
Saturday, December 08, 2007

Do Money Trees Exist?

Well it's Saturday Night... time to unwind from a crazy week of ups and downs. A great night to scrapbook and watch the hockey game!
Steve and I just had a great dinner of chinese food with some amazing Chicken balls -- mmm My favorite! Don't you just love great take out food? No cooking or cleaning the kitchen, no thinking about what ingredients to prepare... ? who am i kidding !?!?! I cook about once a week LOL~!! Steve actually does most of the cooking and well since it was my night to get supper ready ... it's TAKE OUT !! HA!!!Although he did enjoy it, and he suggested it.. so I am off the hook on this Sat night!

Well, we brought the car in for an estimate... actually 2 estimates.
The First one was on Thursday afternoon ... estimated cost to get fixed is 2100.00$ LOL.... and the second one was on Friday morning which ended up with a cost of 1440.00$ So Monday morning we bring our car in for 2 days of tender loving care to get fixed.
We have a list that needs to be done, and probably a bit more after the new year but for now, it's new brakes, new rotors and maybe a caliper replaced. Linkage in the front .. right and left, 2 holes in our floor that need to be fixed... right under the drivers side .. the size of about 3" x 3"
... um... new ball join and berrings i think on passenger side, and something else... can't think of it.. this doesnt even include new fuel filter, and diagnostic test for maybe another sensor.. this car has 289000 km and a FORD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUCKS UP ALL OUR SAVINGS! Maybe someday we can get something a little newer, but in the meantime it looks like we just keep fixing it.

This morning, the guys fixing our snowblower ( which we need ! ) gave us an estimate of 225-250$ to get repaired. It needs new belt, and something for the mechanism to turn.. with a tune up and oil change.

ALso, the new blizzak tires we got from my father don't fit our car! ToO BIG!
BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Happy Holidays!
It's a Homemade Christmas for us this year!

Keep it positive right? Am I suppose to be in a good mood after spending close to 2000$ on machinery!? When does it get better? When does Money Start falling out of trees? HOw does one save money when it keeps falling out of our pockets?
Anyhow, I'll just sit here an wait!