Friday, March 28, 2008

Toronto Day 4

getting ready to check out of the hotel and go to the Open Page WHolesalers Warehouse .... tons of distrubutors and maybe a bit more scrap shopping! Can that really be done ??!!
I slept good last night, but my blisters are really nasty on the back of my heals... i really need some ALOE VERA or something .... they aren't pretty!

I thought they were announcing some snow here in Toronto.. but nothing so that's really good! Is spring around the corner? I hope so...

Last night's banquet was really great ... nice to see everyone wearing pink!
A really emotional night for me ... since my Grand Mother died of Cancer in 2001.
the I WISH ... Guilty stage was really hitting me hard last night.
But Melissa is a WONDERFUL speaker and what an INSPIRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday Madness

Remember last night I wrote I had to go to bed cause 7am was close?
Well ... let me tell you what night I had last night.
Steve and I both went to bed at the same time - which is really rare ...cause he always stays up later than I.

So at about 12am... we head to bed
1230am.. I am tossing around trying to find comfort
1am.. I change my " anti snore " pillow to my regular pillow
130am Steve is snoring... and I can't fall asleep
i talk to him while he is sleeping. Telling him he's snoring and about to swallow his tongue!
200am I am so warm .. and getting really tired. I get up for a drink and head back to bed.
230am I am really upset.. after counting sheep, dogs, cats, scrapbook papers !! I can't fall asleep
300am.. I head downstairs in our spare bedroom
305am.. EDDIE thinks jumping in the mini blinds will get me to pay attention to him... with one foot in and one foot out of the blinds.. he sits for 1 min.... then jumps on me.. and off the bed
310am.. I fall asleep .. exhausted!
330am.. Steve comes downstairs to see if everything is alright with me... thus waking me up ..... but i am so tired I fall back asleep
645am... steve comes in to wake me up!
WOWZERS what a long night...
thank goodness I managed to get the day off today.. cause I wouldn't have been pretty to customers!

so now it's 835pm and I am ready for bed!

I have some packing to do to get ready for Toronto... departure time 1130am.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter My Friends and Family!
The Easter Bunny found me on Saturday Night ... but not on Sunday morning!!!! I think he likes to sleep in on Sunday mornings! HAA!!!

The best part of my day today was getting a beautiful picture of my nieces in there Easter Dresses. That is something my sister has done for the past 4 years. Get the girls some froo froo Easter Sunday Dresses. They are so adorable!

I hope you had a wonderful Easter and had tons of chocolate too!

I must go to bed... I have to work tomorrow morning and for some reason 7am comes way too fast ! I will be off for a week at 530pm tomorrow! Janique and I head to Toronto on Tuesday Morning! I can't wait... will share some info later tomorrow!

and yes, I still have a few paper packs for sale.. see my post below!
Gotta make some room in here for new goodies!

Chow for Now!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Feeling Better

Well, today was the first day that I can say I felt better! I hardly coughed, and my tongue is much better... youpee! I see the Doctor on Thursday night and hopefully all is well!
Steve is not feeling well.. he has a fever tonight- coughing and sleeping right now. I hate seeing him sick, i sometimes feel so helpless. I hope he gets better soon and I really don't want him to transfer his germs to me.... not again!
So I went to bed last night at about ... 1230am ... I layed in bed for hours.. tossing and turning. I actually got out of bed at 315am to get a drink and I was going to stay up and play... but man I had a hard time falling asleep. For some reason when Steve is in bed before I am .. I can't fall asleep! When I go to bed first... I am sleeping like a baby! So needless to say, today I am a bit tired... and no nap either!

I did a few cards last night... I hadn't done cards in a while, so this was fun. I have a "simple" style when it comes to cards. I like my rubons - my flowers and nice Bazzill cardstock!
Here are a few that I completed... notice no layouts in a while... I think I lost my layout MOJO! Hopefully I will return to layouts soon!
Anyhow, here are a few cards... >>

I am searching for French Rubons ... or a French Stamp Set for Birthdays. My mom wants a few cards done with " Bonne Fete" .... do you know of a good company that makes French Rubons??!!! Please share if you do!

Well, it's Wednesday Night and a good TV night too! I am currently recording America's Next Top Model , Big Brother, and ... i think that's it. I haven't been keeping track of Survivor ... but I would like to.. too much going on for me to sit and watch tv... but I do love Big Brother.
I really hope Matt is gone tonight and Ryan is still kept in the game. I don't really have a fav yet... but Steve really doesn't want me rooting for James! I like James... but no fav yet!

Chow for now!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Still Awake...

It's about 12:30am .. and I am still awake! I have had a good day but with a dry hacking cough. This has been the longest few months I have ever had... Sick ... sick ..sick.. I think the entire population of Canada is sick these days. If not sick then please share your vitamins with us !

It's starting to look like Spring in my back yard. I can see the garden brown as it is - it still looks nice! The place where we put our hammocks and Adirondack chairs is bare and just waiting for us to claim our spot again. The branches on our Dappled Willow are nice and bright red showing some winter growth ( i think! LOL! ) it looks great.
I heard another snow storm is coming on the weekend March 15th...
I so remember this day ... It's the day before my birthday and usually a snow storm appears with brisk winds and blowing snow.
Then the morning after .... it's SPRING!!!

