
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Negative and Positive!

Tuesday Afternoon,
I feel aweful today. My head is spinning and I feel like I am about to fall of the face of the earth! A headache happening, and I have ZITS like I am 13 years old!!!!! What's up with that!?

I don't even know where to start with today's blog... So I might as well just jump right in! I will try to make this positive ... with a few negatives hidden in here and there LOL!!!

We had our snowblower serviced last week because the wheels weren't turning to grab the snow, so the guys came to pick it up - changed a belt, oil change etc... and said there you go it's fixed! Thank you very much after 264.00$. So last night Steve tested it .... and STILL NOT working! Still not turning ... and still not moving any snow! So... we called the guys to come get it again, and hopefully this won't cost us a fortune to get fixed. This snowblower is older than I am... ! Yes, it's an older one maybe 20 years old actually. But it's a great little snowblower... built to last and putting a few dollars in it is really no big issue.... but 264$ and it's not working.. mmmmmm.....

one a positive... the tires my dad sold to us... for 100 bucks that did not fit our car.. yes did they did not fit... next time... Daddy sweetheart - we will check the size to make sure it fits!!! We sold the 4 tires. We got 280$ for them... so that pays for the snowblower repairs.. a good thing.

Steve's dad got a call this morning while having his breakfast that surgery will be today... yes .... today! He's having an aneurysm removed from his abdomen. HOpefully things go well...

The car that we got fixed last week for 1500$ plus.. ya.. it needs something else!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.... I am assuming shocks... or struts... cause the noise coming from the trunk sounds like a big tool box in there!! that will be fixed a bit later... so in the mean time hopefully nobody needs a ride! LOL!!

I haven't mailed CHristmas Cards this year, so if you are on my nice list and you don't get one, please don't be mad! Our Tree is not up either. We do have a fig tree that has white lights and looks nice. OUr outside lights are on and they look good as well. I guess "I" just don't have that Christmas Glow this year. A bit in the dumps actually. HOpefully next year is a bit better for us... it's been a rough 2007.

Now for my acne! I thaught I was over that .... I even took medication for this when I was younger... and now I look like i am in my teen years again! HELP ME!!!!!

We have our men's night at Paws tonight.... I night out should help my mood a bit you think?!!

alright, enough of this crap! I am off to take some Migraine Advil and hope this headache goes away!!
thanks for listening!!!