
Friday, May 02, 2008

Oh Deer!

Hello my fellow blog readers!

Well... let's see how my day started today...

It's 720 am.. the alarm goes off for Steve to get ready for work. ( he works at 1030am...??? what's up with that.. anyway... after pressing the snooze button the car alarm goes off... not sure who's it was but it stopped.. I think it was the neighbors - but not sure .. at the same time the car is beeping our phone rings.... Steve answers .. but no answer... Hung up the phone.. so we 're up... a little early i might add!
Steve goes to the kitchen to start ironing his dress shirt ( i don't iron! ) and i look outside and 4 deer are standing in our garden chewing on our new growth !!!! BLAH!!!!! they are nice to look at... so of course .. me I grab the camera .. steve grabs Eddie not to go outside , since i have the patio door open.. and Click! Picture for me! LOL....

One of the deer had a really sore leg. It was limping pretty bad and couldn't run. It probably got hurt running away or something earlier in the week. So sad sometimes... I feel helpless wanting to give them food or something...
So My father emails me ... .tells me we should charge admission for our Backyard ZOO! oh my...

This is a picture i took of Eddie the other night on my scrapbook table. How cute is he??? I love it when he sleeps next to me. I know it's not good to be on the table... yada yada yada... but he's so warm and fuzzy!
Well, it's National Scrapbooking Day Tomorrow.... WOOT WOOT! I have a few things planned as long as Steve watches the Hockey Game Tomorrow night! Oh...My Sat nights scrappin are coming to an end real soon so I better enjoy the last of them till next September!

I have a class project lined up! YOUPEEEE! It's been quite a few months since I last hosted a class.. I have purchased the new Pink Paislee papers - Spring Fling Collection --->> look how yummy those are!

I am working on the project right now and will post a sneak peek for you soon!
Have a great Scrappy Weekend!