Monday, September 29, 2008

A Painting for me ...

It's Monday night at Midnight... and I am sooo sleepy! I think it's been such a long time since I've slept a good 8 hours .. without interruption! For some reason we have an extra blanket on the bed... cause last week was a bit chilly but this week it's 70 degrees! So, hubby and I are usually pretty ... sticky and it's just not good! So we both wake up in the middle of night soooo warm. I think tonight it's time for the windows to remain " OPEN!" and maybe get a few hours sleep.

So this big announcement over the weekend... HURRICANE KYLE is expected to pass thru Saint John and southern New Brunswick to get HIGH winds... well .. I don't know about you but if they announce a hurricane is coming it's time to get the yard ready for high winds and rain. Well ... I was really disspointed when I woke up this morning but to find ... nothing! No leaves were blown, no trees down, no real rain and it just was like nothing happened. I think the weather network needs to upgrade their weather balloon or something ... cause they were wrong! oh don't get me wrong .. i was happy nothing was damaged .. but i got all worked up for some great event! Oh well... I am happy everyone is safe and nothing did happen.

On a scrappy note...

I have finished my 3 kits for October .. for Creative Scrappers! WOOHOOOO!!! and really .. I am in LOVE with the Weight Loss Journal. That is my fav .. Deb did an amazing job at the layouts and of course the 7 gypsies album is nice and has a romantic feel to it .. but I love the Pink Paislee journal! To see more of my goodies visit my store!

Last week i got an AMAZING gift from my dear friend Stephie! She took some inspriation from my scrapbook room, and her scrap room , my love for flowers, my kitty Eddie and created this AWESOME painting!!! Is this amazing??!! I love it... I have it hangin in my scrap room ... it's Purrrr-fect!

Well, I can finally show you pictures of my layouts done for the Creative Scrappers Sep Layout kit! I used some fabulous and fun Dream Street papers.

This first one is called Adorable You. I used a picture from my scrappy friend Natalie's daughter. I love the cutie face on her and it's such a grown up pic! ( Merci Natalie! )

This second layout is of course my furry friend Eddie... posing like he is such an ALL STAR!
and ALL STAR kitty! Steve took this picture of him sitting outside enjoying the day. Doesn't he look like he's posing!!?? hahaha!! SPOILED!

Scrapbook Sussies has the Design Team members reveal on Oct 1st! I had fun playing with some Daisy Bucket and these new papers from a young company called Scrap Within Reach. I really enjoyed the texture of these papers and the distressed look! Take a peek... I will be able to show you my layouts when they are posted on the website! Stay tuned... I finished 3 layouts on the weekend and it was soooooo nice to scrapbook! I hadn't done layouts in a week or two and my creative juices were overflowing! Since i have this evening shift at work it's really cutting into my scrapbooking time.. i wish I could just bring my stuff to work!!! how fun would that be?!?! AHAH! i am sure the managers wouldn;t like it but i would... oh dear...

Anyhow,that's my post for today!
Hope all is well and talk soon


Friday, September 26, 2008

Scrapbook quotes !

I found these at and thought I would share them with you!

Scrapbooking fills my days - not to mention my living room, bedroom and closets!
~Author Unknown

Blessed are the children of scrapbookers, for they shall inherit the scrapbooks.
~Author Unknown

I scrapbook therefore I am - broke.
~Author Unknown

I could keep on scrappin'
or I could go to bed,
but then what would I do
with all these layouts in my head?
~Author Unknown, "My Addiction"

Just as pieces stitched together in a quilt warm our bodies,
scrapbooks bind together memories to warm our hearts.
~Author Unknown

My grandmother made me a scrapbook
because I was once too young to remember;
I am making scrapbooks for my family
because one day I may be too old to remember.
~Author Unknown

No scrap of paper bigger than my smallest punch shall be thrown away.
~Author Unknown, "The Scrappers Creed"

When life gives you scraps, make something with them.
~Author Unknown

Keep some souvenirs of your past, or how will you ever prove it wasn't all a dream?
~Ashleigh Brilliant

We gather up pictures and bits of our past
and scrapbook them into a gift that will last.
~Kimberly Rinehart, "Scrapbooker's Verse"

Scrapbooking isn't about scraps of paper and photos.
Scrapbooking is about scraps of life - yours and those special to you.
~Rebecca Sower

To crop or not to crop, that is the question.
~Author Unknown

She glances at the photo, and the pilot light of memory flickers in her eyes.
~Frank Deford

