
Friday, March 28, 2008

Toronto Day 4

getting ready to check out of the hotel and go to the Open Page WHolesalers Warehouse .... tons of distrubutors and maybe a bit more scrap shopping! Can that really be done ??!!
I slept good last night, but my blisters are really nasty on the back of my heals... i really need some ALOE VERA or something .... they aren't pretty!

I thought they were announcing some snow here in Toronto.. but nothing so that's really good! Is spring around the corner? I hope so...

Last night's banquet was really great ... nice to see everyone wearing pink!
A really emotional night for me ... since my Grand Mother died of Cancer in 2001.
the I WISH ... Guilty stage was really hitting me hard last night.
But Melissa is a WONDERFUL speaker and what an INSPIRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!