Thursday, September 20, 2012

Coffee Talk

For you... Coffee or Tea?

Enjoying a cup of coffee and a great chat with my bestie ! Yes she got me hooked on Coffee! I was a tea with milk kind of gal until last christmas when she made me coffee ;-)

Medium coffee with flavored creamer yum!!

Have you seen all these flavors!? We only have a selected few here in Canada but WOWIE some of those sound YUMMY in my morning coffee ;-)

Enjoy your coffee today!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

God Child

Another Layout to share with you today! I'm on a roll aren't i? These latest pages were submitted for the Bella Blvd design team call. I didn't get the position but i certainly had a great time creating these past few pages.

This latest page is of my niece. I'm her God Mother and let's say She is spoiled rotten! I can't say NO to her. Doesn't matter what it is... a new book, a walk to the park, a craft day, more chocolate pudding .... it's always " Sure, Why not!? "

I love Twine on my pages!!! Don't you?
Thanks for stopping by ;-) and Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

SO Silly

A little page about being SO SILLY at our Crop & Create event held in Moncton NB last March. If you've never attended an event hosted by Scrapbook & Cards Today and Ms Catherine you MUST! It's sooooo much fun !! What a blast! I never laughed so much or so hard in my life. Yup, I almost peed my pants LOL! one of those great laughs.. .you know the ones that make you cry and you almost lose your breath! The Awesome Vicki Boutin was one of the culprits as well as my dear friends. What a Blast! Can't wait to do it again ;-)

I used Bella Blvd products on this page -- Birthday Girl Collection
-- thanks for peeking!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Oh Boys!

Hello Readers!

Just sharing a layout with you today! I created this page using a mask on my white cardstock. I was hesitant at first, but love the outcome. I might do this more often ;-)

The papers used to create this page were Bella Blvd. Love those bright colors, and stars. The picture of my dear nephew is pretty cute too! Playing with the remote control with a tshirt on his head.. he's such a cutie pie. My title should have read Oh Boy! instead of Oh Boys! A common saying at my sisters house is OH LÉ BOYS! ... it's a french thing .. so that's how i related the title.

I hope you have a fabulous week, and of course if you need some inspiration sketch 226 is posted on Creative Scrappers today!

Thanks for reading !

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Creative Scrappers Call for Designers

It’s time for another Creative Call at Creative Scrappers!

Submissions will be taken until October 5th 2012
New Designers will be revealed on October 10th 2012

Please include in your application:
Name, Country of Residence, email address,
link to your blog and/or online gallery
List of Current Design Teams

Please Send:
3 of your recent layouts to showcase your scrapbook style
At least 1 Layout using a CS Sketch, indicate Sketch #

The Design Team will be required to:
- Complete 2-3 layouts per month with sketches provided
- Be Exclusive to Creative Scrappers* (no other sketch blog is permitted)
- post our CT Blinkie/Badge in signatures & on your blog
- Posting our sketch & your layout on your Blog/Facebook (Your Sunday Reveals)

- This is a Term position from November 1 2012 - February 28 2013
- Call is Open to Past and Present Design Team Members
- We have a Private Group on Facebook for CT Members Only
- Call is open to all countries

Please Mail your entries to me at
Subject line - CS Creative Call
Good Luck !

Friday, September 14, 2012

On a Summer Afternoon

Well, Summer is pretty much done here in New Brunswick. We have a few more sunny days ahead of us although - the swimsuits have been packed away, the long sleeve shirts are freshly washed and my comfy socks are being worn during those chilly nights. That certainly won't stop me from creating some summer themed pages and remembering those fun summer days!

Here is a layout of my niece enjoying the sunshine and her snack after a day in the pool!
-- At The Pool on a Summer Afternoon.

Products used for this page are Bella Blvd - Sunshine & Happiness

I haven't been posting lots lately or participating online, sadly i have developed - Tennis Elbow.. which is a bit painful at times. I've doing physical therapy and hopefully the ice packs will help with the inflammation and i'll be back to normal soon! So this is short and sweet ;-)

Thanks for peeking!
i love your comments and appreciate the time you take in saying hello!

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

* CS Blog Hop *

Welcome to the Creative Scrappers Blog Hop!

You may have come here on your own, or maybe you hopped on by from another team members blog.. either way WELCOME! We are so excited to be showing off some of our favorite Creative Scrappers Sketches and Layouts and not only can you participate in our blog hop you have a chance to win a copy of my sketchbook
Creative Scrappers ebook of Sketches " Creating with Sketches "

For this hop I selected to show you Sketch 205

I created a layout using some fun Amy Tangerine papers,
i love how this sketch inspired me to created with a 4x4 instagram pic
and tons of embellishments.

To view more layouts from our reveal of SKETCH 205 CLICK HERE!

Leave a comment here on this post for your chance to win a digital copy of my ebook of Sketches. Then hop around to the design team blogs for a chance to win more goodies and please leave a link to your blog on our main Creative Scrappers Blog Hop Post.
Here is the list of all the DT blogs for you to visit

We hope you enjoy the hop!
You have until September 8 to leave your comments with winners being announced on the blog September 10th. Now HOP on over to Creative Scrappers leave us your name/blog link!!
Good luck and happy hopping!

Sunday, September 02, 2012

My Scraps and More Sketch Challenge

Hey folks!
I've been away on vacation for the past week in Beautiful Las Vegas! What a trip ;-) I will have stories to share shortly when I get caught up on my sleep!

In the meantime a new sketch challenge has been posted at My Scraps and More ;-) I will be the official Sketch Designer for My Scraps and More for the next few months! I'm looking forward to seeing your creations and please ... share them in the comments section of this blog post and i'll take a peek ;-)

You have until midnight on September 30 to complete your layout.
Tammi will will announce a winner on October 1st along with a new sketch!!

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Blogger Template by The October Studio