Scrapbooking is cheaper than a therapist.
~Author Unknown

My husband lets me have all the scrapbooking supplies I can hide.
~Author Unknown

A person is neither whole nor healthy without the memories of photo albums.
They are the storybook of our lives.
They provide a nostalgic escape from the tormented days of the present.
~Patrick Garry

The album we've made is much more than a book.
It's worth even more than the time that it took.
~Kimberly Rinehart, "Scrapbooker's Verse"

A true scrapbook addict is one who stages photographs to match paper she likes.
~Author Unknown

So many pictures, so little time!
~Author Unknown

[Mama] follows us around
hoping we'll sneeze
So she can have the tissue
"For my scrapbook please."
~Toni Sorenson Brown, "She's Out of Control"

have a great weekend!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Ok, I have Issues!

Alright, now when I first started blogging, it was fun to change colors and of course font colors ... but now I have issues! Serious Issues! I am in LOVE with DIGITAL ELEMENTS! From whom... EVERYONE that makes flowers and nice bright colors digi kits! I Can't stop drooling over them in online stores, in galleries. I have created a few banners in the past few weeks and well.... today ... I think I am in love .. ( today ) with Katie Hadfield...

I just saw this digi kit tonight and IMMEDIATELY had to get it! It's awesome!

I love the colors, the flowers, the whimsical feel ... .and of course a Banner was Created!

I think this is one of my favs! Really... well for this week anyway right !??!
So Yes, I have issues!!!!
Will I ever be a { Pure } Digi Scrapper? NO! Why you ask.... I have too much paper!!!! So I can't go to digi.. I need the dirty hands and smelly glue all over my shift sleeves!
... but for now ... I will enjoy Katie's Kit!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

I've been tagged!

HAHA!! this is funny! I tagged Tracey a few weeks ago and now she's tagged me!
Here I go!

10 years ago I:
1. I met the man of my dreams!
2. Was 65 pounds lighter
3. Was making 11$ an hour
4. Travelled in West Coast of Canada
5. Went dancing every weekend

5 things on today's "to do" list:
1. Scrapbook
2. Finalize Natalie's Class
3. Take a bath and try to loosen up my sore back
4. Talk to Stephie about our overflowing Scrapbook Order
5. Eat Ice Cream

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Chocolate, Peanut Butter M&Ms
2. Popcorn
3. Ice Cream
4. All Dressed Chips
5. Honey Mustard Pretzels

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Build a new house
2. Invest some for our future
3. Go to some Caribbean Island and Stay a Month or more!
4. Pay my nieces Education
5. Get Lyposuction

5 places I have lived:
1. Presque Isle, Maine
2. St Andrews, New Brunswick
3. Saint John, New Brunswick
4. Grand Falls, New Brunswick
5. Quispamsis, New Brunswick

Five jobs I have had:
1. Tourist Information Counsellor for Town of Grand Falls
2. McDonalds Front Cash / Drive thru
3. Algonquin Resort - Convention, Sales, Front Office
4. Restaurant at the University - Cook and Cash
5. Air Canada Call Centre

I tag...
1. Stephanie
2. Norah
3. Deb
4. Sherri
5. JJ

Rules: Each player answers the question themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment letting them know that they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person that tagged you know when you've answered the questions on your blog.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I Love Sundays!

Aren't Sundays nice?! Don't you just love relaxing lazy Sundays !? I do!!!
I went to bed pretty late last night ... busy playing around doing nothing and before I realized it... 2am was the time on the clock! I woke up today a bit later than I usually do on Sundays. Going to bed later than my regular schedule is really messing me up! I woke up at .... oh i don't think i can put that on my blog.... cause um.. it was late!

Steve and i went for a little drive today ... stopping at Micheals, the liquor store, the dollar store and the candy store! In that order!!! LOL... I was shocked when I went to Micheals today! I picked up another paper trimmer... number 4! I really love this paper trimmer although Making Memories has had a hard time with them .. not cutting straight or something - but I Love it! I had a 50% off coupon and had to use it on something worth it... Eddie usually sleeps on this paper trimmer in the winter time under my 100watt light bulbs!
and....... at Micheals ... I found Making Memories Passport collection!!!! Everything ... a bit pricey but with a 40% off coupon it would be really cheap! they had paper packs, individual papers ( 1.19 ) and stickers ... ya.. i had this collection hidden in my paper stash but i did get rubons!
and..... there is more! Did you know Micheals now carries BAZZILL Cardstock !?!?!?! ya.. that's what i said... WHAT"!!! i was gonna go bonkers and get a ton of it until I looked at the price.... 1.19$ a sheet!!! that's not even funny. Considering you can purchase cardstock at probably .24cents a sheet wholesale! Who does that ... why would they charge like a 100% markup!? Anyway I am waiting for their Cardstock sale ... buy 3 / 1.00$ ... maybe soon! But yes,, they had probably over 75 colors! I am guessing... maybe more!

