Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Digi Fun and Facts!

Ok... so you must all know by now that i am soooo addicted to digi elements, blog banners and such ! If you aren't aware... you should be now!!

So this is my new page... digi elements by my fav Kate Hadfield from
and the background is also created by ME with her digi elements! Yes, I finally found out how to create backgrounds, so now I can play with banners and backgrounds... oh my.. it doesn't take much to get me excited!

So, after all this ... i think it's time to announce that I, Kristine Davidson will be opening up a little .... business ! yes, coming soon will be my own site and in it you will find things you need to make your sites more appealing, website assistance, website maintenance and also .... installation of new sites for ecommerce! YUP!!! why not... galleries, zencart and more... this is something I have always wanted to do and maybe it can grow... who knows.. but if I don't try it.. i won't know!

My Creative Scrappers is still here and NOT going anywhere so please don't get sad....
I might be doing less Creative Kits, but the layout kits will be a go for as long as we can! With the help of my designers Deb, Tanya and a few others coming on .. we will be able to offer you more pages, more products, and more fun! ... stay tuned for Janaury 2009!!!

so... on that note... I was busy on Sunday creating a little site for my dear Stephie... she makes these AMAZING Poly Embellies she had the " itch " to start making them and selling them.. and VOILA ... she chose the name My Little Bit Of Whimsy and her site was born! You MUST go take a peek at her new embellies, buttons, paintins, jewerly and MORE!!! She Rocks....

and I also made Kate a little banner for her sketch blog... digi elements are from Shappy Shoppe.

so lots of exciting things going on!
Thanks for letting me share...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Another Wash Out!

Yes, that's the story! Another Wash Out on Klondike Drive this morning.

I was at work last night till about 2am ... it was raining so hard, and Steve was home guarding the front yard making sure it wouldn't flood again. He called the Town Hall answering service at about 12midnight to ask for help cause he knew it was gonna rain all night and the waters were coming quickly over the edge of our driveway! No one came.....
At approximately 6am Steve and I are both up just watching the chaos in our front yard ... again .... for the 14th time!

Steve was unable to get out of the driveway this morning to go to work, so he had to call Angie to the rescue. The town came by at about 830 am with the trucks to see what went wrong considering the street was washed out again...
They did a little looking around and left... coming back at about 11am with a truck filled with crushed rocks, and gravel... again! I had gone to bed for about 1 hour and went I heard the trucks I got up and went outside.... hubby knew as i put my jacket on it wasn't going to be pretty!

The poor city worker who said Hi to me ... made a mistake! He was casually approaching me and i just lost it! I think I must have looked like some mad lady when he came in... cause i gave him a piece of my mind... totally unacceptable that this has been going on for 7 years and the fix up they did 3 years ago ... doesn't work! So I told him something needed to be done >>>>> NOW! and asked to speak to the mayor and the town engineer / manager.

At about 1pm ... the manager arrives and well... i had time to calm down by then and steve and i both wanted answers. He was sincere in his apologies and i think looked like a little god with his tail between his legs! ..... something will be done.. as of what... not sure yet but i am sure i will keep my blog up to date!

so tonight. needless to say Steve and I are mentally drained and tired!
As you can see from the photo, the crushed rock they put on the side of the driveway from last month DOESN"T WORK!!!! and the river across my driveway is about 5 feet wide and 14 inches deep! It litteraly sounds like some rapids!

This is a picture of our street ... again! The photos were taken at 8am this morning.

that's all for me tonight!
Chow for now!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Rak Winner Announced!

It's Saturday ... that means I reveal the winner of the Scrapbook and Cards magazine!

Our favorite website chose

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2008-10-19 00:22:22 UTC

lucky number 13!
that lucky winner is ...

Carol A. said...

On Halloween I will be going with my bet friend to take her kids trick or treating around our neighborhood or staying home and giving out treats. We do have a costume party on the 25th, but I am still working oiut the details on the costumes.

October 14, 2008 1:38 PM

Congrats Carol! Please make sure i have your addy !

Thanks for posting ladies, it's nice to see most of you get involved in some Halloween festivites! I will be at work and unable to answer the door, but hopefully hubby will be passing out some treats!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Fall Rak for You!

How about a little Rak this week!!!?

I was lucky enough to receive 2 copies of this fabulous magazine and would love to share one with you!

Simply leave a comment for me on what your plans are for Halloween and I will have a random draw on Saturday morning Oct 18th!

Have a great night!


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

To all my Canadian Friends and Family .... Hope you all enjoy some turkey this weekend!
Hubby and I went to Northern New Brunswick to visit family. It was a great ... but too quick trip!
We arrived on Friday night late, enjoyed some chit chatting and of course headed to bed early cause the 2 little princesses wake up early.

Marissa didn't know we were coming for the weekend cause her mom kept it a secret. So Sat morning I surprised her by yelling " Is anyone here!?" and with open arms she started running towards me. That was the highlight of my thanksgiving weekend! I miss them both dearly, and really don't visit enough.

