Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's Wednesday ...
It was a good day today! I had to go to work, but it wasn't too busy so i was able to jot down some ideas and doodle a bit! That's always fun! HAA!!
I then had a class at my home tonight. We were a great group of girls. The class went for 3 hours but it seems like only 30 minutes! I love those classes. It had been so long since I actually hosted a class . The project was a Mixed Media Album and done with Pink Paislee papers... beautiful! We all had a great time and I am geared up for more !

Grr.... I haven't seen or gotten my issue of the Canadian Scrapbooker yet! My friend told me Eddie was on the inside cover and posted again in the pets section of the magazine! WOOOT WOOOOT! I can't wait to see it!!! How exciting! Come On Canada Post .. Hurry UP!

The weather was so nice here today. A bit windy but it's nice to see the perenials growing and everything turning green. I love this time of year. Sometimes I find May warmer and nicer than the month of June. But it seems so dry.. hopefully we get a bit of rain in the next week or so otherwise it's time to water the plants... I should take some pictures and show you the gardens in the back yard... I might do that tomorrow and post.

well that's it for now, my life is exciting isn't it! LOL!!!

ooo.. i guess I do have some news to share..
remember the car we bought 1 month ago! ? well the back windshield is broken... it's litterly coming apart! GRRRRRRRRR... what are we suppose to do about that..?? well.. luckily speedy auto glass can fix it for pretty cheap .. but what the hell! We just got this darn car, I hope it doesn't give us a hard time! I don't like car repairs... i've had too many and it's not like i drive like some crazy woman either. oh well...

alright, time for some blog browsing!
talk to you tomorrow

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

what a great couple of days! My back is better... thank goodness! It must be the old age thing getting to me! LOL!!! HAHAH! ya.. right!

I joined a weight loss challenge at work, this should be fun! { NOT! } but maybe a way to get me motivated to losing weight .. i feel like a huge cotton ball right now.. big white and fluffy!!!! hahha!!! oh that's so bad!

and yes, I have a new website! TOOT TOOT!!! TOOT TOOT! it was just going to be a blog, and then i did a bit of research and was able to get a site within my budget! So i am pretty happy with the outcome, It's Bright Pink of course and this is the link if you wanna come visit! it's a site for tons of sketch challenges, a few cyber crops, a gallery , a forum and great people ! A wonderful little community! We've had aboug 45 members join us within 24 hours and that certainly showed some interest! It's soooo exciting!!!!

As I have left my previous post as Admin/ DT from my LSS, with time to relax and think about my own life, I couldn't help myself but to make my dreams a reality! With great support from Friends and Family... I was able to do just that! So Let's PLAY!!!!

I have nothing new to show you in terms of layouts or projects, I have been a bit busy with the website... but I should have a few layouts by the end of this week!

Thanks for reading!
Chow for now Kristine

Sunday, May 18, 2008

yes! the creative scrappers blog is now up and Design Team members have been announced! How exciting!!!! This is truely something I have been looking forward to for quite some time. Sorry I haven't posted since Thursday I've been busy getting the site ready!

I am walking a bit better today... I am not as hunched over as I was on Friday and Saturday.. WOW it's already Sunday! Oh my.. that means one more day and vacation is over ... NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

I am having a little Stampin Up party today... just waiting for Kim to arrive! I don't have anything else to report ... oh.. yes. I have 2 spots left for my class in June!

Hope all is well!
Chow for now

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wow time flies! I can't believe it's Wednesday night already!

Steve and I did some gardening today... now I am as stiff as ever! I walk like a duck!!! Not good! But it felt so nice to be outside today just enjoying the sunshine and playing in the garden. I moved a few plants... with steve's help of course, I moved the bleeding heart and not sure if that was a good idea or not. It is so fragile, and well... i wanted it planted elsewhere... so we moved it. I hope it is ok...
We still have lots to do ...moving hostas and a few more items. For some reason every spring I just love to move things around! Poor plants.

Other than that.. it's nice to be off work!

I am getting things ready for my other blog .. creative scrappers and can't wait for the announcement on Sunday for our designers and guests! You have to read that blog to get more info !! LOL!!

I got a goodie box today... yum yum.. Full of goodies! I am so excited!
I am good for the next week or so! HAHAH!! till i can get another scrap fix!

