Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Showcase of Layouts

I attended a crop on the weekend and had a blast with all the girls that attended. I love laughing!! You know that kind that you laugh so hard you almost pee your pants!!!... yup you know what I'm talking about ;-) the kind that hurts your stomach and makes you cry! The laughing that is uncontrollable and makes you squeeze your legs together!? yes i had a few of those this weekend ... it was fabulous ! ~ Marielle, Stephanie, Chantal and Zoe always make a crop that much better.... Thank you Ladies for coming and many thanks to everyone for the Birthday Wishes!! xoxo That Pecan Cake was AWESOME!

I was lucky enough to complete 4 pages - seems to be my usual number for a weekend crop. I really try to do more but find that i take my take and enjoy the process. I added a few details when i got home and now ready to showcase. My computer is on the mend right now... getting a new motherboard and fancy RAM so i'm writing from my laptop. I can't see the details of my layouts very well, but at least i can post them

This first one is of myself and my nephew. He was 3 months old at the time. He was just a little tired and fell asleep in my arms as i was walking with him around the kitchen. It was a nice moment and my sister captured it on camera.

This next layout is of hubby and I. We were sitting outside enjoying the warm spring weather. It was March 16th on my 40th Birthday. We enjoyed the blue skies, the fresh spring air and mostly life as is.

I love Simple Stories! Their papers just make me want to create layouts with tons of layers, and I LOVE this page! I love the papers, the picture of my niece's face after she had a bowl of cheesies and the light on her face. She was 3 years old at the time ... so this was taken 2 years ago. I've had this picture in my pile of pics for the past 2 years and finally found a great paper collection to showcase it.
1 of a Kind!

My little nephew Nate. Isn't he just the cutest thing you've ever seen!? He has the sweetest cheeks. Cheeks not only an auntie could pinch! I used the new Echo Park papers from the This and That ( Charming ) collection. Love those colors and great diecuts too! - Yes I think he's amazing!

Well that's my showcase of layouts for you today!
I hope you have a fabulous week and hopefully I'll have more pages to share with you shortly.

Thanks so much for reading and dropping by!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Blog Hop Winner!

thanks everyone for dropping by during the instagram blog hop! ...Number 11 was selected --- the winner of the prize pack is GISELE!

Click here to view full size

Congratulations Gisele,
and please send me your address

Sunday, March 18, 2012

CS Reveal

Good Morning!

We have sketch 200 at Creative Scrappers today!!! WOOHOOOO!!! So exciting ;-)

Our entire team of designers participated in this weeks reveal, how awesome is that? Interested in getting your own copy of our latest sketches? Sketches 100-200 are ready for download Just CLICK HERE

I am actually the guest this week.. First time in 4 years ;-)

Our Sketch this week
My Reveal

I used the new MME collection and the pic is of my 8 year old niece. Yes, I'm in love with confetti these days ;-) Enjoy the sketch and perhaps you can participate with us!

CLICK HERE for more Great Layouts from the CS TEAM!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Instagram Blog Hop

Welcome to the first St. Patrick's Day - Instagram Blog Hop!
Make sure you visit all of these blogs below for your chance to meet some instagrammers and of course a chance to win some awesome giveaways!

One lucky winner will receive these Green Goodies from my Scrapbook Room!
I hope you love scrapbooking .. if not there a great pack of gum there for you ;-)
The Leprechauns made me do it !

You haven't heard of Instagram... Well it's a fabulous photo sharing program that I've been enjoying for the past few months. It allows me to take photos of some everyday moments and share them with online friends. A wonderful community to meet others and share a passion for photography or hobbies.

Here are a few of my favorite instagram pics:

Here's what you have to do to win:
  • Leave a comment on my blog and each participating blog.
  • Add yourself as a blog follower or perhaps join me on instagram
  • In your comment tell me what you're doing to celebrate St. Patrick's Day today
Our blog hop will close Tuesday, March 20, 2012
I will announce the RAK winner on Wednesday, March 21 2012

name/instagram user name / blog address

Laura Banasiak | laurabanasiak

Leah Farquharson | bluebirdchicllc
: www.bluebirdchic.com/blog

Jamie Lee | jyylee
: www.scrapyourcreativity.blogspot.com

Faridah Hajarmustika | mustikmonkeys
: www.mustikmonkeys.com

Gina Lideros | ginalideros
: www.canoncreativegirl.blogspot.com

Suryanti Halim | isur
: www.suryanti-halim.blogspot.com

Katy Hedger | polkadotlove
: www.katy-itsmyworld.blogspot.com

Wati Basri | watibasri
: www.scrapcreation.blogspot.com

Jenny Gecos | mrsjennyg
: www.mycreativelife29.blogspot.com

Allison Waken | allisonwaken
: www.allisonwaken.com

Kristine Davidson | kristined
www.kristinedavidson.com << ME!

Sasha Farina | sashafarina
: www.sashafarina.com

Lindsey Hansen l lindzeyhanzen

Leena Loh | findingnana
: www.findingnana.com

Nina Burgess | ladybugnina
: www.adventuresinbugland.blogspot.com

Azura Alyssa | azuraalyssa
: www.hyperblogicationz.blogspot.com

Sophia Allison | sophiaallison
: www.sallison.blogspot.com

Vee Jennings | strawbvee
: www.creativeblessing.blogspot.com

NattArida Smith | tinynatt
: www.tinynatt.blogspot.com

Amy Lynne Lassiter | amlynnelassiter
: www.sparklinggnome.wordpress.com

Helga Vergara | helga_vergara
: www.helgapayawalvergara.blogspot.com/

Michelle Lanning | michellelanning
: www.michellelanning.com

Juanna Sia | juannahope
: www.scrappinghope.blogspot.com

Daniela Dobson | danieladobson
: www.danieladobson.blogspot.com

Jeanne M. Wigoena | jeannew
: www.jeanneloves.wordpress.com

Michelle K | michellek
: www.michellelovesallsorts.blogspot.com

Leslie Ashe | leslieashe
: www.leslieashe.blogspot.com

Vanessa Rupp-Hayden | veerupp
Jessy Christopher | jcchris

Thanks for coming by and thank you for all the comments!!

May your blessings outnumber, The shamrocks that grow, And may trouble avoid you, Wherever you go. ~Irish Blessing

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blog Hop Mar 17

My Instagram friends and I are planning an awesome blog hop
celebrating Instagram and St. Patrick's Day March 17th!

Make sure you come by and visit;-)
Just Sayin!

Monday, March 12, 2012

fun times

I love it when Stephanie and I get together and scrapbook. We both LOVE this hobby, love shopping and love talking scrap! I took this picture of her about 2-3 months ago at a crop and i thought it fit these Dear Lizzy papers perfectly!

Products are from the Dear Lizzy Neapolitan Collection
Cupcake is from My Little Bit Of Whimsy
Glimmer Glaze and Glimmer Mist

Thanks for peeking~
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Blogger Template by The October Studio