Monday, December 31, 2012

My Photos of 2012

As I sit and start thinking about this blog post, i've come to the realization that 2012 was pretty amazing.  I was going to post some of my favorite scrapbook pages from this year but I've decided not to. I didn't create that many and well if you want to see my work you can click here to visit my updated gallery!

My life the past few years has been about Creating for Others, Christmas gifts, baby albums, growing up albums and i've decided 2013 is about me and my family  ... about hubby and I .. our cat, our home, our travels and more.
It's time to start Project Life, to document about Me and My journey here. I love doing pages for my nieces don't get me wrong, but i think this is time for a change. A time for me to start collecting memories and scrapbooks of my own. Something that hubby and i can look back on after 15 years and laugh about how expensive gas was, or a loaf of bread, our hair color and what we ate! ...

Something I am proud of this year is collecting at least one picture a day. I used my iphone and took pictures of " stuff " .. of everyday life. I used a program called Project 365 and it is awesome! I usually get a little badge that says 1 or 2 meaning i've missed 1 day or 2 days and then i add my pics.

here are my photos of 2012! 

So here's to 2012 and CHEERS to 2013! 

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Last 2012 CS Reveal

Sketch 241 at Creative Scrappers is a special one for me. A month or so ago I created a new banner for CS - something I do pretty much every year...  I wanted to do something different and incorporate a sketch using this logo....
I love stars and circles and the colors were selected from pantone's new 2013 color palette. I used the Emerald Green, Tender Shoots, Monaco Blue, and Poppy Red. Love all those colors ;-)

SKETCH 241 was created!

Come and participate with us in Sketch 241 ... we have extended the deadline from January 1st.. cause that's just too soon -- to February 1st. We have a prize package from My Creative Scrapbook who will be our sponsor for Jan 2013. 
Come see what our designers did with this sketch .. you'll be inspired! CLICK HERE

I will be posting my top 10 of 2012 tomorrow Dec 31st!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Paints and a Canvas or Two

Hello Readers,

So much has been going on the past few weeks that I feel my brain is about to explode! Christmas was blah for me this year... i was in bed early and off to work! Although I did manage to get a few squeezes from my nieces and nephew and certainly enjoyed the cuddles. Kids grow up so fast !!

Work has been nothing but challenging. The Christmas travellers and winter weather conditions have taken a toll on so many travellers. Answering the phone with an irate customer on the end .... 60+ times per day really gets to be annoying. It is my job and I always try to do the best I can but sometimes I just want to SCREAM!!!!!

I am looking forward to some days off after January 1st   ;-D

So with all this stress and negative energy in the office, I have been enjoying some messy Creative time when I get home. Playing with paper wasn't doing anything for me,,,, so I decided to get the paints and canvas' off the shelves!

I know hobbies help release stress but I must say nothing feels better then comfy pants, hair tied, sticky fingers, painted table clothes, and a messy shirt!!!
I created 3 canvas' this past week and I can't wait to go home tonight and create more!!!

I hope you had an enjoyable holiday season and take a minute for yourself to make a mess!!

Friday, December 28, 2012

My Scraps & More Sketches

I have a sketch to share with you today!
Sadly this will be my last sketch for My Scrap and More ;-( My term ends December 31st. I am sure you'll see a few exclusives for MSAM but not as a weekly sketch designer. It was a pleasure for me to provide Tammi with weekly sketches. If you want to see what they have in store for 2013 click here to visit their blog  My Scraps and More Sketches


Friday, December 14, 2012

My Scraps & More Sketches

I have a sketch today from
My Scraps and More Sketches
Hopefully you aren't too busy to scrapbook this week!
Christmas is coming ... are your ready?! Would you believe me if i said i haven't started shopping or decorating yet?! Yup... it's true ;-) Hopefully Sunday, hubby and i will be decorating our tree and adding some festive cheer in our home !

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

A Little Bit of Me ...

Age: 40
Height & Weight: 5'4" and Weight .... Um ya not gonna post that!
Married: yes, going on 12 years in August
Children: No children, although this time of year I wish we had kids

Favorite color: Fushia - and Turquoise ! Love these colors!!

Drinking: Fruitopia -- Strawberry
Working on: a few blog makeovers

Talking to: nobody ... I'm just sitting in the living room listening to the clock tic and my cat purr on the sofa beside me
Favorite book: I don't really read books. I have a hard time remembering/ concentrating on what i read ... although Fifty Shades Trilogy had my attention for 30 days !
Wanting: A little bit of snow for Christmas? I also think i want to start a wall clock collection. I love this ...

