
Saturday, December 29, 2007

Saturday ... Saturday!

I love Saturday nights! Probably cause I know I can scrap and enjoy a quiet night at home.. and sleep in on Sunday morning!

Well a lovely snow storm here today... messy in the morning then rain in the afternoon. It really made the roads nasty for driving. Slippery in some spots too. My parents .. god love them .. drove home today ... usually 3 hours north.. yup.. took them 5 hours !!!! Yuck.. I can imagine how frustrated my dad was. Alteast they got home safely and probably went for a good nap after getting home!

My mom cooked a wonderful turkey last night and today I boiled the left over bones to get some chicken broth and made a TURKEY STEW! you would be so proud mom.. Steve Loved it! WOOHOOO 1 point for me!
I think that's the first time I cook him a Turkey Stew! and it was soooo easy !
Tomorrow we have Turkey Dinner number 3 at the inlaws. I can never get tired of mashed potatoes and stuffing !!!

SO... YUP... today my wonderful husband contacted FUTURE SHOP and spoke to the manager... and guess what ?!?!?! WE GOT OUR CAMERA! Not the one we were going to buy .. but we got an upgrade to a CANON REBEL XTI 10megapixels... the one that i dreamed of for the same price of 399$ WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That's a savings of about 500 bucks.. or so! Imagine .... so some good things do happend. It was pretty bad in the beginning of December but it turned out to be pretty good. Now If i could just win a new car ..... and visit my nieces I would be in heaven!

I am trying to organize a full day of photos with Kathy Thompson Laffoley.... learning a few tips and tricks - even learning a bit of photoshop elements.... We have to finalize a few details but this should be a great day! I have about 7-8 names right now and would love to get a few more.. you don't have to confirm .. simply let me know if you are interested in learning Photography for Scrapbookers!
you can email me directly ... no date or time has been set, this is to show interest only if you are in the Southern New Brunswick area.
you can visit Kathy's blog and amazing pics by clicking here!

talk to you soon! I am off to scrapbook!!!