Friday, July 30, 2010

Sussies Sketch

Scrapbook Sussies is hosting a sketch challenge...
I was lucky enough to have designed a sketch for DT Valerie to create a sweet page..

Come Participate with us!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Heart's Content

A new Decorated blog for Myia!
Remember she's the lucky one from my last Blog Decor Giveaway?
Yup... she got a makeover... Her request was something pink and red ;-)

Thanks for letting me decorate your blog Myia!
to VIEW Myia's new blog ... CLICK HERE

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Added a New Designer ...

I am happy to announce that Pixel Perfect Designs
have been added to my list of approved designers for blog banners!
take a look at these precious digi elements... LOVE THIS!!

I see a banner coming soon ;-)
to see more .. CLICK HERE

Monday, July 26, 2010

Scrapz n' Stuff

Melissa has a decorated blog today!

Melissa loved Sophia's new makeover but wanted to add a few different elements such as the banner and font. So I created this banner for her -->

Thanks for letting me play Melissa!
Enjoy your new blog ;-)

To View Scrapz n' Stuff .. CLICK HERE

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Gabry Road

A new blog for Rosa!

She selected this amazing grafitti from Tangi

and all i did was add a title and change her background colors. Love this! it's simple yet very artsy at the same time

Thanks for letting me decorate your blog Rosa ;-)

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Winner is..

thanks for all your comments ladies! I certainly appreciate the positive feedback.
I haven`t scrapbooked since April and I find that decorating blogs gives me the creative outlet I need to keep my sanity !! hahah!!!

so... from 45 entires.. number 8 was the chosen one ;-)

CLICK HERE for all the info you need ( i will be purchasing your kit )
email me your details and I`ll get started ;-)

( deadline to claim your prize is July 31 )

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Decorated Blog Giveaway

It's Saturday today and it's sunny ;-) and I feel like offering a FREE BLOG MAKEOVER to one of my dear readers!

If you are interested in having your blog decorated.... all you need to do is leave me a comment about what your doing today and you could be the lucky winner of a new Decorated Blog!!!

You will be able to select your own kit/ digi elements from my list of Approved Designers
and I will create something special for you ....

this includes-- >
- new banner/ background / signature/ post separator / font color match/ special font for your titles-sidebar titles / and Installation ;-)

I will draw a name on Monday morning July 19th.

Have a great Saturday!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Scrap Pit

ms Jill has a newly decorated blog !

I used a kit from MandaBean .. the same one I used for Luzma's Blog
So fun and cheerful, i love all those bright colors!
Thanks for letting me play Jillie!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sophia's World

A new decorated blog for Sophia!

She chose this beautiful kit from Natali thank you Sophia for letting me decorate your blog

to view Sophia's blog CLICK HERE

Blog Manager

I am the new blog manager at Scrapbook Sussies!

Will you join us at the Sussies Blog?

Challenges, Sketches, Inspiration, Sneak Peeks and so much more
coming to a Sussies blog for you!

make sure you add yourself as a follower ;-)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

SD4U - July Sketch

Did you know that Scrapbook Deals 4U hosts several monthly sketch challenges and I am one of the sketch designers? Yup... and this is the sketch I created for them this month ...
(Sketch 62)
This is the layout MISTY created using this sketch..

Isn't this amazing! LOVE IT!!!

to participate .. Click Here

Wednesday, July 07, 2010


Scrap Yourself is looking for 6 members to join our list of designers

Please answer the following questions and attach 3 of your favorite layouts
(*about yourself preferably but not mandatory)

* Full Name
* Are you on any other design teams?
* Link your blog, online gallery or both

* 1 layout every other week posted on our blog
(You are required to post a layout about yourself or things about you)
ex. favorite foods, inside your purse, new hair color etc...
you'll be doing your own blog posts and selecting your own theme for your page
We're currently doing weekly challenges.. but this will change - you will be posting with other designers either on Mon/ Wed or Friday. You choose your date and your own topic.

* Promote Scrap Yourself where possible
* Commit for at least a 3 month term.

DT Search starts today until July 15th
New Team Members will be announced on our blog July 18th.
DT Positions are from August 1st 2010 until October 31 2010.
First Blog Post will be Monday August 2nd.

A private forum is available for all DT members.

To apply email and indicate SY DT In your subject line.

Thanks for your interest!

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Through Our Childrens Eyes

A newly decorated blog for Melanie!

to visit Melanie's blog CLICK HERE
Thanks for letting me decorate your blog Melanie !

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Blogger Issues?

If I have created a blog for you - Blogger recently changed their sidebar widgets
If you update or change something it says your title is missing and have to add a title or it won't save your update.

to avoid that - add this code for your title :

that is a work around... for now until Blogger changes it back to the way it was
Any questions, please ask ;-)
Copyright © 2025 Kristine Davidson. All Rights Reserved.
Blogger Template by The October Studio