So, um.. .thanks for the comments on my blog banner ladies! Yes, i love blog banners and i love changing them too!!! LOL .... they are so much fun to make ... and i get bored with the same colors on my blog... so yes.. i will keep changing them!

I just finished cleaning my scrap room ... and i have so much stuff .. STUFF!!!

Anyhow! ... that's all for now!
Time to clean up the bathroom, get supper, and watch Big Brother tonight! It's almost the end... who will win???! DAN ???? MEMPHIS!?!??!

have a good Sunday Night!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

It's Saaaaaturday Night and I'm Venting!

Yes, Finally .... it's Saturday Night!!!!
Do you know what that means ???! It's time to relax! It's been a long week here at the Davidson's and finally I can sit down and maybe watch a movie with hubby ... maybe! and also scrapbook till about 1am ! That would be nice. It's the night that hubby makes a huge feast of Nachos.... they are AMAZING! i will take a picture for you tonight ... he'll like that !! LOL!!! and ...

I got a box of goodies on Thursday! YOUPEEEEE!!! Time to start working on the Creative Scrappers October Kit and finish the weight loss journal kit as well... the weight loss one, ADORABLE! Not only because I made it ( heee!!!! ) but it's sooo cute and fits in your purse too! I have tons of pages included in this little album and can't wait to have it completed tonight.
Don't you love getting fresh new scrap supplies ?? I " love " it! I really do. It's like Christmas morning when I open a box full of scrap goodies ... the ideas and inspiration from new products just oozes out of me! hahha!!! So .. i better have a few hours to scrap tonight and I hope it pours rain on Sunday so i can justify being lazy !

Ok, a little bit about some dos and donts when calling an airline reservation agent ...
mm... yes. after a long week .. i need to vent!

Number 1 --- if you've had a long wait on hold ... chances are we are busy ... we know how long you have been on hold so you don't need to tell us!

Number 2 --- if you see a cheap ticket price on the web ... BOOK IT! It probably won't be there tomorrow!

Number 3 --- If you call and immediately start complaining, we are probably not gonna bend over to help you ...

Number 4 ... If you call us for a last minute " deal " it's probably not gonna happen, book in advance during a seat sale ... to find out about seat sales .. .sign up for the airline's newsletter and be the first to know!

Number 5 --- Read the Rules of your ticket! Don't choose to save 3$ for something such as " No Changes, No Cancellations! " it's not a savings if you get stuck in traffic and miss your flight!

Number 6 --- yes, we always have seat sales! If we don't have a cheap ticket on the date you wanna travel ask for the first available date at the lowest price! .... Flights are often on sale for late night travel or early morning travel ... and weekdays!

Number 7 --- Not all seats are sold at the same price. When inventory on the aircraft is limited... the price of the ticket increases! Example, even if you paid 99.00$ for your ticket ... the person sitting behind you might have paid 1700.00$.

Number 8 - Start booking travel for Christmas now! Prices will probably increase if the price of fuel increases!

Number 9 --- Get Seat Selection on busy routes and busy times of year... you will be less likely to get bumped! Remember that most airlines will offer you a " voucher " of some kind if you do accept to be bumped... TAKE IT! you could get a free ticket just by taking a flight 1 hour / 2 hours later!

Number 10 --- Enrol in a frequent flyer program and accumulate points with the airline you travel with the most ... you can get a free flight or free products with your points!

Shop Around! / .com is a great place to start shopping for fares!

For the Canadian Travellers... as much as i don't want to send you to other carriers .... travelling 1 hour or 2 hours to travel from the USA could save you hundreds of dollars... saves you paying GST / HST / and also Customs/ Immigration Taxes.

that's my venting for today!

Time to go make believe I want to help honey prepare some Nachos!!! He's cutting up onions... YUCK!
talk soon!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Survived my Late Shift!

Well, I survived my 530pm shift and even finished without leaving early! Leaving work at 2am was a bit scarry since I hate driving at night. I seem to see things that aren't really there... no ghost or anything LOL but shadows.. ya! I see shadows!! LOL!

Well the town came and put in a few " Rocks " in our front yard. I don't think it looks good at all. It just seems like some low budget fix up. It would have been nice of the town to actually put in topsoil and even seed it for grass next sprint you know... but they didn't! I think Steve will be seeing the town Mayor to discuss a few things and I am pretty sure our other neighbors aren't happy with the fix up either...