I think we are having a yard sale on sat.... i am trying to convince my husband that we have stuff to get rid's more scrap money for me! WOO HOO!!!

yes, i took my ice cream flavor of the week down... i don't think i can eat one container of ice cream per week... well I can LOL but not sure i want to!

Alright, I am off to Scrapbook!
Chow for now

Monday, May 12, 2008

It's been a busy weekend! I left on Friday morning for Northern New Brunswick to visit my sister and her sweet little ladies! It was a great visit! I so enjoy those quiet times with the girls, just walking around the yard, or sitting in the lazy boy chair with Marissa in my arms watching tv.
I took a few pictures, Megan was still sick with a runny nose so some pics aren't visually pleasing if you know what i mean! poor little lady!

They are growing so fast, Marissa will be turning 5 in a few weeks and is excited about celebrating her birthday. She's invited Steve and I to her birthday party and has told us that there will be Bubble Gum in our goodie bags, so we really have to come! I thought that was toooo cute!

Other than that, the flood waters have subsided and everyone is starting clean up in the areas that were affected by the New Brunwick Flood in my home town.

I got an email from a wonderful scrapper in Australia who wants to use my TECHIE Cosmo Cricket Album for a weekend inspriation challenge! I was flattered. How fun! Thank you to Nicole from Aussie Scrap Source .

I also got an email from Canada Post indicating that my goodies from Scrap Fan should be in my mailbox tomorrow! YOUPEE! I can't wait to play with my new kit and goodies.... it's christmas morning... again this week! LOL!

Also, did you hear about Basic Grey's new collection!? Euphoria?

mmmm I really Love these colors ... that collection is on my wish list for the end of this month...
and Cosmo Cricket!
Have you seen there new collection Hello Sunshine??!

aren't these yummy!
That's it for now! I am off to scrapbook!!


Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Are you an Ice Cream Eater?

A Funny little post tonight !

As I am sitting here --- in front of my laptop with a bowl of yummy ice cream - I decided to post my Flavor of the week!
I Love Ice Cream and as per this layout I did a few months ago called
Ice Cream ... yes I love ice cream!

So I am going to post on a weekly basis the flavour of ice cream that I am having this week! LOL!!! What fun!

Are you an Ice Cream Eater! ?

a few pics

it's Hump Day!
That means it's America's Next Top Model on tv tonight ! WOOHOO!!! LOL!!

Well, it's been a busy few days, I am still working on the Creative Scrappers Blog, getting blinkies... have you seen them?!
Just so you know .. in case you are shopping around
Scrapper's Haven is going out of business and has some great sales on right now! take a peak!

We had a shift bid process at Air Canada on Tuesday. Yuck! Since we bid by seniority and shift preferences ... which i prefer a 5 days on 2 off... i was left with a weekend shift of 1230-9pm ... yup.. I think next time I will be doing a rotation.. Atleast I know Steve works this shift 3 days a week, and I do have Weekends off... but hopefully i will be able to get an early shift on wed so i can host a few scrap classes. or any other day during the week.
Speaking of classes, my class for May 28th has 1 seat left ! I can also prepare a Kit for you if you prefer to do the album on your own. I will have printed / colored instructions for you! The album should be posted soon. I am still working on it. Let me know if you'd like a kit!!!

My Layout - Little Miss Serious .. was chosen for the Basic Grey online gallery! TOOT TOOT for me! How awesome is that ? I do love that layout and thanks to the girls from LIITD for posting this sketch for us last weekend!

I will be going to visit my sister and nieces next weekend! WOOHOO!! i can't wait! Although, so much damage has been done by the flood it will be interesting to see what was damaged, the waterfalls for sure, and of course see what we can do to help out.

My sister is planning a garage sale next week, I think I will bring her a few things ... they have sales for up to 1 week there ... oh my! I can't imagine that. Here in Quispamsis we have them on sat morning from like 8am to 1pm .. Do you frequent yard sales ? I need a poll of the week here or something !!!

well, I do have a few photos to share with you.
I was out on Sunday night taking a few pictures outside of Steve and I and the backyard. I was trying to get some " Catch Lights " as Kathy Thompson showed us in Photo class 101!

So this is my pic! :
and this is a bad blurry picture of Steve and I outside!
I still like it, even with the blurr!

that's it for now!


