love with the colors, so bright and cheery and the stickers, chipboard, alphas are just too good not to use for my pages.

Thanks for reading and I should have another page or two for you tomorrow ;-)

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Searching for Designers!

It’s time for another Creative Call at Creative Scrappers!

If you enjoy working with sketches and
inspiring others with your love of scrapbooking
-- then please send me your application!

Submissions will be taken until October 12
New Designers will be posted October 15

Please include in your application:
Name, address, email address,
link to your blog and online gallery
List of Current Design Teams

Please Send us:
3 of your recent layouts to showcase your scrapbook style
Atleast 1 Layout using a CS Sketch, please indicate Sketch #

The Design Team will be required to:
- Complete 2-3 layouts per month with sketches provided
- Exclusive to Creative Scrappers*
( design for our Sketch Blog Only, no other sketch blog is permitted)
- You will be asked to post our CT Blinkie in signatures & on your blog!
- Posting our sketch & your layout on your Blog/Facebook

- This is a Term position from November 1 - March 1 2012
- Call is Open to Past and Present Design Team Members
- We have a Private Group on Facebook for CT Members Only
- Call is available to all countries!

Please Mail your entries to
Subject line - CS Creative Call

Thanks bunches !!!

Saturday, October 01, 2011

2 New Blogs

I had the opportunity to finish up 2 new blog makeovers this week.
I love the layers digi elements can offer, and the kits the girls selected where fabulous to play with.
Thanks ladies for letting me decorate your blog ;-)
jen did a bit of editing to her template, but the banner, background is what i created for her.
I really love Ana's new blog, the kit she selected, the colors... i really do love it. ;-)

I now have a folder set up on my facebook account with most of my blog banners/ makeovers.
If you are interested in taking a peek you can click here...
Copyright © 2025 Kristine Davidson. All Rights Reserved.
Blogger Template by The October Studio