Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Another Chapter..

Well, as some of you know I have been struggling with my weight for a while. All my life really but the past 2 years I have left myself at the curbside. I was on medication for 2 years and it's been 2 months that I am "drug free" and feeling better, so that means time to concentrate on WEIGHT LOSS! Can you believe that since November 2006 ... 2 1/2 years I have gained over 65 pounds! That's unreal for me.
As I look at myself in the mirror every night I really don't recognize myself. I've been a yoyo dieter for the past 2o years and this is the heaviest I have been.

I currently weight over 240 pounds ... I am 5' 4" and really feeling it lately. My back is sore, my boobs are HUGE ... none of my clothes fit me and I have no interest in going clothe shopping. It's really disgusts me that I am this way right now. I even look pregnant but I am not! So, today I made the decision to join Weight Watchers for the 3rd time. The last time i was on this program I lost the 30 pounds I wanted to lose .... and now I am gonna do it again! It certainly won't be easy for me, and I actually am looking forward to the challenge once again.

My goal is to lose 60+ and reach 180 lbs. I have big boobs so I actually am a good size 12 at 170 lbs.. hard to imagine but i am comfortable at that weight. So.... this is it!
No more drive thru lunches, no more HUGE bowls of ice cream ... and now portion control and limited JUNK foods. It won't be easy but I am positive that I CAN DO IT! .... I CAN DO IT!!!

So, I have a ticker on the side of my profile, you'll be able to see my progress.

Wish me Luck and Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ms. Diva

We had our 1 hour layout contest last night at Creative Scrappers! We had 1 hour to do a layout based on a sketch. This was our sketch ...

and well, i participated but didn't finish on time! I made a mess with my prima bling flourishes. Ok. I will be really honest, i am not crazy about them. I like flourishes but I am really not a flourishy person... does that make sense?! So, I kind of cut it apart to fit my page and then i wanted to take it off ... but made a mess with my papers so i had to put it back! LOL!!! oh well... i had a great time.

This is my page using Rose Moka's new papers... THESE ARE TO DIE FOR!!! Heavy weight, double sided .. YUUUUMMMMMY is all i can say to describe them.

The photo is of Ms. Stephanie Hart and was taken by Kathy Thompson Laffoley. Ms. Stephanie is very vibrant and so much fun ... loves color and really this page is a little piece of her!

{ Hugs Stephie! }

Monday, April 27, 2009

My Sussies Reveal for May

YOUPEEEEEEEEEE!!! I had time to scrapbook this weekend!!! I actually had tons of mojo which was nice to have. The sun was shinning and the windows were open to let some of that fresh air in and i was Scrappin Away!

I managed to finish 3 layouts this weekend and hopefully a few more tonight. We have our 1 hour layout contest tonight at Creative Scrappers... don't forget!

Below i have 3 layouts from the May kit at Scrapbook Sussies! I had a blast creating these pages and these papers certainly helped! The My Little Shoebox was my favorite! I love all the pinks, the browns, and fun turtles too! Although none of them show in my layouts LOL!!! but i did like them.

Here are my layouts using the Pink Paislee Fetching and My Little Shoebox ..

My niece having fun with her new pink crocs! This pics was taken last summer and was perfect for this collection. I didn't use 1 piece of paper on this page.. one 1 cardstock and ALL diecuts!

This second layout was my fav. I used a photo from Deb's Photo album! NO, those aren't my kids! I really enjoy scrappin other people's pics.. so fun and gives me a great variety!
I also used a sweet little bumblebee from Stephanie Hart at My Little Bit of Whimsy. These are PRECIOUS!!!

and of course no reveal is complete without a picture of EDDIE! It's called Just Waiting. I journaled about how he waits for us at the top of the stairs... he's always so happy to see us come home after 9 hours of being alone. ( he knows he gets Treats when we get home! )

that's my Reveal for Sussies this month! I posted on the blog this am and did you see our Creative Scrappers toot at Molly Peckham's?!