Don't you feel awake and alive now at dinner time ... i noticed that for the past 2 nights around 630pm it's still daylight. WOW I love that! Gives us a bit more energy and so nice to drive home from work and it's daylight.

Well, Products are arriving daily at Paws On Scrapbooking!!! We will be getting sooooooooo many new supplies in the next 10-15 days. I will have to roll my pennies to get more scrap supplies!!! ha!

Only 2 weeks to go and Janique and I will be heading to Toronto at the Open Page retailers event! I can't wait ... goodie bags, freebies, food, functions, classes, make n takes and so much more... I am really excited about this event ... we won't have much shopping to do - although I am sure Janique and I can put a dent in a credit card with scrap goodies!

Anyhow, I am done my NeoCitron! Time for Bed....
chow for now

Monday, March 10, 2008

Sick....Once Again!

All I really want right now is to stop coughing!!!!
My head and nose are fine but my throat is killing me! I have this dry hacking cough .... that just won't go away! Is it time for more antibiotics? I can't believe that i was feeling great last week, no cough or cold. I return from Grand Falls and I am sick again......... why .... why is it that everytime I go up there to visit I come home sick?!

I scrapbooked last night. A beautiful Album using Scenic Route Laurel papers. I haven't taken a picture yet. It was a kit from the Button Farm. I am so in love with this company! A bit pricey for kits, but so love them!!!!

Anyhow, time for more ecanechea tea ...
how do you spell that??

chow for now

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Saturdays Stories

It's Saturday!

I have been away from home since Monday ... and anxious to start scrapbooking again! I get these withdrawals that i need to scrap! Is that a bad thing?

I took some good pictures of Marissa... I had to pay her! LOL!!!! She was getting so tired of my snapping and walking around with my camera. She was screaming beggin me to stop..So i told her I would pay her if she let me take 3 more pictures ( really 30 ) but she let me ... with a few coins in a ziplock bag!
so a few pictures to share of the girls ...

and take a look at this!!!!
This is my mom and dad's house in Grand Falls NB!

So much snow that the kids can't even go outside and play!!!!! The snow banks are so high, you can't even see outside when you are inside looking out. I was in shock....

I guess i was in a hurry to leave Grand Falls yesterday... I forgot my bag! My bag of clothes !!! LOL ... so i am stuck with a few things at home, but most of my clothes that " fit me ! " are at my sisters.... hopefully she ships them soon!
that's it for today,
off to play!


It's so nice to be back home!
I love visiting with family and seeing everyone, but for some reason it's always nice to be home. In my own bed, my pillow, and oh my ... my nice BIG SHOWER!

It was a great visit with family - even under the circumstances - we all enjoyed
each others company and lots of hugs!
The weather was pretty bad on Wednesday night for my grand father's viewing but some made an apperance. It was nice to see familiar faces... aging a bit but all looking well and sharing great stories about my Grand Father's old restaurant that was so famous for years...Kertson's Restaurant!

The eulogy was done by my uncle Carl, who is a fantastic public speaker and preacher himself. He did a wonderful job in sharing stories - My grand father's WWII Medals were given to my uncle Richard, whom himself served in the Vietnam War. That was an emotional moment for all of us.

It really was more of a celebration of the good times we've had with him, than remembering the bad. We all have bad moments and things we've done that we'd love to erase from our memories, but it's what makes us individuals.

I am sure my Grand Father is now laying with my Grand Mother and happy together again.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A Funeral

J. Frederick Kertson

At the Grand Falls General Hospital, March 3, 2008, Mr. J. Frederick Kertson of Grand Falls passed away at the age of 86 years. He was the husband of the late Leola Desjardins. He had been a resident of the Grand Falls Manor Veterans' Wing. Born at Grand Falls in 1921, he was the son of the late Frederick and Irene (Sirois) Kertson. Mr. Kertson was a veteran of World War II. He is survived by five children, Laurie (Carl Rogers) of Deland, Florida, Richard (Teri) of Austin, Texas, Keith (Linda) of Grand Falls, David (Odette) of Fredericton and Candace (Phil Gardner) of Thunder Bay, Ontario, ten grandchildren, five great grandchildren, one sister, Dorothy Manderson of Victoria, BC, as well as nieces and nephews.
He was predeceased by a brother, Richard and sisters, Genevieve and Helen. Resting at O'Regan's Funeral Home, 515 Everard Daigle Blvd., Grand Falls with visiting hours Wednesday from 7-9 p.m. and Thursday from 2-4 p.m.
His funeral will be held Thursday, March 6th at 4 p.m. from the Assumption Roman Catholic Church, Grand Falls, with interment in the Union Cemetery, Grand Falls.
For those who wish, donations to the Alzheimer Society would be appreciated by the family.

As I was searching my photo albums, I realized that I don't have a lot of photos of my grand father. So I realize more today ... that it's soo important to take photos of the ones you love..... and take photos of yourself for those you love! So on that note, I pack my bags and my camera for Grand Falls and a Funeral.
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