
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tired Today!

I first woke up 730am ... it had snowed last night and was starting to rain... so i had to clear the driveway somewhat so I could get out and before it got so heavy and freeze. Hubby is still not able to shovel heavy stuff - so I am in charge LOL! I haven't shoveled in years! I mean... YEARS!
So Steve came outside with me and started the snowblower... it worked for about 30 seconds and wouldn't start up again.... what the heck!
So I shoveled with a scoops for about 45 minutes and then ... i was done!
i sat on the couch, and my head was spinning. I guess I am not use to physical activity... mmm.. My head felt like i had an aquarium in it! So i took 2 migraine advils and went back to bed... and woke up at 1230pm! What's up with that....

I relaxed for most of the day and fell asleep again on the couch from 630-8pm .... can you say zzzzzz..... wow..
I think I might still be sick with something. My mouth doesn't feel 100% .... might have to go back to Dr...

Anyhow, now I am awake at 1121pm and debating on scrapbooking or going to bed. I get creative at 11pm!
We just had our 1 hour sketch challenge at Paws and I created this layout of my sister using Rose Moka Papers.. YUMMMMY!!!!

i got this email from my sister today, it was my nieces birthday ... Megan turned 1 ... time flies!

here she is with her birthday cake

and I also got this picture from my sister!!!!
A picture of her front yard ....
That is Winter my friends!

I so love living in Southern New Brunswick!
Have a good night !