Have a great week!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Little Man and Sittin` Purrty!

Oh yes, what a long week!

I haven`t felt like scrappin or even talking all week.
I`ve ignored phone calls and even went to bed early... one of those weeks.

Monday morning 8am our office received some news that a coworkers husband died in an accident and her 10 year old boy was with him at the time. The young boy is ok but his dad didn`t survive. SO SO SO Sad. My heart goes out to the Noel family.

Then on Monday again, our wonderful ( insert sacastic smiley emoticon here ) employer decided it was time to notify 5 people in our office that they will be laid off in October! October ... why on a day like today I asked... well .. really doesn`t surprise me. It seems when things are bad they enjoy making it worst.

I also had another migraine this week, i think this is the 4-5th one this month. I`ve been drinking more water but I seem to be really sensitive to ... waking up in the morning! Usually around 11am I have a headache .. then a migraine by 4pm ish. So I went to bed early on a few nights this week and made a Doctor`s appointment for test. Hopefully it`s nothing drastic but stress or my TMJ acting up.

It`s our 1 year anniversary at Creative Scrappers! I can`t believe it`s been 1 year since i started the blog. It was just going to be a blog.. I had a call up for design team members and On May 18th i then opened the forum and gallery and KABOOM it went off. I am very proud of what has become of the site and happy to have met tons of scrapbookers and made a few friends. If you haven`t had a chance to participate in our forum, come visit! Even if you are a lurker... we like lurkers! But i guarantee in no time you`ll be scrappin with us.

Here is a layout i did for our scrapbook sussies kit for May. I really love the papers this month.
I used a photo of skinnimini`s little boy and called it `little man`

I love the Whimsy Button I used and the twirled twine! How cute is that.. I actually got my hubby to make those for me.. i love them!
Scrapbook Sussies has a blog and we are looking for guest designers!!! HINT HINT .. send LARA an email ( ) and let her know you saw the post on my blog .. .you might get lucky !

And my layout for our reveal at Creative Scrappers -- for Sketch 48.
Remember the sneak peek from April 15th ... yes, this is finally my layout!

I used October Afternoon papers.. i love those papers. they are double sided and so yummy in color. Of course a photo of my dear kitty Eddie. He sits in a huge bowl on our coffee table. We were going to use this for decoration but when we placed it on the table he immediately jumped in and claimed it his own. He fits so snug and comfy in this bowl and he really loves it. So ... i took a picture to remember.

I am home scrappin tonight and enjoying some quiet time. I am playing with some Pink Paislee and also My Little Shoe Box for 2 more Sussies layouts. make sure you come visit us on the sussies blog Monday .. cause it`s my day to post on the blog.. . also on Monday
the wonderful, ubber talented Molly Peckham will have a feature on Creative Scrappers and myself ... make sure you come visit!

Chow for now!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Happy Mail Day!

Don't you love days when the mailman rings your doorbell ?! I always have to hurry up and find a half decent shirt cause i am always in my comfy clothes, sweat pants, tshirt with glue smeared all over it.. oh my!
Ding Dong, the bells rings and I got boxes ... yes! I love boxes!
Just arrived, the new Pink Paislee Fetching papers for our Creative Kits, Scrapbook Sussies May DT Kit, MME Donation for our Crop, and also a MME Package for an order I placed last week .... and 2 more boxes arriving tomorrow .... oh ... goodies!

Here is our May Kit for Scrapbook Sussies. How delicious this is! I love it, I love the papers and the great embellies Lara put together this month.

Did you know Scrapbook Sussies has a blog now?! YES.... Come Join Us and Add yourself as a follower!! I can't wait to play with this kit!

We are getting ready for our Birthday Bash at Creative Scrappers
.... our calendar is posted with our upcoming activities- hopefully you can join us!