Sunday, May 04, 2008

a few projects

A few projects to share with you !
Yes, National Scrapbook Day has come and gone. It was sooo fun this year. I actually was able to participate in 2 online crops. I am use to being the hostess and not the member doing the challenges so this was a good change of pace.

I completed 2 tags, and 4 layouts. I won a prize at Scrapbooking Fanatics for the Manufacturer Challenge WOOT WOOT! How exciting! I actually did have to work a bit for that challenge too.. You would think I know my manufactures but the papers were tuff to recognize.

So ... here are a few completed pages, and 1 i have to take a pic again tomorrow..

Tag Challenge at Scrap Fanatics

Love is in the Details Challenges:

One Thing Challenge :

Cat Quote Challenge
and 2 other layouts that I will post tomorrow!

Other than that.. it's been a great scrappy weekend and hope you enjoyed yourself too!

I am now off for 2 weeks and ready to do some gardening and Spring Cleaning!

Didn't see the post.... I have a class set up for May 28th ... see details in previous post!

chow for now

we have a NSD winner!

"" Stephanie said...
Happy NSD!!! I did manage to get my scrap stash organized last night, some shopping (lol) and a fun layout of my cat Fleur!Hope you had a great weekend!
May 4, 2008 2:16 PM ""

Congrats Stephanie!
email me your address and the goodies are yours!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Happy NSD!


I hope you have a wonderful time scrappin this weekend !
I will be playing on a few board Cyber Crops and scrappin the night away.
There are tons of challenges, and online parties going on right now ..
I am sure you'll be able to find something fun to do!

Leave a comment for me today or tomorrow before 5pm ( est ) on what you did to celebrate the day/ weekend and I'll have a draw for yummy Scrap goodies on Sunday night !

Have a Great Scrappy Weekend !

Friday, May 02, 2008

Oh Deer!

Hello my fellow blog readers!

Well... let's see how my day started today...

It's 720 am.. the alarm goes off for Steve to get ready for work. ( he works at 1030am...??? what's up with that.. anyway... after pressing the snooze button the car alarm goes off... not sure who's it was but it stopped.. I think it was the neighbors - but not sure .. at the same time the car is beeping our phone rings.... Steve answers .. but no answer... Hung up the phone.. so we 're up... a little early i might add!
Steve goes to the kitchen to start ironing his dress shirt ( i don't iron! ) and i look outside and 4 deer are standing in our garden chewing on our new growth !!!! BLAH!!!!! they are nice to look at... so of course .. me I grab the camera .. steve grabs Eddie not to go outside , since i have the patio door open.. and Click! Picture for me! LOL....

One of the deer had a really sore leg. It was limping pretty bad and couldn't run. It probably got hurt running away or something earlier in the week. So sad sometimes... I feel helpless wanting to give them food or something...
So My father emails me ... .tells me we should charge admission for our Backyard ZOO! oh my...

This is a picture i took of Eddie the other night on my scrapbook table. How cute is he??? I love it when he sleeps next to me. I know it's not good to be on the table... yada yada yada... but he's so warm and fuzzy!
Well, it's National Scrapbooking Day Tomorrow.... WOOT WOOT! I have a few things planned as long as Steve watches the Hockey Game Tomorrow night! Oh...My Sat nights scrappin are coming to an end real soon so I better enjoy the last of them till next September!

I have a class project lined up! YOUPEEEE! It's been quite a few months since I last hosted a class.. I have purchased the new Pink Paislee papers - Spring Fling Collection --->> look how yummy those are!

I am working on the project right now and will post a sneak peek for you soon!
Have a great Scrappy Weekend!

Thursday, May 01, 2008


WOOOHOOO ! I was a designer chosen for the May 2008 Page Maps Newsletter this month! How exciting!!!
This is the sketch Becky emailed me about 3 weeks ago...

As many of you know... I have a hard time scrapping with lots of photos... so this was a great challenge for me. I had pictures of Marissa from last summer that I hadn't scrapped and the new papers from Crate Paper matched perfectly for these pics and layout too!

If you are interested in having a layout posted in page maps check out the Site and click on newsletter info... send in your gallery link and info to Becky and you might be a chosen one!

This is the layout that was created with the sketch.

SO, I have a little blog contest for you!
>>> Visit the Creative Scrappers blog for more info! <<<

Talk to you later
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