
Friday, December 28, 2007

thoughts for today...

It's Friday Night, after another crazy day of shopping, I am sitting at my computer in my new " PINK FLEECE " jammies!!!

Yesterday my parents arrived for a short visit with me and of course to hand out gifts. They've always been generous this time of year.
I got some awesome pink jammies, sweet smelling Bath and Body works lotions, a fleece blanket, gift cards ... and more... It was a good night and a great day shopping with my mom. Dad went to see a movie, and we had a good spagetti dinner.

Today, we of course went shopping again.... but not so pleasant! Did I Forget to tell you Steve and I were at Future Shop at 4am ? Yes, Dec 27th ... 4am outside waiting for the doors to open at Future Shop... We stood in line for about 2hours, I really wanted that camera. So when we got in, they told me ..... sorry we don't have them here yet... BLAH! What ???? me freezing my butt off and you don't have these cameras in yet? They are supposedly on some delivery truck in transit !!!! ya... exactly what i said WTH! ... so I have been going back to see what the deal is and NOONE can give me a straight answer. I feel like I am being given the run around... they keep telling me ... no not here yet but we will call you when it arrives. Well it was on sale yesterday ... intransit for delivery and noone has tracking info? mmmm.. I just want the dam camera!!! well today, I still don't have my CAMERA!!!!!!!!! And I am getting impatient with this whole FUTURE SHOP thing! I wouldn't fuss If I didn't stand in line for 2 hours, but I DID!!!! It's on a delivery truck... again today.. and some invoice stated 19 arrived, but none came off the truck!! Does that make sense? Anyway, I hope this situation is resolved soon... un needed stress!!

I got a hair cut today... yes after a few months I decided it was time!!! I usually get a haircut every 6 weeks, but since my hair dresser has retired, it's been hard! Today, I went... and I don't like it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's a lot shorter than what i anticipated.... and cut straight. If anyone with blonde hair or dirty blonde hair knows, when you get a hair cut it cannot be cut with straight scissors.. alteast mine can't. So It looks like a 4 year old attacked the sides of my head! LOL.... oh well.... nothing LOTS of hairspray can't hide, and hopefully they grow fast!!

Mom cooked a delicious turkey dinner for us today. Steve was working so it was a meal specially made for me. YUM YUM! I love my mom's cooking. I didn't have the lemon square for desert but it was still a fantastic meal. Tons of left overs and another Turkey Dinner on Sunday! I think I will be turkey'd out by the new year!

All is well,