On another note...
I went for a haircut yesterday. It had been a few week since I have anxiety about getting my haircut! ( my fav hairdresser retired!) So, i called and made an appointment with let's say " wendy ". I have no idea who she is and decided to just go for it. I get there and well " Wendy " is stuck with someone else so " Maggie " gets to do my hair. Maggie is an older lady, nice hair so i thought maybe she was experienced and was good at cutting hair. .... oh my.

I sat in the chair to get my hair washed and was immediately in SHOCK! I litteraly felt like she was washing some old ragg in the sink, Scalding hot water and barely rinsed the soap from the right side of my head. One RUFF cookie! I figured well .. maybe she's in a hurry to wash my hair cause someone needs the sink..

I sit down to have my hair combed and Ms Ruff starts pulling my hair asking me why i let it grow so long. That it should be a bit shorter.. I said yes, it's long and just kept quiet. I hate where this hair cut is going. During my " stay " in this chair she answered the phone 3 times leaving me in limbo.. waiting ( which I hate! ) and also about 2 times to turn her back on me and talk to a co worker about another client. I dont know about you, but i am really picky on customer service. If i am paying you 35$ for a hair cut .. i want some attention. She pushed my head back and forth so many times i thought i was gonna have a migraine when i left this salon.

Anyhow, my hair is not what i wanted, this chick was way too RUFF and I have crocked bangs and a haircut i hate... again! I really need a good hairdresser ... and my hubby said I should have told her she was FREAKING RUFF! But me, I kept my mouth shut, and I probably won't be back! ...

My adventure in La La Land!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Not Spring Yet!

How was your Easter Weekend? I hope you got a visit from the Easter Bunny?! We woke up on Sunday morning only to find Snow..... Yes ... Snow in the middle of April! I wasn't impressed at all, and actually the Easter Bunny wasn't either cause he didn't even stop by on Sunday morning!
It has been so cold here on the East Coast of Canada. I think Spring has decided not to show up, or maybe show up late!

The grass is getting green and the perennials are starting to un thaw from the winter cold but it's still not spring! Maybe next week?!

I completed a layout on Sat night for our Creative Scrappers reveal on Sunday April 19th. I think this is going to be one of my new favs! I used some October Afternoon papers and of course a picture of Eddie. -

Here is a sneak peek!

I used a little technique with Glossy Accent I saw in the Canadian Scrapbooker Mag from Amanda Muirhead. She used some Glossy Accent on her flowers, leaves to show make believe water droplets.. So cute!

That's all for today!
I am getting things ready for the Birthday Bash at Creative Scrappers!
Starts on Sunday... See you there?!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Creative Scrappers Reveal

Our Creative Scrappers reveal today! Have you seen the layouts? OMW! Our reveal was fabulous if i do say so myself. I certainly feel inadequate amongst all these amazing designers. Looking at my layout it's like something is missing!!! I like my simple style although I wish I had more embellies to play with, but MAN these chicks certainly know how to ROCK a Layout!

This is our sketch, and my reveal!

Isn't my niece the cutest! This was her first day of Kindergarten. So excited to be starting school. She's a smart little cookie and I am so proud of her!
The supplies I used are from the MME Bloom & Grow Collection - Bloom.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

A Long Week & Fast!

I am so happy this week is over. What a long week! Both hubby and I are sooo tired tonight. It's Saturday and normally we enjoy doing our own thing - he watches hockey while I scrapbook. Tonight ... it's 850pm and I am literally ready for bed! I am pooped.

The only thing keeping me awake right now is knowing that VIN DIESEL is in Theatres! LOL...
Ok.. i dont know about you .. but I personally think he is H*O*T!
Have you seen the trailer for his new movie ... Fast and Furious..? I can't wait to see this

here is a peek

Ok. I am off to soak in the jacuzzi for 20 minutes, have some ice cream and I shall try and scrapbook for an hour or two!

Tomorrow is our first reveal for TEAM G at Creative Scrappers!!! Make Sure you drop by to visit the team members and some awesome layouts!
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