Eating: Popcorn .... I'm addicted to sweet & salty! Thanks to Costco's 10 lb bags!

Thinking about: my friends and wishing they were closer. Close enough for a chit chat at Starbucks and a good Hug!
Excited about: my Black Friday purchases arriving this week and the new AC Digital site... Pebbles Inc.  in digital format.. oh i see a new blog for me in the near future! 

Favorite Movie: I could watch Ocean's Eleven another 100 times. I'm sure there are others but this is in the top 10 for sure.

Worried about: my cat getting older, my family and hoping I can see them during the holidays. I have to work this year and that's putting a damper on my plans.
Might try: A project life album .... But more monthly than weekly or daily. I can't commit to a weekly project but maybe I should try .. i've seen so many post on Pinterest it's got my attention!
Waiting for: the Victoria's Secret fashion show at 11pm
Listening to: Justin Bieber ! ! Yup, a little bit of JB in the House!
Driving: 2010 Mazda 3GT-- i love my car. So far, 1 speeding ticket ;-P
Last Movie you saw by yourself: Magic Mike
Wearing: Old Navy plaid flannel pants, perfect t and comfy socks, all turquoise !
Lovin: my new iPad :-) 
 Apple iPad with Retina Display (4th Generation) 32GB - Wi-Fi - Black
Tattoos YES or NO?: Nope not yet. I am thinking about it, just need a place to put it. A place that won't stretch or sag in the next 40 years!
Happy to be: Getting paid tomorrow!
Favorite Song right now: Try by Pink
Favorite TV shows: I love watching New Girl, How I met your Mother, shark tank, dragon's Den, storage wars, pawn stars, bachelor and bachelorette, Oprah.
Canon or Nikon girl: Canon
Last vacation destination: Las Vegas NV August 2012
Ready for: a snack and watching tv
Toes painted or natural: right now natural ! It's winter, I'll paint them again in March!
Not ready for: Christmas, it has me feeling a little blue this year. Hopefully our tree will be decorated this weekend and that will cheer me up !

That's a little of me

Monday, December 03, 2012

Do You Subscribe to a Kit Club

Are you a member of a kit club? Do you subscribe to monthly kits with a certain company or store? ... I've always been hesistant.

1. because i love new products NOW
2. because i didn't always like all papers or embellishments
3. just didn't think i had to.

well, for the past few months I've been a member of the Studio Calico kit club. I love the exclusive papers and stickers they had in their kits, but i found it just wasn't my style. I did love the embellishments but decided it wasn't worth 40$ a month.

So I've been browsing for the past month or so, and kept seeing amazing peeks from some of the girls i follow on instagram. These bold colors, great embellies, and exclusives as well... and yes I need to start using stamps I know!! So, i started browsing the Cocoa Daisy store. I really loved their kits and decided you know what, this December Kit ROCKS and I need to join this kit club... so I DID!!!
it's my second kit club since I started scrappin in 2006 so you know it must be amazing right?!

well take a peek at this kit for December... It's already sold out ( subscribe! )
but alteast you can drool a bit on your monitor ;-)

I seriously can't wait to jump right into this kit. LOVE IT!!! love the embellies, the papers aren't exclusive but man they go so well together. I can't wait !!!

 So, who do you sub with?!

Sunday, December 02, 2012

MSAM Sketch

Good Sunday to you my dear readers!

It's such a lazy day today. I was lucky to enjoy the day off with hubby and well both of us watched a little tv this morning and fell asleep on the couch for 2 hours. I woke up around 3pm .... with nothing done! Sometimes you just need one of those days right?! RIGHT!!!? i'm trying not to feel guilty ... but i have a day off this week so i'll try and clean up and put up our Christmas Tree. I did wake up to a light dusting of snow today ... nothing drastic  - just enough to create a white driveway!

I have a sketch today for My Scraps and More 
I love this sketch, for sure it's something I can work with. I must try it!!! Love the white space and of course those stars and circles.. Hopefully you can play too!
Comment below and share your page with me! I'd love to see what you do with it.

and it's also reveal day for Creative Scrappers today! CLICK HERE to see the amazing reveal from our designers.. These girls inspire me EVERY SINGLE WEEK!

Have a great week - and hopefully i'll be uploading a page or two this week.

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