It was a good day today, I got my issue of the Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine - Spring Issue. As I was reading it, I came across My Picture !!! HAHAHAH.... Kathy Thompson Laffoley was in Saint John for Canada's Crop For Kids in Oct 2007 and took our class picture... and there I am .. page 98 of the magazine!
Thanks Kathy!!!

Paws also has a 1 page ad in this magazine, right behind the cover! That's exciting...
On another note,
my husband seriously has issues with me snoring.. It doesn't bother me but he has a few issues with it! I have tried SnoreStop sprays, I have tried no pillow, I have tried nose spray, I have tried vicks, I have tried tape on my nose... and well none of those worked! So, My mother was shopping online at costco and noticed a pillow .... OBUS Forme®Anti-snore Pillow --- so this is what she bought me for my birthday!!! At 36 years old, i get an anti snore pillow... Thanks Mom!
So, I have been using this for about 2 weeks, really hard to get use to, it's hard as a rock, and i can't snuggle it like my usual pillow. But Hubby says, " it works!" I am slowly getting use to it, so ... if you have a loved one that snores, you might want to consider this pillow! It's a bit pricey, but hey.... if it works and let's your hubby / wife sleep for a few hours with uninterupted sleep... it might be worth a try..
this is the pillow...>>> 

Alright, time for bed, it's midnight!
Chow for now