So Ms Natalie Roy will be teaching a technique class at Creative-Scrappers starting Sep 20th! If you've seen her work and are wondering " how did she do that ? " Natalie will teach you how! I have seen the first lesson and already I am amazed! No Supplies need to be purchased ... you use your own and only a small fee per person is asked for 2 prizes and natalie's time.
you can register today ... and also get more info in our forum!

I have no scrappy news to share with you today .... other than it's Fall and it's Scrap time!

talk soon

Friday, September 05, 2008

It's Friday & A few Banners

Finally the weekend, although it feels like i've been on a permanent weekend for 2 weeks! I could so do this vacation thing every month! Imagine... I could work 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off!!! Wouldn't that be nice.

I am relaxing today, hopefully going to play with my scrap supplies this weekend. I got some new American Crafts goodies and also Pink Paislee is calling my name. I wish I had some mojo during the day ... but it seems to creep up on my at about 10pm ish!

Steve isn't feeling well today, he is on antibiotics for an infection and it's making him a little weezy. I hope he is feeling better soon. Poor man, he's on vacation this week and he's had nothing but phone calls from work, and stress ... hopefully the weekend will be better. he's actually in bed right now at 530pm !

Well I start my new 530pm shift on Monday. Ask me if i am happy? ... NOPE! But .. a positive way to look at it, - i have all day to play, clean house, watch Oprah, go to work where no managers are there, hopefully a bit quieter than day time ... and that's about all the positive about it! It's for 2 months ... so we shall see after the first 2 days how i feel about it! haha!!!
oh well...

nothing new to showcase today in the scrap world.. only a few fun blog banners! I am soooo having fun creating these.. take a peek at a few new ones!

the first one is for me, i got these awesome digtal elements at I love that store... they have awesome digital kits and i am hooked on them !

this second one is for my friend Stephanie ... the cat on the left of this banner is a picture she painted... isn't it AMAZING! I love it... she is actually doing a little painting of Eddie ( my cat ) right now and I can't wait to see it! take a peek at her " new " blog ... I am sure it will be a colorful and cheery read for you!

this last one I just finished last night, it's for Canadian Scrappers Carnival .. was done for Jacqueline's blog ...

i hope you have a great weekend
and talk soon!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Another Day... another Mini Album!

It's almost Wednesday... which means PAYDAY! WOOHOOO!!!! ... you wouldn't believe how bad we need groceries!!! I hate buying groceries now cause it seems that I always buy the same thing ... over and over again... rice, fish, peas, hamburg, lettuce, tomatoes... blah. i am bored! So, I am letting Steve my DH buy the groceries this week. I think if it was just me .. i would buy Ice Cream, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Juice, Bagels, and ... um.. I could probably live on that for a week or so! LOL! .. oh seriously... I think I am eating enough sugar the past few months to make up for the sugar i didn't have when i was growing up!

Mom and Dad always "protected" our eating habits making sure we had all our fruits and veggies, milk ... good cereals and well... now... i think it's time for be to be a Sugar Eating Adult! Maybe I have issues... wait a minute.. I know I have issues .. but how do i stop from eating this sugar all the time! I know.. don't buy it as my father would say.. but ... I CAN"T help it! I really want that taste... are there any veggies out there that have a ..." sweet " taste other than sweet potatoes!???

So yes, I am still on vacation.... only a few days left then back to reality... Steve was suppose to be off with me but do to an emergency with a coworker he was called in to work sat and tues... so hopefully he can get some time off this week with NO PHONE CALLS from the office.... HINT!!! HINT!!!

This is the layout I completed for Creative-Scrappers DT Reveal this past Sunday! I love the Daisy Bucket papers I used here.. so fun and great colors too! The pictures of miss Marissa were PERFECT for this sketch ... and of course the colors !

I finished 3 mini albums ... I really love them! They are sooo cute...

here are the cover pages so you can take a peek!

Dreams are Renewable was done with Daisy Bucket papers and measures 4x4 .. a cute little album about the earth today...

This is another mini album .. measuring about 6x3" and done with October Afternoon papers... soooo yummy! Love the tags, the journal tags... it's a sweet little thing! I did have 1 kit available for this album, but it sold !!

This is another mini album.. measuring 6x6 .. again done with Daisy Bucket papers.. Can you tell I love Daisy Bucket for my mini albums!

That's all i have to share today!
Talk soon!

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