It was such a worldwin of 2 days that I didn't even have time to take a few pictures...
I hope to see them in November again for some Christmas shopping and glad I did get a few " minutes " of hugs and cuddles!

Mom and Dad were busy with renovations as they get ready for new kitchen cabinets and countertops -and no turkey dinner was cooked. On our way home Hubby and I stopped at the grocery store, got some chicken and came home to have our own little thanksgiving dinner!

I am absolutely pooped tonight and anxious to get a good night's sleep!!!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

What a bad day ...

Oh my, where do i start?

I woke up this morning ... looked in the mirror and well the zit i totally squeezed and pinched " hard " last night on my cheek has now formed into some serious scab! Yes, I know .. why did i do that. I really don't know. It was just on my face and i didn't like it !!! So i squeezed the crap out of it... and now i look like some nut bar with a huge scab!

Well, i made it to work this morning for an 8am shift .. which was fine. That started off pretty rough as it seemed that every single call that came to me was nasty!!! Literally... why.. why is it that people dial up someone at a call centre and immediately assume we aren't human? why do they yell at us ? why do they treat us like crap because they don't like the company we work for?
Oh... i wasn't happy today!

for example:

A gentleman called in and wanted to know if by accident a ticket was booked for him on the web without sending him confirmation. I asked him for his frequent flyer number and searched. ... nothing came up with an immediate reservation but I did find an old ticket for him that was still valid. WOW... his ticket price was 800$ or so and the unused ticket for credit was over 350$. I thought that was a great thing to find credit for him.
I then told him, well since this is credit I can certainly use it on a new ticket but you do have change penalties... 80$ would cost him to use this 350$ .. and almost get his ticket at 25% off or more.. he just started YELLING at me! That I was a thief and there was no reason for him to pay change fees... .. um ok.. i just saved this guy 350$ and he doesn't want to use it...
.. seriously ...
so he hung up not wanting to use his credit because he had to pay a change fee. { BLAH! }

Then, I get home have an amazing supper waiting for me. Hubby cooked of course! Chicken, mashed potatoes .. it was delicious!!! I took a 2 hour nap on the couch and rejuvenized.

I start creating a layout - and decided I wanted to make the edges a bit " worn, burnt, and vintage like" .. so i have a lighter and start burning the edges of my paper... UM.. NO! that didn't work... smoke from my scrap room... fire alarm goes off... Hubby comes running up stairs thinking something went wrong.. and here i am .. trying to wave the smoke away from the fire alarm... mmmm ... that didn't work! Still on the same layout, i decided NOT to have a burnt edge so I start creating again... I decide to use some Grungeboard ... paint it, and glue it with my xyron machine... i run out of adhesive ................ i use glue stick... glue it to my page and NOPE... don't like it! So i take it apart with glue and gunk all over my picture ... i am not happy scrapper... so... i take the layout - fold it in half and in the garbage it goes.

Question.. did you buy Grungeboard ?? and if so .. what the heck did you do with it?? The only thing I think i like are the hearts !!!! grrrrr... needless to say it was a bad day!

maybe tomorrow will be better!?

I have no layouts to upload tonight but hopefully our layouts will be posted at Scrapbook Sussies and I will be able to post for you , and we also have our reveal at Creative Scrappers tomorrow which I am looking forward to! We also have our Card Making Crop and tons of challenges ... including one from Becky Dreyer ( rusty pickle chef ) hosting a Rusty Pickle Odds & Ends Challenge! Come on over and play !!!

Chow for now!

Friday, October 03, 2008

Adult Acne... Yuck!

Alright, this is my serious post this month!

Since I was about 12 years old at the beginning of puberty, I was given a gift of "serious" acne. Like Serious!
I started taking medication for acne when I realized it wasn't gonna get any better and at the age of 16 when my face was pretty scared from me picking my zits for years!
I was on this medication called ACCUTANE. ( can't find a half decent site to link! ) Anyhow this drug causes some side effects but wow did it ever work. Until a few years ago... probably Stress induced caused me to have these serious breakouts again, and I started getting acne back .... even as an adult! GRRR!!!

So, after a few months of thinking about it, i did it.. I ordered PROACTIV! I know this is hard to believe but only after a few ... days I really feel and see a difference in my face!!!! Ok, could this be the end of zits for me !?!?! Really!!!?? I hope so!

On a dumber note, This proactiv stuff has BENZOiL PEROXIDE as an ingredient.. Little did I know this is like bleach! ... yes... bleach! ME and bleach do not get a long well... at all!
So, my blue face towels..... are now PINKISH! LMAO! yes ..... they are! and my Hand towels!!! 2 of them are PINKISH!!!!!!!!!!!! Atleast my face is better but now I need to start using my white towels... at least those will start getting whiter!

Have you tried Proactiv and what has it done for you?

that's my story tonight on Adult Acne! Just to tell you my towels have changed colors! HAHAH!

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